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The purpose of this study is to assess the effective teaching techniques used by primary school teachers in classroom management in Abuja, FCT. Chapter one deals with background to the study, assess the effective teaching techniques associated with classroom management and control. Chapter two contains review of related literature, which emphasized the usefulness of classroom management and control during teaching and learning experience. Chapter three surveys the methodology employed in carrying out the research work. Chapter four deals with analysis of data collected and interpretation and presentation of results. Finally chapter five contains summary of research recommendations to the problems associated with classroom management and control in the selected school system.



Background of the study

Statement of the problem

Research hypothesis

Purpose of the study

Significance of the study

Scope and delimitation

Definition of terms


Literature Review



Research design

Study Population

Study sample

Sampling procedure

Research Instrument

Validity and Reliability of instrument

Administration of the questionnaires

Method of data analysis


Analysis of data










Even though today’s education have more research than ever on techniques to develop an effective learning community, why, then, does the topic of classroom management remain one of the most significant concerns for pre-services teachers entering the teaching profession. For school, the appropriate learning environment is critical to student’s success and strikes at the very heart of teaching. The importance of the classroom is documented through research and described in the characteristics of successful classroom mangers which is running the class smoothly with minimum disruption consistently gained in achievement, teachers who analyzed classroom task in precise detail determined the procedure and expectation required for students to be successful and the teachers who were effective in classroom management clearly communicated needed information and reduced complicated tasks had a good understanding of student skill level. And a teacher can be enabled to detect the Intelligent Quotient (IQ) of a child.

Intelligent Quotient (IQ) reflect the extent to which a child is mentally advanced or backward in his/her IQ weakness. According to Froyer and Iverson (1999) management occurs when teachers manage space, materials, equipment, the movement of the people and lesson that are part of the curriculum or program of studies. Classroom management is a term used by teachers to described the process of ensuring that classroom lesson run smoothly despite disruptive behaviour by students. A classroom discipline plan that is created by the teacher and implemented at the beginning of the school year or term, the plan include three (3) major components a set of classroom rules, types, and hierarchy of consequences for student who disobey the rules. And that will be the part of punishment, as part of classroom management and also part of the control that is been gained by a teacher.

Discipline can be seen as the order with which an individual advance towards achieving a goal that he has set up for himself or that someone has lawful set for him. Banjo (1998) seen discipline as the first law in good school for without it school life cannot fulfill purpose. Derek Bickerstatle (1971) has defined discipline as the highest order of control and self impose by the pupils rather than imposed from outside by the teachers.


Classroom management and control contributes to self control in both the teacher and the students. The problem associated with this attitude will be examined in this study. Thus;

  1. Inadequate classroom management result to discipline among pupils.
  2. Inadequate teaching aids may led to failure in classroom management.
  3. Lack of quality teacher affects classroom management.
  4. The application of a simple method of teaching may affect classroom management.


       The purpose of this study is to ensure that discipline and control of pupils become effective in the teaching and learning process. To effect the above, the following will be examined among others;

  • It open our eyes to see the need of classroom management and control in primary school Abuja and the entire Nigeria at large
  • It gives a better perspective on the direction of a teacher.
  • To expose different methods techniques involved in school management and control.
  • To educate teachers on how to ensure effective classroom management and control.


The research questions of the study will focus on the following;

  1. Does classroom management and control help pupils to have good behaviour?
  2. Should discipline of a child be left alone for the class teachers?
  3. Does personality of a teacher has effect on pupils?
  4. Does environment has influence in classroom management and control?
  5. Do inadequate teaching aids lead to failure in classroom management?


The significance of the study among others include the following;

  1. To ensure efficiency in the teaching method that is used.
  2. To ensure adequate understanding of the subject matter by pupils.
  • To ensure adequate discipline and control among pupils.
  1. To ensure adequate discipline among pupils.
  2. To help a teacher to manage his or her class effectively.


The scope of this study will be limited to –pls fill—– Primary School, —— Primary School, ——- Primary School, ———Primary School, ——- Primary School, upon which questionnaire will be designed and distributed as if it from the major population of the study.


This study will be limited to classroom management with its associated problems. It will equally focus on the issue of control and discipline among pupils which will lead to adequate solution to  classroom management.

Also in carrying out these researches, the researcher did not investigate into the developmental orientation of individual pupils, hence whatever psychological factors that may have contributed to indiscipline behaviour in the children are noted.


Education is the training of the faculty it is the knowledge in order to be useful to the society which we belong. Also education can be defined as the transmission of culture from generation to generation, culture is dynamic it is always changing.

Education can also be defined as a process by which an individual acquires knowledge, skills, a attitudes and insights. It may defined as a learning acquire through formal and informal processes.

Teacher: A teacher is trained to inform, educate and to train group of people or learners. A teacher can also be defined as a person who has a good knowledge of method, principles and ability to adjust these to any given policy on education.

Teacher is also be defined as a transmission of knowledge, skills, customs, and attitude from one generation to the next.

Pupils: A pupil is a child who undergo a course of study and instruction at a primary school.

Management: Is the ability to utilize the available resources to human and materials things to work with. Also management can be seen as the use of theories and techniques that are most applicable to the situation rather than the application of general guidelines to all.

Discipline: This refers to the bad conduct or behaviour of pupils who does not obey the rules and regulations of a school.


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