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Assessment of Universal Basic Education Programme in Magumeri Local Government in Borno state. This project was carried out in Magumeri as case study area which indicates that two centres were established with low level of enrolment, small class size, males involves more than females gender which are mostly married and challenges facing the programme are langue barrier, insurgency and inadequate facilities.


Title Page – -i
Certification – -ii
Dedication – – -iii
Acknowledgement -iv
Table of contents -v
List of Figures – vii
Abstract viii
Chapter One
1.1 Background – -1
1.2 Statement of problem -3
1.3 Objectives of the study -4
1.4 Research question – -4
1.5 Significant of the study -5
1.6 Scope of the study – -5
1.7 Operational definition of terms -6
Chapter Two
2.1 Concept of Universal Basic Education – -7
2.2 Universal Basic Education School -7
2.3 Summary of Literature review and uniqueness of the study -12
Chapter Three
3.1 Design of the methodology -13
3.2 Population and sample -13
3.3 Research instrument -13
3.4 Procedure for data collection -14
3.5 Method of Data analysis -14
Chapter Four
4.1 Universal Basic Education in Magumeri L.G.A -15
4.2 Presentation of findings -16
4.3 Analysis of Findings -26
4.4 Discussion of the results -27
Chapter Five
5.1 Summary -30
5.2 Conclusion -30
5.3 Recommendations – -31
Reference -32
Appendix -34


Figure 1 -16
Figure 2 -17
Figure 3 -18
Figure 4 -19
Figure 5 -20
Figure 6 -22
Figure 7 -23
Figure 8 -24
Figure 9 -25




1.1       Background of the Study


Education is the act or process of impacting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the power of reasoning and judgment and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. In the same vein, is a permanent change in behavior as a result of learning consist of all efforts (conscious or incidental) made by a society to accomplish set objectives, which are considered to be desirable in terms of the individual as well as the society needs.


In all human societies, particularly the modern ones, education therefore, development of man and transformation of the human society. However, the ability of education to achieve the objectives of making development depends entirely on the government policies and the political will on the part of the government to translates the policies into meaningful actions (Oni 2008) education structure into level as in primary level, secondary level and literacy education level. In Nigeria like other countries in the world, efforts tertiary often made of the education system for capacity building through articulated policy (Oni 2008). In this study, particular attention is paid to a very recent educational policy of the Nigeria government known as U.B.E. the universal Basic Education (U.B.E) programme is a nine (9) years Basic Education programme, which was launched by the government and people of the federal




republic of Nigeria to eradicate illiteracy, ignorance and poverty as well as stimulate and accelerate national development, political consciousness and national integration (Fabunmi 2005) the Universal Basic Education (U.B.E) programmed is Nigeria strategy for the education related millennium development goals (M.D.Gs). The implementation process of the programme has been on since 1991, but progress was hampered by lack of an enabling law to execute certain aspects of programme what a big relief it was when the president signed the universal basic education (UBE) bill into low on 26th May 2004 following makes provision for basic education early childhood education (ECCE) composing of primary And junior secondary education. the financing of basic education is the responsibility of state and local government. However, the federal government has decided to intervene in the provision of basic education with 2% of it consolidate revenue fund. For state to fully benefit from this fund criteria were established of the universal basic education commission (UBEC) to coordinate the implementation of the programme at the state and local government education Authorities (LGEAs). The universal basic education commission (UBEC) was formally established on 27th October 2004. The state ministries of education as the evaluation body for the UBE scheme, cannot afford to go to sleep because the evaluation and monitoring of the. Although the new universal basic education scheme started on paper in 1991, it did not take off at the same time in various states of the federation. The implication by this is that its full assessment may be too early, considering the





time it actually fool off at the state level. However, as young as the scheme is, some of the challenges it is facing, both at the federal and state level are obvious. The world over ability to allocate enough funds for a programme remains the greatest challenge that a programme can have. This is also the case with the funding of the universal basic education in Nigeria between 1999, when the country returned to participatory democracy and 2009, the central government has spent > 1.13 trillion on the education sector alone with little to show for a huge expenditure (Olarenwaju and Folorunso 2009). The highest allocation so far was in 2008 when it allocated 13%. This pattern of allocation as mentioned above, which is below the UNESCO threshold that is 26% of the total budget is certainly affecting the implementation of government policy on education and particularly the universal basic education since its inception. The position has been well captured by Dike (2001) and Ighuzor(2006)when they observed that the government is in the habit of allocating less money to the education sector and consequently limits the successful implementation of the programme.


1.2 Statement of the Problem



Universal Basic Education has been in existence for many years now in Borno state but many people are yet to access the required benefit in Magumeri Local Government Area, there could be attributed to some factors e.g. lack of adequate and trained teachers, lack of enough pupils (Children) to fill the





required class or classroom also it could be due adequate awareness of education from the parents, hence less patronized.


1.3       Objective of the Study



The objectives of the study are to determine:



  1. the number of schools in the study area established by U.B.E programme,


  1. the level of improvement by U.B.E in terms of manpower and facilities.


  • the state of enrolment as well as the quality of education beneficiaries of the U.B.E programmes


  1. Collect problems associated with universal basic education programmes by it beneficiaries.


1.4       Research Questions


The following research questions are used to guide the study.


  1. What is the number of schools established by Universal Basic Education in the study area?


  1. What are the level of improvement achieved by U.B.E in terms of manpower and facilities?


  • What are the level of enrolment as well quality education received by beneficiaries of the programme?







  1. What are the problems encountered by the beneficiaries of universal basic education programme?


1.5       Significance of the Study


This study would benefit the following;


Student, teachers, parents and government.



To the Student, it them give the student opportunities for developing communication language (English) and barriers and Arts and craft, vocational educational skills that will enable them to function effectively in the society to improve their life. Teachers, it will motivate them improve on their skills it also increase their profession and raising their living standard. Parent, would benefited from the study in that the project has molded the society provided skills to the youths creating job opportunities there by reducing violence, crime, drugs abuse etc within the society. Government, this importance to government because it helps reduces illiteracy within the society therefore this will be high skilled labour force which tends to increase productively by increasing socio-economic welfare.


1.6       Scope of the Study



The study assesses the universal basic education programme in the study area. The study is restricted to Magumeri Local Government Area, Borno state. Although the people are now living in refuges camp Maiduguri, the great part of







this research is came out at the camp. If the study goes beyond Magumeri Local Area and the treatment of the problem discovered has not been dealt with.


1.7       Operational Definition of Terms


Assessment: is a process of identifying the weakness and activities ofindividuals and knowing the problems and situation of certain. U.B.E:- Means Universal Basic Education.


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