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This project is a computer based application can helps medical practitioners in documenting diagnosis records and patients medical history in a well-protected and structured database oriented program. Among the objectives of this application is to solve the problems that are usually encountered in many hospitals and medical centers in relation to diagnosis of diseases. Therefore, some of the high cost and complex procedures that are formally used before in diagnostic mechanisms are hoped to be simplified and subsidized with the implementation of the computer-based system for medical diagnosis. The program for this project was developed with visual basic 6.0 and Microsoft Access database used as backend for keeping users’ input.


Title page





Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Aim and Objectives of the study
  • Significance of the study
  • Methodology
  • Scope and limitation of the study
  • Definition of some terms
  • Organization of the report


  • Computer-aided diagnosis
  • Applications of computer-aided diagnosis system
  • A basic program for clinical problem-solving
  • Computerisation current state of the art


  • Method of data collection
  • Description of current procedure
  • Problems of the existing system
  • Description of the proposed system
  • Advantages of the proposed system
  • Design and implementation techniques


  • Design of the system
    • Output design
    • Input design
    • Database design
    • Procedure design
  • Implementation of the system
    • Hardware requirements
    • software requirements
  • Documentation of the system

4.3.1   Program installation

4.3.2   Starting/running the program

4.3.3   Maintenance of the program


  • Summary
  • Experienced gained
  • Recommendations
  • Conclusion



  1. Program flowchart
  2. Source program listings
  3. Computer sample outputs





The diagnostic proficiency of general practitioners concerning convulsive and psychomotor disorders of epileptic origin is usually poor, particularly in developing countries. Thus, in order to provide a decision and learning tool for these cases, we have developed a computer program to automatically evaluate and classify patients with potentially epileptic episodes. (Blume et al, 2001)

The program combines forward and backward-chaining techniques, first to present relevant questions about the patient to the attending physician; following this it tries to ascertain whether the episode is of epileptic origin. Later on, it proposes one or more feasible classifications for the episode, using uncertainty factors. (Wood, 1992)

In general, medical diagnosis system promised to take in information and analyze it as a clinician would, making a diagnosis of syndromes, and deciding on treatment. Over time, these programs were more likely to be used in the context of training rather than daily clinician use. Application of artificial intelligence will allow for rapid and automated detection and classification of abnormalities. (Kuutti, 1992) Recent developments in computer technology have raised expectations that fully automated diagnostic instruments will become available to diagnose diseases with little or without the need of human expertise.

The field of neurology has been a beneficiary of the digital computer revolution in brain disorder diagnosis at the end of the twentieth century. The sophisticated cross-sectional imaging modalities on which radiology and much of medicine now relies would not be possible without high-speed computing capabilities. Nevertheless, radiologists for the most part still review images as they always have, without sophisticated assistance. (Fisher et al, 2005)


The project is expected that this project will solve the problems that are usually encountered in many hospitals and medical centers in relation to medical diagnosis mechanisms or procedures. Therefore, some of the high cost and complex procedures that are formally used before in medical diagnostic mechanisms are hoped to be simplified and subsidized with the implementation of the computer-based system proposed in this project.


The aim of the project is to develop an application that will assist the medical experts and technicians who are concerned with diagnosing ailments in their work for quick and efficient service delivery. The following are the objectives of this project;

  • To evaluate the accuracy of such computer diagnosis of diseases.
  • To analyze the influence of study characteristics, and compare the accuracy of computer diagnosis of diseases with human diagnosis.
  • To reduce the huge amount of money spent on purchase, maintenance and management of other diagnostic facilities.
  • To critically review the contemporary literature on computer diagnosis of diseases.
  • Top analysis the difficulties and problems of existing approaches to disease diagnosis.




The proposed medical diagnosis system is responsible for the diagnosis and drug prescription for patients suffering from diseases such as typhoid, malaria, diabetes, etc. It is significant in monitoring the health status of the patient in a computerized way and solves the problems arising from the shortage of medical experts and physicians in hospital that are specialized in respective fields.

The proper implementation of the computer-based application for the diagnosis of diseases will eliminate problems face by the existing system due to its ease of use, higher speed of execution and data processing and higher degree of accuracy. These all together function collectively to increase the efficiency of the medical staff and service delivery at hospital.


This project work reflects the use of computer aided mechanism in medical diagnosis with human intervention. The proposed software runs a computer system that gives an expert a direct concept of diagnosed ailments or related problems that will lead to discovery of the actual medical anomalies in very little time with no stress.


Diagnosis:    The identifying of an illness or disorder in a patient through examination, medical tests, or other procedures

Radiology:   The branch of medicine that deals with the use of X-rays and radioactive substances such as radium in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Symptom:     An indication of a disease or other disorder, especially one experienced by the patient, e.g. pain, dizziness, or itching, as opposed to one observed by the doctor sign.

Doctor:          Somebody qualified and licensed to give people medical treatment.

Electroencephalography:            This is the procedure for obtaining a record of the electrical activity of the brain by means of electrodes attached to the surface of the skull.

Hospital:       An institution where people receive medical, surgical, or psychiatric treatment and nursing care.

Virus:             Submicroscopic parasitic particle of a nucleic acid surrounded by protein that can only replicate within a host cell. Viruses are not considered to be independent living organisms.

Etiology:       Etiology is a medical specialty. Etiology is the branch of medicine that investigates the causes and origins of disease.

Pathophysiology: The disturbance of function that a disease causes in an organ, as distinct from any changes in structure.

Artificial Intelligence: This is a process whereby a machine does what a man can do.

Expert System: This is software that uses a knowledge base of human expertise for solving problems.



This is the overall organizational structure of the work as presented in this project.

Chapter one of this project deals with the introduction to the general work in the project. It also entails statement of the problems, aim and objectives of this project, significance, the scope and limitation of the study, report organization or the project work.

Chapter two deals with the literature review, review of general text and other typical issues related to the research field of study.

Chapter Three deals with methods used for data collection, Analysis of the existing system, Description of the current procedure, problems of existing system (procedure) itemized description of the proposed system and the basic advantages of the proposed system. It also discuss the design and implementation techniques and choice of programming language used.

Chapter Four deal with design, implementation and documentation of the system. The design involves the system design, output design from, input design form, file structure and the procedure of the system. The implementation involves the hardware and software requirements for the proposed system perform its target aim. The documentation of the system involves the operation of the system and the maintenance of the system.

Chapter Five deals with the summary, the conclusion, recommendation and references.


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