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Growth and development in Nigerian urban areas have been generally unplanned and haphazard. The failure of government to provide basic infrastructure, to plan for imminent growth and expansion, to implement development plans strictly, and to enforce development control has resulted in gross degradation of the environment.

Given the prevalence of poverty, there has been a steady yet unchecked influx of rural migrants to the urban areas, thus leading to an increase in urban population without the institutional and infrastructure framework to bear the resultant effects. Lagos, the erstwhile federal capital, which has expanded beyond its natural boundaries, is a typical example of this phenomenon. Lagos as a federal capital suffered several drawbacks that made its continued existence as Nigeria’s capital untenable. Reasons for this include: inadequate land for expansion, urban crises, lack of proper cosmopolitan orientation, lack of locational centrality and urban congestion. This led to the quest for a new national capital.

The concept of Abuja as a befitting Federal Capital Territory, centrally located and without the defects of Lagos was spawned in 1975. This resulted in the convocation of the late Justice Akinola Aguda Panel whose recommendations led to the operationalization of Abuja as Nigeria Federal Capital Territory. The resultant Master Plan was prepared in a way that land use, infrastructure, housing, transportation, recreation, economic and social services are coordinated and inter-related. (Abba, 2003). Of the eight objectives of the master plan of the city, five deal essentially with environmental issues. The new capital is expected to conserve the natural and cultural environment of the territory. (FCDA, 1979).

Successive governments in Abuja have neglected these principles. As such, series of distortions to the concept, direction and implementation of the master plan are prevalent today. It is therefore imperative to study the extent of the deviation and proffer pragmatic strategies for a quick containment of the situation and so avert the imminent urban ecological crisis in Abuja. The study examined the relevance of integrating natural and man-made environments into urban development and strategies proffered for achieving a Sustainable Abuja City.


Undoubtedly, the creation of the FCT brought about rapid economic growth with a sudden influx of Nigerians from all parts; although the new FCT was created in 1976, physical development of the territory only began in 1980. This is despite the earlier establishment of the famous Parastatals, Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA) in 1976, charged with the responsibility of the design and development of the new capital; after setting a 15 years target for the phased, movement of the seat of government.

After extensive surveys of the territory, a master plan for the FCT was designed; and an area in the north- eastern quadrant was selected for the Federal Capital City (FCC) on the Gwagwa plains at the foot of Aso Rock.

This study looks at the following problems:

  • Inadequate maintenance of infrastructure and social amenities
  • Influx of people in the F.C.T leading to overpopulation
  • Indiscriminate allocation of lands without due regard to transparency by officials of the F.C.D.A
  • The incidence of crime in the capital city


This study looks at the following objectives:

  • To examine the extent of inadequacy witnessed in the maintenance of infrastructure and social amenities in the F.C.T
  • To find out the need for the reduction of the influx of people in the F.C.T leading to overpopulation
  • To evaluate the indiscriminate allocation of lands without due regard to transparency by officials of the F.C.D.A
  • To identify the causes of the high incidence of crime in the capital city



These are lists of interrogative statement desired directly from the statement of problem. This study is guided by the following questions properly. F.C.D.A administration will ensure the proper transformation of F.C.T, they include:

  • Is the maintenance of infrastructure and social amenities in the F.C.T enough?
  • What are the ways for reducing the influx of people in the F.C.T which is leading to overpopulation?
  • What effect does the indiscriminate allocation of lands without due regards to transparency by officials of the F.C.D.A has on the administration of the F.C.T?
  • What effect does the high incidence of crime has in the capital city


This study will be guided by the following hypotheses:

Ho:  There is no adequate maintenance of infrastructure and social amenities

Ho: Influx of people into the F.C.T does not lead to overpopulation

Ho: There is no indiscriminate allocation of lands among the officials of the F.C.D.A

Ho: The high incidence of crime in the capital city does not affect the effective administration of the F.C.D.A


Based on this, the researcher tries to know the significance of the study: thus minimizing the problems associated with effective administration of the F.C.T by the F.C.D.A under the following headings:

Business:Business, firms and organizations should be concerned on how contribute their quota in the development of the F.C.T.

Academics: F.C.T is managed in the academic world by providing effective academic programs and continuously strives to improve the learning experience for students, in order to ensure that optimum knowledge of the F.C.T is maintained at a level considered with the level of activity of the F.C.D.A

Workers: The Workers and officials of the F.C.D.A should work meticulously for the effective administration of the F.C.T. However, the relationship between the workers of the F.C.D.A and the members of the public need to be cordial so that work in the F.C.T can be done effectively and efficiently.



The scope of the study is wide especially if it has to be attributed to the administration of the F.C.T



The study is limited upon the fact that materials and time require to enhance it are subsequently limited. This study is limited to F.C.D.A Abuja based upon the fact that the researcher happens to be a worker living in the F.C.T and lacks both time and funds required to get beyond this scope.



  1. F.C.T: This means Federal Capital Territory
  2. F.C.D.A: This means Federal Capital Development Administration
  3. F.C.T.A: This means Federal Capital Territory Administration
  4. TRANSFORMATION: This is a process of inhibiting and imbibing change in a society
  5. CONTROL: This is a measures taking for something important
  6. ADMINISTRATION: This is a process of managing an organization, society or business empire
  7. FUNDS: This is finance meant for a particular purpose.



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