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The central role of information communication technology in higher education is well acknowledged today. Modern information communication technology has the potential to foster the communication process and permit its occurrence irrespective of geographical location or time, Anibogu; (2012). However, access to and use of information communication technology is highly unequal due to factors such as economic disparity, gender, geographical location, social norms and political reasons. Access to and use of information communication technology is not only unequal amongst nation state but amongst social group within nations states as well.


Though the term information and communication technology generally connotes the internet, computers and email, this term actually denotes all forms of technology used in collecting, storing, editing and passing on information in various forms (Jayer and Lokman, 1999). However, the internet is unorganized and web sites appear and disappear, move or mutate on daily basis. While the internet is difficult to search, it is even more difficult to search it well. Moreover the information found on the internet has both the useful and useless co-existing (New Mexcco state university Library, 2002). Today the Edu domain is still one of the largest contributors to the internet.

Information and CommunicationTechnology (ICT) as a major agent of globalization is one of the most recent “wonders” of the twenty-firstcentury as well as a gift to humanity at large. Thegrowth of global communication has brought the ideaof the interdependent world into an everyday reality.

ICT has given rise to unlimited access to informationin almost all spheres of human endeavor; such aseducation, business and commerce, politics andgovernance, music, entertainment, food, security,sports, weather, environment etc.

Consequently, access to and pattern of ICTuse is determined by several factors such asgeographical location, economic disparity, gender,political reasons and social norms. The use of ICTcan be found in all sectors of the economy. Manyinstitutions today, have installed several forms ofinformation systems in a bid to keep abreast withinnovations in the global village.Though, the term information andCommunication Technology generally connotes theinternet, computers, and E-mail, it actually denotesall forms of technologies used in collecting, storing,editing and passing on information in various forms.


Information and CommunicationTechnology is used by a range of people for a varietyof purposes and as such, they have differentperceptions of its nature, and achieve differentoutcomes to their searches.

There is therefore the necessity tounderstand access to and the pattern of ICT useamong undergraduate students of  Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu Univeristy, Igbariam.


The standards of education as well as available educational facilities in sub Saharan Africa are generally low. However, in the recent past, numerous governments have realized the critical role of education in development and are making effort to improve the standards of education in their nations. In the same light, many are realizing the important role that ICT could play to foster this process. The adoption and use of ICT generally has been relatively slow in most African countries where ICT exist. Those in the education sector have been among the prime movers and shakers. African governments are making moves toward the development of information and communication technology and the incorporation of these in their programs. Nigeria, Egypt, Uganda and Tanzania are cases in point.



Like many other developing countries especially in Africa, investment in and developmental of ICT in Nigeria is still at developmental stages. ICT only received significant national consideration after 1999. Since then policies on telecommunication, information, space and bio-technologies have been approved and a National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) was established in 2001 to implement the nations ICT POLICY.


According to Ajayi, (2003) he said that with the increasing recognition of ICT significance, especially in education, dealing with the issue of participation now proves timely as this provides an opportunity for a participation in the country’s ICT Incorporation and developed countries and consequently resist facing certain problems.



Over the years, there has been a consistent record of low student (undergraduate) representation and participation in the field of Information and Communication Technology, specifically, and in science and technology, generally. This situation exists not only in Chukwemeka Odumegwu Univeristy but other universities in the county. A review of literature revealed that globally, only few percentages of world’s computer aid in Nigeria universities (Idowu, Alu and Popoola, 2013).


This has been a cause for concern for many and consequently the topic of numerous discussion and research projects. Given the instrumental role that ICT plays in development in the different higher Institution, who constitute over half of the human population in Nigeria do not have access to computer and indeed ICT the economic gains and human development benefits of ICT the economic gains and human development benefits of ICT will be lost to this whole human race.



The aim of this study is to explore access to and use of ICT among students of Chukwuemeka odumegwu University, Igbariam.

Specially, the objectives of this research include:

  1. To determine the extent to which students ofChukwuemeka Odumegwu University, Igbariam have access to ICT.
  2. To determine the extent to which students of Chukwuemeka Odumegwu University use ICT.
  3. To determine the level of knowledge of ICT amongst students of Chukemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, University.
  4. To determine the ways through which ICT can be ade available and promoted amongst students of Chukemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, University.



In order to give direction to this study, some questions were asked.

  1. What is the extent of the students’ access to ICT in Chukwuemeka Odumegwu University, Igbariam?
  2. What is the extent of students’ use of ICT?
  3. What is the extent of students’ knowledge of ICT?
  4. What are the means through which ICT can be much accessible to COOU students.



`        This study will provide a basis for further research on issues of information technology, education and development in developing countries, especially across Africa. It explored the body of knowledge about the ICT use in various Nigerian educational Institutions and adds to this knowledge body for future reference.

This work offers background information for policy makers on ICT and development related programmes and project in Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojoukwu Univeristy. It can serve as a source of information for Chukwuemeka Odumegwu ojukwu Univeristy, Igbariam as they try to incorporate ICT into the development of their ICT system and can ensure the entrenchment of ICT policy in their strategic plans.



The study is one with great relevance for many sub-Saharan African countries. A research of this magnitude needs a nationwide coverage, but the researcher is limited by resources, time, and finance, hence the limitation of the study to Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu Univeristy, a fast growing University with a student’s population that comes from different part of Nigeria.



I T               Is an acronym for Information Technology and is the branch of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to retrieve and store and transmit information.

PATTERNS        This is a customary way of operation or behavior, it is a practice, blueprint and structure of or way of coordination of something.

ACCESS             This is the act of approaching or entering, it is a way of operation of reading or storing or receiving information.        












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