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Title page                                                                 i

Approval page                                                          ii

Certification                                                             iii

Acknowledgement                                                    iv

Table of Contents                                                     vi

Abstract                                                                   viii


Background of the study                                          1

Statement of the problem                                                3

Significance of the study                                          5

Research question                                                   6

Research hypothesis                                                        6

Scope of the study                                                   7

Limitations of the study                                           7


Literature Review                                                     8

Introduction                                                             8

The role of education ministry in a changing society       21


Research methodology                                             27

Sources of data                                                                27

Primary sources of data                                           27

Secondary sources of data                                       28

The population of the study                                     29

Method of data collection                                                 29

Questionnaire design distribution and collection    30

of responses

Distribution and collection method                         30

Method of data analysis                                           31


Data presentation and analysis                                       32

Analysis of the research questions                           32


Summary of the findings                                         41

Conclusion of the findings                                               44

Recommendation of the findings                             51

References                                                               54

Appendix                                                                 58


This study seeks to evaluate the availability of qualified teachers for effective teaching and learning of English language in our junior secondary schools using schools in  Enugu zone in Enugu state as our focal  point.  Pragmatist theory which is a philosophical example of innovation based on policy orientation and abstract world view, pure ideas as the Yardstick (tool) for assessment, teaching and learning of English language was adopted as our theoretical framework.  Our method of data collection is primary sources which helps us to organize the  information in quantitative form.

Two hypotheses tested are that we lack qualified teachers in English language in Enugu zone and that performance of students in English language is poor.

The study recommends that the ministry of education will sit up and take the bull by the horn in nipping it in the bud the endemic problem.  Non-dedicated and incompetent teachers should be shown the way out while provisions will be made for the reward of teachers and students to enhance greater performance output and productivity.



Contemporary education is an indispensable asset and factor in the solution of the modern  equations whether in terms of individual self actualization, socio-economic needs, natural development and   consolidation or modification of the attitudes and behaviour of our children.  But education like  other important human enterprise and human condition stems from the fact that it provides comprehensive interpretation of the fundamental issues and the events that are pertinent to them.

These philosophies are built around the teacher, environment and the students who are the cardinal pillars or reasons behind its success.  In the classroom the teacher performs the very important functions of instructions and evaluation of the pupils, control of the class, creation of congenial atmosphere for learning and motivating the children to learn.

Ukeje (1984) but outside the classroom the role changes and with the importance attached to



each of the child’s functions in the class room.  He now performs consciously or unconsciously the important function of socializing the school and the community.

Madukwe (2008); has it that the teacher is expected to participate actively in the extra curricular activities of a varied and different set of situation.  Onimode (2008) has it that even though , the teacher may enjoy the goodwill of the pupils/students, his relationship with the students where he is expected to be less disapproving, less authoritarian, less formal, more friendly and accommodation may be appealing.  Having gone through all these, we see that such human phenomenon no longer exists in Enugu state public  schools and that is the reason why education viz – a – viz learning is foreseen to be relegated to the background.

All the qualities highlighted above which are deemed as techniques every teacher is expected of  is lacking and may be environmentalistic in nature  or humanistic.  Be that as it may this study may profer solution for them.



One of the major challenges facing effective teaching and learning in Nigeria is non-availability of qualified teachers.  Statistics have shown

that our tertiary institution and teaches training institutions have been yearly mass producing and doling out teachers at astronomical quantum, yet their impacts are not felt at the classroom and examination level.

The performance of our students in the 2009 WAEC and NECO examinations has not been impressive.  In the last 2009 NECO General Certificate Examination (GCE), only 1-8 percent of the 236,613 that sat for the examinations across 1,708 centres in the country has five credit passes, mathematics and English language inclusive.  In the same year, the candidates that sat for the senior secondary school examinations did not do any better.  Out of the 1,373,009 candidates that failed the examinations, 25.99 percent of them had five credit passes in five subjects, mathematics and English language inclusive.

On the other hand, out of 1,184,907 candidates that sat for May/June 2009 NECO, only 10.68 percent has credit passes in five subjects including Mathematics and English  which are acceptable basic standards for  admission into tertiary institution.  Also in 2008, only 13.76 percent of the 1,369,142 candidates that sat for the May/June WASSCE had credit passes in five subjects including mathematics and English.

(Federal Bureau of Statistics F.B.I 2010) narrowing it down to Enugu state due to the present changes and alterations going on, 6,3334 system to the 9,3,4 system which did not  give room for students that failed to repeat classes so that they can improve, the carryover that is witnessed at the junior class level is  the migraine facing the policy formulations of education at the higher level.

Enugu state, in the just concluded junior WAEC result, out of 1,205,268 that sat for the examination only 28,42 past English and mathematics.  This mathematically represents about 12% (percent) performance.  Analysis apportion the problem to lack of qualified teachers.

Despite the recent performances of  WAEC/NECO and junior WAEC candidates, stakeholders believe that this is a further proof  that all is not well with our educational sectors.  Post primary educational sector has had its share of problems.  In 2008 for instance,  the sector was affected by a 10 – week nationwide industrial action embarked upon by the Nigeria union of teachers (N.U.T) that resulted in the alteration of school  calendars.  Tell May 17  2010).

Inadequate funding has hampered the future and sustenance of education  in our land.  The private sector could not courageously help  the government to shoulder the responsibility of funding its schools.  According to the United nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO agreement of which Nigeria is signatory in 1998, it stipulates and recommends 26 percent allocation of a nation’s  budget to education sector.  But presently the sector is being allocated less than 15 percent in Nigeria.


Depending on the nature of the activities in which the teacher engages, he is likely to meet children of different classes, interest and background for the inculcation of virtues and knowledge.

The significance of this study  is to profer solution on how half baked teachers should be phased out in the annals of the teaching environment  so that our children, students/pupils will no longer have stunted growth in terms of educational development.  It will also suggest ways in which the teacher and the students will improve most especially as it relates to the teaching of the English language.  This will seriously reduce mind boggling results we witness these days at the lower level.


The following are our research questions

  1. Do we lack qualified teachers in English language in Enugu zone
  2. Are there witnesses of poor performance in English language in Enugu




The scope of this work revolves round the teacher, students, secondary schools in Enugu zone and more importantly the government who are the arrow head of school management in the state privately  established and approved schools in Enugu zone are not included “but only schools owned by government are used.


One of the major challenges that faced the researchers is the inability to reach all the government owned secondary schools in Enugu zone.  For lack of funds the researchers confined themselves  to five secondary schools.  Also during  this rainy period access to some school that are situated in the hinter land is bit more difficult and affected adversity the administration of questionnaires.


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