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 Background to the study

For decades now, fast changes have been taking place in all facets of human life including the office environment. This is as a result of technological advancement. Every office in today’s business world, be it government, industry or other human endeavors, require facts and accurate information for quick decision-making(Nnemeka,2013). The office worker, including the secretary, expects certain support from the organization into which he/she is employed. This support can be technological (machines and equipment) and human. In offices of past, manager’s dictated memos and letters and secretaries typed them. Most recently, business have developed word processing centers and relied on personal computers and even electronic mail in an effort to lessen the need for secretarial support and make the employee-secretary very productive (Ezoem, 2015; Osuala, 2010).

As a result of changes in technology, the role of secretaries in business has changed tremendously from that of typewriting and shorthand dictation, answering of telephone calls and processing of mails. Today’s secretaries are exposed to office technology including the internet that makes work much easier and knowledge more accessible (Edwin, 2011). It is now easier to send messages by telex, electronic mails (e-mails), fax and telephones. Other office gadgets available to the secretary are photo-copying machines, duplicating machines, dictating machines, printers, among others. This is the era of computers and information technology which has become an enabler of greater convenience. Three of the most popular types of computer software programmes are word processing,  excel spread sheet and Microsoft publisher which help the user to write and edit memos, letters and reports, data management programs or databases, which help the user/ secretary to use long lists of data and spreadsheet programmes, which handle tables and numbers (Dulek and Fielden, 2010).

Secretaries now have many technologically advanced office gadgets to ease their jobs and enhance proficiency and productivity leading to improved access to goods and services globally (Wofersohn, 2011). There  is a wide range of office machines and equipment which now enable secretaries to improve their performances. Such new machines take the form of electronic typewriters that have replaced the manual ones. Word processors with milt-purpose facilities, computers and other sophisticated office machines and equipment are now provided by employers. Some of the physical equipment used by secretaries includes computer communication equipment and electronic pocket organizers (Lucas,2012).  There are a lot of new technological equipment that have altered the procedures and technique for office functions examples are the computers, electronic mail/ commerce, voice mail, and the Internet.

However, these new developments brought by technological challenges require even more knowledge and skills beyond being a professional secretary in order to improve the advancement of secretarial functions. For the secretary to be abreast with the changing times, face the challenges and overcome the old ways of doing things she or he needs training requirements.

In recent times to help meet organizational objectives as the  roles of secretarial professionals have been turned around by technology. It has provided the tools that shift the role of secretaries from that of information recorders to business strategists (Appah and Emeh, 2011). It against this background that this study is focus on the  assessment of the factors that improve the effectiveness of  secretaries in  selected banks in Enugu urban.

 Statement of The  Problem

The position of secretaries in any organization is very distinct. She is very essential and an image-maker of the organization. Secretaries are the mirror and life-wire of  an  organization. This is because no chief executive can efficiently discharge his/her duties properly without the assistance of a secretary. Apart from being an administrative assistant the secretary performs such other functions such as clerical and receptionist duties and in some cases does some accounting jobs, which are not quite in line with her job description. The work of the secretary cuts across every aspect of the organization’s activity. As a result of being all-purpose staff, the secretary has been described by some schools of thought as an “unclassified” office personnel who is neither here nor there.  Therefore, there are challenges faced by secretaries in dispensing their duties efficiently.

These challenges such as lack of effective record keeping and management and utilization of modern technological gadgets such as computer among others, have being developed to help secretaries in the advancement of their secretarial duties.       Therefore, based on this development this study is  focused on the assessment of the factors that improve the effectiveness of secretaries in  selected banks in Enugu state.

Purpose of the study

The major purpose of this study is to assess the factors that will improve the effectiveness of secretaries in selected banks. Specifically, the study will ascertain;

  1. The extent personal computer improve the effectiveness of secretaries in banks.
  2. The extent word processors improve effectiveness of secretaries in banks?
  3. The extent  usage of modern office technological gadgets such as printers, flask drive, smart phones and computer hard disk   improve the effectiveness of secretaries in banks?
  4. The impact of data management on the efficiency of secretaries in banks.

Significance of the study

The study will be of benefit to secretaries, banks, secretarial students and to future researchers.

Secretaries will benefit from the study as the study will outline and discuss the factors that will improve the effectiveness of secretarial duties and the impact these factors will have on their office efficiency.

Banking sectors will benefit from the study as the study will further highlight the way modern technological gadgets will enable effective performance of secretarial duties by secretaries.  Furthermore, it will enable banks to receive more value  through modern secretarial facilities for their secretaries advancement  being more effective in carrying out their duties.

Secretarial students, will also benefit from the study as it will help them see the need of acquiring the needed skills  that  enable them become efficient in advancement of secretarial duties.

While for future researchers, the study will serve as a source of research material and reference for related studies in the future.

Scope of the Study

The scope of the study covers the assessment of the factors that improve the effectiveness of secretaries in selected banks in Enugu state.

.Geographically, the study will be limited to Enugu state and covers only Banks.

Research Questions

In other to achieve the purpose of the study, the following research questions are posed to guide the study:

  1. To what extent do personal computer  improve the effectiveness of secretaries in banks?
  2. To what extent do word processors improve effectiveness of secretaries in banks?
  3. To what Extent is the usage of modern office technological gadgets such as printers, flask drive, and computer hard disk   improve the effectiveness of secretaries in banks?
  4. What impact do data management have  on the efficiency of secretaries in banks?


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