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The study examined factors responsible for Indiscipline and Failure among Senior Secondary school students in Islamic Studies and the need for all stakeholders in education to finding solution to the problem of indiscipline and failure in our school system. Survey research design was employed for three (3) Senior Secondary School students in Atisbo Local Government Area of Oyo State. The estimate population sample used is hundred {100} Students using simple random sampling technique. The study was guided by four research questions. Instrument used for the study was questionnaire with {12} items. The instrument was validated by experts and a reliability using tables and percentage technique. From the finding, parental attitude, government nonchalant attitude, teacher`s influence and peer-group influence among the others were found to be responsible for indiscipline and failure among the Senior Secondary School Students. Recommendations were also made.



1.1     Background of the Study

Most schools in the past in Atisbo local government area of Oyo State were voluntary agency schools. As at that time, there was high degree of discipline in schools. There was harmony. Principals, Teachers and students demonstrated awareness of their responsibilities in the schools.

More so Muslim parents and teachers shared the same view of student’s desirable behavior. The quality of school system as regards to discipline was very high up till the end of Nigerian civil war in January 1970.

Islam is a religion of discipline (Friday speech delivered by Imam Muhammed Baianonie at the Islamic centre or Raleigh, NC on June 9, 2000). The regulation of man miss conduct within one system of life is one of the most important reasons of success and stability. The absence of this regulation is one of the greatest crises a man suffers from in his life. This happens when man is left without guidance from Allah (S.W.T) or without proper upbringing based on divine guidance. Under these circumstances, man’s life becomes miserable on this earth and will be amongst the looser in the Hereafter.

The noble Quran narrates the history of some past nation as well as individuals that were blessed not only wealth but with physical strength, they refused to live their lives according to the regulations of Allah (S.W.T). they were destroyed with their wealth , this happening in contemporary period, and sure it will happen in the future until the day of judgment.

Among Allah’s mercy (S.W.T) is that He left no man without a system to regulate his conduct and behaviour. So, He sent legislation to make man’s life best on this earth so that he will be happy here and in the Hereafter. Allah (S.W.T) says in the Glorious Quran, Surat At-Takwir (verse 27 and 28), which is translated as “verily this (the Quran is no less than a reminder to all the Alamin (mankind) and (Jinn’s), to whosoever among you wills to walk straight. Allah (S.W.T) mandate on His prophet (S.A.W) as well as the believers to be discipline and forbid on them transgression says as in SuratHuod (verse 112). “So, stand (O Muhammed), firm and straight on Islam as you are commanded and those who are with you (your companions) and do not transgress’……………IbnAbass (R.A) said “there was no verse in the Quran harden on the prophet (S.A.W) than this verses” for this reason, when the companions of the prophet (S.A.W) said why “Your hair is getting gray early” he replied “Surat Hood and his sisters made my hair gray.

Imam Muslim reported that a man said o messenger of Allah, tell me something of Islam which I will not ask anyone else about it. He (S.A.W) said “say I believe in Allah and then be steadfast”. Imam An-Nawawi said “This Hadith is one of the great on the statement that Islam is based on.” To be steadfast is to abide by Islam and it is a high degree that shows complete belief and great strength. Umar (R.A) said “steadfast is enjoining what is good and forbidden what is evil and not deceit like the deceit of the fox”. This means discipline according to the Islamic code. Islam teaches us how to regulate our behavior and conduct in all aspects of the religion. This includes regulation in Islamic creed (Aqeedah), worship (Ibadah) and human relations (Muhammalat).

In the Islamic creed (Ageedah), we must believe what Allah (S.W.T) requires us to believe without additions, deletions or changes. In Ibadah, Islam teaches us to perform Ibadah, Islam did not leave the Ibadah to be performed according to someone’s whims and desires. The person cannot worship Allah (S.W.T) in whichever way he wants. This is the best discipline. The prophet (S.A.W) says pray” He also said” Take from me your rituals of Hajj” Islam also clarified to us the rules of Zakah, fasting, and Salat which is a frequent Ibadah, one that is performed five (5) times a day, we will find to be a set of specific acts that were handed down to us from the prophet (S.A.W). Prophet (S.A.W) regulated his actions and stay away from chaos so, it is a must on all of us, (old, young, parents, children, male and female) to be discipline and our conduct is to be regulated and also to call others to do the same in order to keep one away from acts of indiscipline and failure.

Discipline according to Shukla (2005) is a treatment or training, often punishment, to control behavior. Adeyanju (2002) opened that discipline is a system of guiding the individual to make reasonable and responsible decisions. There are two basic types of discipline. Self discipline or self imposed discipline, externally imposed discipline. The purpose of Academic discipline are to facilitate and enhance the attainment of the goals of the school, create a conducive environment for the teaching learning process, produce a bread of civilized and well cultivate children who will develop self respect and for the society at large, produce upright loyal and respects citizen, it helps individuals to do what is right and good at all times without compulsion, facilitate the creation of a society in which the people freely learn and applies the norms principles and ways of society.

Indiscipline connotes acts by individuals or institutions within a social group which are not conducive to the achievement of social or organization goal. Olagboye, 2004. It is also defined as the absence in the individual of the proper training of the mind and body which can produce the desired self control necessary for him to perform the positive roles required for the achievement of organization or social goals and aspirations in the school setting, however, indiscipline is defined as the unwillingness or inability of students and teachers to respect authority, observe and obey school rules and regulations and to maintain a high standard of bahaviour conducive to the teaching, learning process and essential to the smooth running of the school.

Acts of indiscipline in schools among the students could take the form of general disobedience to constituted authority, destruction of college or public properties, poor attitudes to learning, abuse of seniority, immoral behavior, drug abuse, cheating, lateness and truancy, dirtiness and quarrelsome, use of abusive languages, rudeness and other likes, causes of indiscipline. The national conference of indiscipline 1977 and 1990 and other writers identified a large number of factors as the root causes of student’s indiscipline classified a follows. Home/parent and society, School administration, Teaching staff, Inadequate physical facilities, Government and its agencies, Non teaching staff, prefects, Students. According to Obidike (2004) demands a rational objectives and practical approach to the issue of mind the character based on the sound and constructive politics, rules and sound educative principles in handling student’s indiscipline in senior secondary schools students in Atisbo Local Government Area of Oyo State.

Onyiye and Ojedapo (2005) identify some factors that cause indiscipline and failure among students such as Government non challant attitudes to education. Therefore, there is need to get at the root causes of indiscipline and failure among the senior secondary schools students with a view to finding a solution. In this light the researches concern is to find out factors responsible for indiscipline and failure among the senior secondary schools students in Atisbo Local Government Area of Oyo State in period of 2010-2015 with a view to provide solution in order to make our educational system what it ought to be.


1.2     Statement of the Problem

The problem of indiscipline and failure in schools has persisted over the years, these acts have either been carried out individually by the students or a group which result to nothing or revolts. There is no doubt that students indiscipline generate militates against effective teaching and learning production of useful acceptable members of the society. It is therefore, observed that some parents appears to have denied their parental roles or responsibilities towards their children.

Ndu (2002) and Obi (2004) lamented that the existence of violent, secret cults on campuses which is indiscipline is a common knowledge. They stressed that these cult activities are in almost all the tertiary institutions and have been encroached to some secondary schools. Though experts had been suggesting ways to curb the menace, yet if the teachers are frustrated and lack motivation in themselves, they are not likely in productive education.

The Government of Nigeria also contributes to indiscipline and failure due to the inability to pay the teachers’ salaries and non-teaching staff salaries, since we all know that is only when a teacher is well fed and happy that He can teach effectively in the class and also if the students are in the conducive environment, they will only eager to learn. If the factors like inadequate infrastructure, inadequate payment of the teacher, poor motivation, is still persist the study of Islamic studies in Atisbo Local Government will still remain as it is. Therefore government must help the secondary schools in Atisbo local Government area to promote or enhance the teaching and learning of Islamic studies in that area.


  • Objectives Of The Study

The main objectives of this study is centered on finding out whether,

  1. Parent attitude towards their children contributes to indiscipline and failure among secondary schools students in Islamic studies in Atisbo local government area of Oyo State.
  2. Teacher attitude towards the students contributes to indiscipline and failure among the secondary schools students in Islamic studies in Atisbo Local Government Area of Oyo State.
  • Government attitude contributes to indiscipline and failure among the secondary schools students in Islamic studies in Atisbo Local Government Area of Oyo State.
  1. Peer group influence contributes to indiscipline and failure among the secondary schools students in Islamic religious in Atisbo Local Government Area of Oyo State.


  • Research Questions
  1. To what extent does parent attitude contributes to indiscipline and failure among secondary school students in Islamic studies?
  2. To what extent does teachers attitude contributes to indiscipline and failure among the senior secondary schools in Islamic studies?
  • To what extent does government contributes to indiscipline and failure among the senior secondary schools students in Islamic studies?
  1. To what extent does peer group influence contributes to indiscipline and failure among the secondary schools students in Islamic studies?


  • Significance of the Study

The findings and solutions to the problems in this study is expected to be of great benefit to a large range of interested group of educational stake holders like teachers, principals, proprietors and government agencies of education.

Ani (1997) expressed sadly that one of the great problem teachers’ face while discharging their functions as teachers is the issue of disobedient children. Varied views and definition constitute a problem child is always a hazard to the school, the society and even to the life of such child.

However this study will help the principals to be aware of the management techniques presently used in different secondary schools in Atisbo local Government Area of Oyo State. This is with a view to determining effective ones which should be dropped; finally the study will be a guide towards further research in the area under study.

  • Scope Of The Study

The scope of this study is limited to three selected secondary schools in Atisbo Local Government Area of Oyo State. Also the pursuance of the objective, causes, consequences and strategies of maintaining discipline and eradicate failure among secondary school students in Islamic studies in Atisbo Local Government Area of Oyo State within the period of 2010-2015

  1. Indiscipline :- This is lack of control in the behavior of individual
  2. Investigation:- Is the process of searching inquiry for ascertaining, facts, detailed or careful examination.
  • Menace: -There are things or objects that threaten to cause evil, harm, or injury.
  1. Peer group: – These are something or group of people of approximately the same age, status and interest.
  2. Community:-Is a social unit of any size that share common value.
  3. Attitude: – This is the process of having self confident in the people behavior.
  • Parent: – The caretaker of the offspring in their own species.
  • Government: – Is a group of people that governs a community.
  1. Teacher: – Is a person who passes knowledge, norms and values to the student.
  2. Students:- Is a learner who attends an educational institution
  3. Failure: – A person or things that is unsuccessful.
  • Imam: – Is a leader of Muslim, who gives sermon and lead Muslim in prayer.
  • Deen: – Is an Arabic word which means religion that is belief in and worship a God.


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