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This study was carried out to highlight the existence of conflicts in the rank and file of every organization today. It opened with an introduction which embraced the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study, research questions and scope of the study, the identification of the nature causes, effects of conflicts and their possible management techniques were facilitated by literature review. The research design and description of data and hypothesis testing were embodied in the project summary, conclusion and recommendation were also endeavoured. In all, this study urges the managers concerned to create awareness of the existence of conflicts in their respective organization rather than pretending that it do not exist. This is because creation of awareness enables the managers to identify the challenges and how to resolve conflicts when they occur, such that dysfunctional conflicts can be minimizes and functional conflicts harnessed.










Approval page……………………………………………..…..ii


Acknowledgement …………………………………..………..iv


Table contents…………………………………….……………vi

CHAPTER ONE………………………………………………..1


1.0  Background of the study……………………………….1

1.1  Statement of the problem………………………………6

1.2  Purpose of the study……………………………………..7

1.3  Research questions………………………………………7

1.4 Statement of hypothesis…………………………………8

1.5 Theoretical Framework…………………………………..9

1.6. Significance of the study………………………………11

1.7  Scope of the study………………………………………11

1.8. Limitation of the study………………………………….12

1.9  Definition of terms……………………………………….13

CHAPTER TWO……………………………………………..  ….14

2.0  Literature review………………………………………….14

2.1  View towards inter-group conflict……………………..19

2.2  Causes of conflicts………………………………………..20

2.3. Effects of conflict…………………………………………..26

2.4. Management of conflicts………………………………….33

2.5. Summary of literature review…………………………….41

CHAPTER THREE………………………………………………43

3.0. Research design and methodology………………………43

3.1. Design of the study…………………………………………43

3.2. Area of the study…………………………………………….43

3.3. Population of the study…………………………………….44

3.4. Sample/Sampling Techniques…………………………..44

3.5. Instrument for data collection……………………………45

3.6. Reliability and validity of the instrument………………47

3.7. Distribution and retrieval of the instrument…………48

3.8. Method of data analysis……………………………………48

CHAPTER FOUR………………………………………………….49

4.1. Data presentation and analysis…………………………49

4.2. Analysis of the research questions…………………….54

4.3. Testing of hypothesis……………………………………….66

4.4. Interpretation of results……………………………………67

CHAPTER FIVE…………………………………………………69

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations…………..69

5.1. Summary of findings………………………………………69

5.2. Conclusion……………………………………………………70

5.3. Recommendations…………………………………………..71








An organization can be defined as a social and economic entity in which different individuals form a variety of functions in order to achieve a common goal. Conflict on the other hand, means disagreements, misunderstanding between two or more people. An organizational conflict therefore means the misunderstanding, opposition and disagreement among or between two or more people in a work place (organisation). The nature of conflicts and its inevitability in organisation has made it apparent that the impact must be felt either favourable (functional) or adversely (dysfunctional). Because of the consequences, awareness must be created effectively for management of organizational conflict. The concept conflict is as natural as the existence of the organization itself. The word conflictis derived from the latin term “conflictus” which means a “striking together”.

The latin word provides the true image of what makes the study of conflict so intriguing for many political theorist. Conflict encompasses disagreement struggle, resentment, quarrel or opposition between groups, class of interests and goals. The above mentioned situations are manifested in the rank and file of every organization today. Competition or simple dislikes among individuals in the same organisation or outside it. Conflict in any organisation can lead to strikes. There are some conventional ways of strike action by workers directly involved in the dispirit or conflict. The relevant data for these measurements for Nigeria indicate that between April and December, 1975, there were 2003 strikes involving 95,823 workers and about 349,18 days were lost due to strikes (Fashoyin 1980).

Conflicts in organisations may occur between or among authority relationship, social system and even sub-organisations in their quest to attain incompatible goals in the face of limited resources. Disagree with one another and do nothing aboutthis disagreement with reference to each other. In effect, conflict behavior is a trait inherent in human beings and even animals. Aggressive or conflict behavior is meted out as a conducive to survival under certain unfavourable conditions. Some animals are known to exhibit traits of aggression or conflict as soon as strange or similar thing that will deplete their resources or threaten their territorial instinct or living space. According to Dowse, when territorial instinct is challenged, the normal state is one of peace and orderliness. Some scholars share the view that rather than being any instinctive trait, aggression is a learned behavior, on this note, it is believed that human beings acquire the trait of aggression as at and when deemed fit and necessary.

Furthermore, a group of scholars popularly tagged the aggression theorist, maintained that interference with goal-directed behavior creates frustration which in turn leads to conflict and aggressive responses that are directed against reported frustrating agents. According to Dowse and Hughes the frustration or aggression theory says that people or human being have goals of the same sort that much of their behavior is not presented in some extents, the groups or individuals are likely to behave quite peaceable. But since nature is replete with scarcity and deprivations, the above purposive aims cannot be achieved hence the possibility of aggressive or conflict behavior is inherent in human beings and organisation. What the world should be concerned with is the proper management of conflict not its elimination. We have to seek to retain conflict which has functional and control. It is so as to avoid perversion which are destructive to human enjoyment and widely social interest. Though conflicts should be avoided. It has its positive functions such as:

  1. Preventation of stagnation
  2. Stimulation of interest and curiosity

Without conflict, it would have been a child world. Conflicts brings excitement in international politicis and in organisations with conflict, there is always some activities so where in the world. Conflict which aims at resolution of tension between antagonists is likely to behave stabilizing and integrative functions for the relationship.

By permitting immediate and direct expression of rival claims through the process of resolution, each party will be able to read just their structure by eliminating the two parties involve in conflict. It may serve as a way of eliminating the causes of disassociation and re-establish unity.


The organisations are goals directed systems composed of interdependent goal seeking subsystem hence the inevitability of conflicts in them. The fact will be more demonstrated when mutually exclusive goals exist and each seeking attainment. It is their manifestations of resentment, disagreement, struggle, competition and unrest in the organisations which are also indications of clash of interest and goals in the meeting point of groups, sub-organisations which are also indications of wishes to adduce as a phenomenon hence “management of organizational conflict”.

Presentation of an overall view of what is the nature of conflicts, what are the effects of conflict and possible causes of these conflict and how could these conflict and how could these conflict be effectively managed, were endeavoured and highlighted by the researcher.


The purpose of this study is to identify the causes, effects, and means of solving conflicts in organisations such that they will yield favourable results to the organisations. It is also the aim of the researcher to urge managers to create serious awareness and appreciate the existence of conflicts and its effective management instead of pretending that they do not exist or simply avoid them.


What roles should management play to reduce conflicts in the organisation?

What are the effective steps to be taken to arrive at a peaceful and effective resolution of conflicts in Nation Broadcasting Commission (N.B.C) of Nigeria?

Despite, all the panels set up to combat conflicts, yet it still occur, in your own opinion what do you think that is the major cause?

Does conflict help in promoting the growth of organisation?


Ho: Conflicts in an organisation does not make workers to withdraw their commitments.

Hi: Conflict in the organisation make workers to withdraw their commitments

Ho: Conflicts are not resolved by arbitration compromise and transfer of workers

Hi: Conflicts are resolved by arbitration, compromise and transfer of workers.




The theoretical framework is based on the effects of conflict on organisation. Conflict is a disagreement in which parties involved disagree about facts or opinion expressed by those in authority. There are different views based on these effects in this respect we shall discuss the functional and dysfunctional conflict (Ivanceveich, Konopaske and Matteson 2005:365).

Functional conflict is a confrontation between groups that enhances the organizational performance. E.g various department in an organization may be conflict over most efficient and adaptive method of achieving a goal. They may agree on a goal but not on the means to achieving it. Without this type of conflict there will be little commitment to change.

The second is the dysfunctional conflict and it is confrontation between groups that harm or hinder the organizational goals. Management must seek to eliminate dysfunctional conflict.

The effects of conflict as:

  1. Insubordination allowing a conflict to continue means that employee attention becomes more focused on the conflict and not on productivity
  2. Lack of direction: Conflict can sometimes arise when management is unable to communicate the direction of the company to employees. Conflict will erupt as employees are allowed to interpret change within the company in their own way
  3. Fragmentation: Conflict creates rival functions. Sometimes those functions are individuals, some times they are groups. Unresolved conflict can create tension between groups that may normally need to work together.
  4. Lack of new ideas: Groups in conflicts tends not to collaborate on new ideas. When conflicts goes unresolved it can be difficult to create new ideas the company needs to solve problem it is facing.


Taking a closer look on the effects conflict have on both individuals and organization we will discover that they make individuals look frustrated in their place of work and organization’s goal might not be achieved, in essence, the solution to these problems or conflict in organizations as suggest by the researcher will help manage them when they arise. It will also help future research and equally boost the morals of individuals in their respective place of work.


This project studies cause and effect of organisation conflict with particular reference to National Broadcasting Commission (N.B.C) of Nigeria. In carrying out this work, the nature, causes, effects and effective management of organsiational conflict for the achievement of organizational goals were advanced.


The study however was not without hindrances and these limited the research. Some of the limitations encountered by the researcher are:

  1. The inability to gain access into various department that make up National Broadcasting Commission (N.B.C) of Nigeria as a whole
  2. There was also the refusal of taking out important journals and articles relating to the field of study for proper studying.




Functional conflict: The represents a confrontation between groups of individuals in the organisations that facilitates the organisation’s efficiency and performance.

Dysfunctional: This is any act of confrontation between individuals within or outside the organisation that hinders the achievement of the organisation goals.

Innocuous: This means causing no harm

Objectives: This is the end point of which the policy of the organisation is directed.



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