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The analysis of iodine and potassium content of Irish potato (Solanum tuberosum L). Irish potato is the fourth largest yielding crop plant in the world behind wheat, rice and maize (staple foods), and also one of the tubers. The Irish potato is nutritionally very good and can be used also in so many ways like fermentations of vodka and for adhesives and sizing in papers and textiles.

Obviously, the society in general still lack the nutritional knowledge of this food (Irish potato) which result them to suffer malnutrition or deficiency (i.e. by not taking the appropriate required of this food per day), so it is important that the iodine and potassium content in Irish potato should be analysed for recommendation of the food to people.




Tuber is swollen, fleshy usually underground growth of the stem or rhizome of a plant such as potato, bearing buds from which new plants shoots arises, Farlix (2012).

Potatoes generally are stem tubers, enlarged stalons thickened to develop into storage organs, Tim D (1994). Potatoes are one of the essential food crops in the world and are grown in more than two countries under temperate, sub-tropical and tropical conditions. FAO (2011).

Potatoes are served for either consumption or as processed products, in addition to being a source of carbohydrates, potatoes also contain high of vitamin c, minerals, fibre and have a low fat content.

Irish potatoes are starchy tuber crop from the perennial Solanum tuberosum of the solanaceae family. They are mainly grown in cool highland areas as a food crop as well as a vegetable. Irish potatoes do best in a loose well-drained slightly acidic soil. Poorly drained soil often cause poor stands and low yield. Farm Dysipedia(2011). Irish potato is also found to contain some nutrients like potassium, carbohydrates, iodine, vitamins etc.

Iodine was one of the first trace elements to be identified as essential in 1920’s, it was shown to be an integral component of the thyroid hormone, thyroxine (T4) required for normal growth and metabolism. Soon after it was recognised as a component 3,5,3 triodothyroximine (T3), a key regulator of important cell process. The iodine content of the adult body is approximately 15 – 20 mcg of which 70 – 80% is the thyroid gland, which concentrates iodine and the rest is blood Freake (2000).

Potassium is a mineral also needed in the body to build proteins, breakdown and use carbohydrates. They also build muscle and maintain normal body growth, control the electrical activity of the heart and control the acid balance.

The dietary intake for potassium is based on age, adult is to take 4.7g/day. Children and adolescent 3 – 4/per day. Elsevier Saunder (2011). So the result emanating from the analysis of iodine and potassium content of Irish potato will aid the nation in selecting the food as their daily intake.


  • The content (iodine and potassium) of Irish potato depends on the content of the soil in which it is grown Koutra (1985). The fertility of the soil in the area of sample collection will tend to affect the concentration of minerals needed.
  • Some environmental factors such as erosion and leaching will also affect the deposition and accumulation of minerals and hence affecting the concentration of mineral tested for.
  • The application of fertilizer (potassium and iodine) manure may also affect the minerals deposited in Solanum tuberosum L in the area of cultivation (Thomson 2012).




The analysis of iodine and potassium content of Irish potato (Solanum tuberosum L). The objectives of this research includes:

  1. To know the nutritional content of irish potato (Iodine and potassium) of both peeled and unpeeled.
  2. To determine the potassium and iodine content of irish potato.
  3. To know if irish potato will give the required amount of potassium and iodine required on a daily basis as stipulated by World Health Organisation (WHO).
  4. To compare the amount of potassium and iodine in irish potato, type and those contained in other potato types.



Analysis of iodine and potassium content of irish potato would enlighten the people on the nutritional content/value of irish potato.

The iodine content of it is required for normal growth and metabolism. Also the potassium content helps to build muscle, maintain normal body growth and control electrical activity of the heart. It also controls the acid balance.



The scope of the study will be on the identification of potato sample. Analysis of the iodine and potassium content of both peeled and unpeeled irish potato. And comparison of the result with the existing one in the literature review.


This research will center on to many questions that will be necessary for people/government to know about the nutritional fact especially the iodine and potassium content of irish potato.

Some questions are:

  1. What are those Nutritional Values that people should benefit from irish potato?
  2. What are the different methods used in the determination of the iodine and potassium content of irish potato?
  3. Why is it necessary to know the percentage composition of iodine and potassium in irish potato?


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