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This study is carried out to investigate the effect of internet use on performance of academic staff of Babcock University and Obafemi Awolowo University. The objectives of the study are to determine the role of internet in promoting teaching in learning environment, to investigate the frequency of faculty in the utilization of ICT in carrying out research, to identify the factors that impede the usage of internet on performance of academic staff of both universities, to access the role of university administration in promoting ICT in universities. Lastly, to compare internet usage by academics of Babcock University and Obafemi Awolowo University.


Descriptive statistics were employed for the study with the use of both qualitative and quantitative data. The study covers the period of 2008 and 2015. The sample size was 349 and the instruments for collecting data were structured questionnaire, structured interview and review of existing literatures. Stratified sampling technique was used to divide the population into sub-groups while the respondents were selected in proportion of Graduate Assistant, Assistant Lecturer, Lecturer II, Lecturer I, Senior Lecturer, Reader, and Professor. 10 respondents were interviewed. Pearson product moment of correlation was used to test the hypothesis.


The findings revealed that internet eases download of related information for teaching and learning, it also help in accessing data bases that are not found in the library, it eases sending and receiving of mails and also eases exchange of study materials between researchers. It was also revealed that majority of the academics make use of internet daily. Internet is mainly used for academic purposes. The study also shows that university administration organizes free training for academics; there is provision of internet access point in offices. Academics encountered problems such as power outage, slow access speed, overload of information while using the internet. Academics in Babcock University make use of internet more than their counterpart in Obafemi Awolowo University.  Hypothesis tested showed that there is a positive relationship between internet use and academic performance (r = .812, p< 0.05).


The study concluded that internet use is very important for the academics due to the benefits derived from it. The study recommends that facilities such as generating set and solar system should be acquired and put in place to ensure smooth using of the internet by the academics. Constant maintenance of the equipment, both internet and electricity supply should be put in place in order to serve it purposes. University administration should release funds from time to time in order to maintain the equipment properly. The university administration should organize regular workshop/ seminar on internet use and the lecturers encourage to attend in order to update their knowledge on the use of internet facilities for their academic responsibilities.


Keywords: Internet use, Academic performance, Academic staff, Information and

Communication Technology, Internet facilities.


Word Count: 447





Content                                                                                                                        Page

Title Page                                                                                                                          i

Certification                                                                                                                      ii

Dedication                                                                                                                       iii

Acknowledgements                                                                                                          iv

Abstract                                                                                                                            v Table of Contents                                                                                                                  vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                   vii

List of Figures                                                                                                                 viii


1:1 Background to the Study                                                                                            3

1:2 Statement of the Problem                                                                                            5

1:3 Objective of the Study                                                                                                6

1:4 Research Question                                                                                                       6

1:5 Justification for the Study                                                                                           7

1:6 Hypotheses                                                                                                                  7

1:7 Scope of the Study                                                                                                      7

1:8 Operational Definition of Terms                                                                                  8


2:0 Introduction                                                                                                                 9

2:1 Conceptual Clarification of internet                                                                            9

2:2 History of internet in Nigeria                                                                                     10

2:3 History of Internet in Babcock University and Obafemi Awolowo University       13

2:4 Potential Benefits of the Use of Internet                                                                  14

2:5 Use of internet Facility/ Services and factors that hinders its

usage in Babcock University and Obafemi Awolowo University                                  16

2: 6 Internet Use and Academic Performance                                                                 17

2:7 Theoretical Framework                                                                                              19

2:8 Internet Usage overview                                                                                            15

2: 9 Gaps in Literature                                                                                                     23



Content                                                                                                                         page


3:0 Introduction                                                                                                              25

3:1 Research Design                                                                                                       25

3:2 Population                                                                                                                 25

3:3 Sample size and sampling Technique                                                                        26

3:4 Method of Data Collection                                                                                       27

3:5 Sources of Data                                                                                                        27

3:6 Administration of Instrument                                                                                   28

3:7 Validity and Reliability of Instrument                                                                     28

3:8 Method of Data Analysis                                                                                         28

3:9 Ethical Consideration                                                                                               29



4:0 Introduction                                                                                                              30

4:1 Presentation of Findings                                                                                           30

4:2 Discussion of Findings                                                                                              49

4:3 Testing of Hypothesis                                                                                                52



5:0 Introduction                                                                                                               50

5:1 Summary                                                                                                                    50

5:2 Conclusion                                                                                                                 51

5:3 Recommendations                                                                                                     51

5:4 Contribution to Knowledge                                                                                       52

5:5 Limitation of the Study                                                                                             52

5:6 Suggestion for Further Studies                                                                                  52

Bibliography                                                                                                                    52 Appendices                                                                                                                                    63







Table                                                                                                                             page

3.1 Institutions and sample size                                                                                      18

4.1: Respondents’ Distribution by Institution                                                                             21

4.2: Respondents’ Distribution by Faculty                                                                      22

4.3: Respondents’ Distribution by Department                                                               23

4.4: Respondents’ Distribution by Gender                                                                      24

4.5: Respondents’ Distribution by Age                                                                            25

4.6: Respondents’ Distribution by Academic Rank                                                        26

4.7: Respondents’ Distribution by Teaching Experience                                                 27

4.8.1: Purpose for the use of internet                                                                               28

4.8.2: Benefit(s) derive while using the internet                                                              29

4.8.3: Influence of internet on academics                                                                        30

  1. 9.1: How often academics use internet services 31

4.9.2: Frequency of internet use per week                                                                       32

4.9. 3: Most used internet services/facilities                                                                    33

4 .10: Factors that hinders the usage of internet                                                              34

4.11.1: Roles university administration play in promoting ICT in institution                35

4:11.2: How often do you go for training                                                                       36

4.11.3: internet access in your office                                                                               37

4.12.1: Article(s) published prior to internet usage                                                          38

4.12.2: Conference(s) attended prior to internet usage                                                   41

4.12.3: Lesson notes prepared prior to internet usage                                         42

4.13. 1: Articles published with internet                                                                          43

  1. 13.2: Conferences attended with internet usage 44

4.13.3: Lesson notes prepared with Internet usage                                                         45









4.1: Respondents’ Distribution by Institution

4.2: Respondents’ Distribution by Faculty

4.3: Respondents’ Distribution by Department

4.4: Respondents’ Distribution by Gender

4.5: Respondents’ Distribution by Age

4.6: Respondents’ Distribution by Academic Rank

4.7: Respondents’ Distribution by Teaching Experience

4.8.1: Purpose for the use of internet

4.8.2: Benefit(s) derive while using the internet

4.8.3: Influence of internet on academics

  1. 9.1: How often academics use internet services

4.9.2: Frequency of internet use per week

4.9. 3: Most used internet services/facilities

4 .10: Factors that hinders the usage of internet

4.11.1: Roles university administration play in promoting ICT in institution

4:11.2: How often do you go for training

4.11.3: internet access in your office

4.12.1: Article(s) published prior to internet usage

4.12.2: Conference(s) attended prior to internet usage

4.12.3: Lesson notes prepared prior to internet usage

4.13. 1: Articles published with internet

  1. 13.2: Conferences attended with internet usage

4.13.3: Lesson notes prepared with the use of internet










1:1 Background to the Study 

Development in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has made tremendous impact in the 21st Century and as such, travel around the globe just in a matter of seconds making communication easy and affordable. This is achievable through ICT hardwares like computers, scanners and digital cameras as well as software like standard office and specialist applications. These ICT resources in the teaching and learning environment has been found to be very central to access, spreading and dissemination of information on education and thus widely used by academic staff and students of tertiary institutions all over the world (Bede & Joy, 2014)

According to Joginder and Satya (2013), internet is a worldwide system of computer networks, a network of networks in which users at any computer can, if they have permission get information from any other computer (and sometimes talk directly to user at other computers). It is a network of millions of computers linked together through telephone lines and satellites all over the world. Internet began in 1969 as Advanced Research Project Agency Network (ARPANet) by the US Department of Defense to share military intelligence and research with university resources (Adomi, 2005). Later it was discovered that ARPANet was inadequate in the WANs (Wide Area Networks). This led to another research in 1973 to develop a suite of protocol for use. The outcome of that research effort gave birth to what is known as Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).

The internet use and accessibility got to Nigeria in 1991 when the e-mail services of the internet was introduced through dial- up to few users. Access to internet then was through Cyber Cafés connected to Internet Service Provider (ISPs) (Oluwaseyitanfunmi; Oluwasesin & Ebenezer, 2009). In 1995, the Regional Information Network for Africa (RINAF) commenced internet services at the computer science department of Yaba College of Technology, and through the Nigeria Postal Service (NIPOST), in a collaborative effort with Rose Clayton Nigeria Limited (Adomi, 2005). The World Wide Web (WWW) became available in 1996 and its full access became obvious in 1998.

Before 1991, scholars were making use of library materials. Research at that time was difficult for the academic staff (Alfred, 2008; Young 1990).  Researchers were faced with obstacles such as inadequate access to materials, insufficient time to search for materials etc. since the advent of internet in Nigeria, it has played vital role in teaching and learning environment as well as widen educational opportunities becoming the most powerful vehicle for accessing information (Kaur, 2006). This has therefore become a tool for interactive learning between the teacher and the student as well as conducting various forms of research which had aided performance in output of these academics (Kamba, 2007).

All along, the slogan “publish or perish” is popular and a reality among the academics. This idea has encouraged the academics to engage in serious research and search for scientific, correct and up-to-date information through the internet or visit the library that is capable of providing access to various data resources and online journals for their various users (Ogunrewo & Odusina, 2010). On this note, scholars have been exposed to the use of Internet right from their secondary school to tertiary institutions. Some of the knowledge acquired during the period has been helpful for academic activities. Among available search-engines for the purpose of academic work are Yahoo, Google, Opera mini, Alta vista, Netscape among others.

In this era of Internet usage, nearly all the universities are making use of internet to facilitate teaching, research and get connected with other activities in other universities and the outside world (Ogunrewo & Odusina, 2010). This research is a comparative study of Babcock University and Obafemi Awolowo University. These two institutions are not left out in acknowledging the importance of ICT, therefore, this research will investigate the extent ICT has aided academic development between 2008 to 2015.

1:2 Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of Internet use on performance of academic staff of Babcock University and Obafemi Awolowo University. The specific objectives are to:

  1. determine the role of Internet in promoting teaching and learning in Babcock University and Obafemi Awolowo University;
  2. investigate the frequency of faculty in the utilisation of ICT in carrying out research in the two universities;
  3. assess the role of the university administration in promoting ICT usage in these universities;
  4. compare the usage of Internet by academic staff of Babcock University and Obafemi Awolowo University;


  1. identify the factors that impede the usage of Internet by academic staff of the universities under investigation.

1:4 Research Question

  1. What are the roles of ICT in promoting teaching and learning in Babcock University and Obafemi Awolowo University?
  2. How frequent do the faculty members of Babcock University and Obafemi Awolowo University make use of ICT in carrying out their research?
  3. How do university administration promote ICT in universities?
  4. What is the level at which Internet is being used by the academic staff of Babcock University and Obafemi Awolowo University?
  5. What are the factors that impede the usage of Internet by academic staff of the universities under investigation?

1:5 Justification for the Study

Effects of Internet on performance of academic staff members was identified and also the factors that hinders the usage of Internet in an academic environment was also identified.

Academic staff in various disciplines, educational planners and administrators, students/ scholars and researchers will benefit from it. If there is concrete and reliable information on its use and problem of providing its services in the education sector, all the stakeholders would know what to do to maximize the benefits of the internet technology. This study also add to the existing literature on Internet use.

1:6 Hypothesis

The hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance.

H1:  There is relationship between internet use and academic performance

1:7 Scope of the Study

In this study, Internet use and academic staff performance in Babcock University and Obafemi Awolowo University, the focus is on the use of Internet in academic activities such as research networking, book/journals, teaching/ learning, seminars/conferences. The study will cover the period of 2008 to 2015. Babcock University and Obafemi Awolowo University are selected for this study because they are the first private and public Universities to get connected to the Internet.

1: 8 Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms have been operationally used for quick understanding of the study. They are:

Internet: This is a computing device, a computer system that allows people to exchange ideas on information.

Use: The act of using.

Academic staff: The group of people in an academic environment that impart knowledge to the students.

Performance: This is a measure of the results achieved.

TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol. A combined set of protocols that perform the transfer of data between computers.

WWW: World Wide Web. An internet hypertext system for information distribution and retrieval. It links documents, File Transfer Protocol sites (FTP), gophers and talent and integrate files into text, graphics, sound and other formats.


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