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The complexity of systems today has aided the society positively and negatively notably in the simplicity of difficult task done by humans also in automation of human life from sleeping and eating to exercise and travelling. Methods, systems and machine readable measures converts document fields into data element that aids posting, scheduling and management. These comprise receiving a plurality of text field extracted or input from a source. Rules associated with the documents type are obtained or set and used to process the text field for the defined task example posting. This research workAUTOMATED NYSC POSTING SYSTEM is a web based system designed with Microsoft Visual studio (ASP.Net) 2008 as its front end and Microsoft SQL management server studio 2005 as its back end. The proposed modelsolves the problems associated with the manual system of NYSC (National Youth Service Corps) posting.



TITLE PAGES                                                                        i & ii

CERTIFICATION                                                                            iii

DEDICATION                                                                        iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                                       v

ABSTRACT                                                                            vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                  vii-ix

LIST OF FIGURES                                                                 x

LIST OF TABLES                                                                            x

CHAPTER ONE – Introduction                                                       1

1.1     Background of study                                                     2

1.2     Objectives of study                                                        4

1.3     Scope of the study                                                                   5

1.4     Motivation                                                                     6

1.5     Statement of Problem

1.6     Limitation of study

1.7     Methodology                                                                           6

CHAPTER TWO – Literature Review                                                        11

2.1     Introduction                                                                                      11

2.2     Review of verification systems                                                         11

CHAPTER THREE – System Analysis and Design                                   29

3.1     Introduction                                                                                      29

3.2     System analysis of the system                                                 29

3.3     Constraints of the existing system                                          31

3.4     Proposed system design                                                          33

3.4.1  System algorithm design                                                                   33

3.4.2  Input design                                                                                      39

3.4.3  Interface design                                                                       41

3.4.4  Output design                                                                          42

3.4.5  System database design                                                           43

3.5     Technology, tools and programming language used                         45

CHAPTER FOUR – Design and Implementation                             48

4.0     Introduction                                                                                      48

4.1     System design                                                                         48

4.2     System description                                                                           49

4.3     System implementation                                                           52

4.4     Hardware requirement                                                             53

4.5     Software requirement                                                              53

4.6     System testing                                                                         54

4.7     System review and maintenance                                              54

4.8     Installation procedure                                                             55

4.9     User guide                                                                               55

CHAPTER FIVE – Summary and Conclusion                                 57

5.1     Summary                                                                                 57

5.2     Recommendation                                                                     58

5.3     Conclusion                                                                              58

REFERENCE                                                                                   60

APPENDIX (SOURCE CODES)                                                      62



1.1     The SSADM Approach.                                                                   8

1.2     The RAD Model.                                                                     9

2.1     Credit/Debit Card – front and back view                                28

3.1     Input form to add Administrator                                            40

3.2     The main interface form                                                          41

3.3a   Verification Form                                                                    42

3.3b   The Verification Result form                                                   43

3.4     System’s database table for Admin                                         45

4.1     Use Case diagram for SVS                                                      51


2.1     Address Verification Service – the types                                 13

2.2     Address Verification Service – detail description                    17

3.1     Company Table                                                                       44





A system, with numerous definitions can be literally seen in a computer way as a collection of the hardware and software components of a computer.

According to Stella C. Chiemeke and Franca A. Egbokdara (2006), a system is set of components that interact to achieve a common goal. In another sense, a system is a group of interrelated or intersecting elements forming a unified whole.


Ever since the advent of Computers in our society, a lot of criticisms have arisen on the danger it will pose on the society. Critics of this new technology express their fear on how this system will be displacing and replacing all human skills thus resulting to mass unemployment. However, further developments continue to prove the critics wrong as the invention continue to create additional jobs for those who identify themselves with the technology. Thus, computers are partners to human beings in any field of human endeavor.

Over the past decade, the Human Resources (HR) professional’s role has changed from one that is highly administrative to one that is recognized as highly strategic and imperative to the overall success of the organization. In this fast moving world, the computer has served as an aid to decision making in recent years, mostly because of its efficiency in terms of speed, accuracy, reliability, cost and security, among others. In recent years, awareness has existed in people as it concerns the use of computers in planning areas of business activities. Organization have adopted the use of Management Information System (MIS) and Decision Support System (DSS) in their decision process which has advanced to web based human resources management systems on the platform of the Internet. Human Resources Management (HRM) involves the use of both quantitative (structured) and qualitative (unstructured) information.

According to Uzoka in Hampo, J.A. (2011), “Decisions are largely based on principles and experience. In recent times, efforts are being made to build intelligence into computer system, whereby the computer can be used to process large volume of structured and unstructured information for decision making.”

“An information system may be defined as a continuing and interacting structure of hardware, software, people and procedures to collect, sort, analyses evaluate and distribute pertinent, timely and accurate information for use by recipients to enhance better decision making.

An information system provides both a data processing capacity and information to help recipients make better decision. The information generated from these systems goes a long way to meet the need of people in a given organization as well as those outside the organization. Most recently, information systems have been developed to provide information to support decision making. This application is known as a Management Information System (MIS).

A management information system MIS is a formal information network using computers to provide management with information necessary for decision taking the fundamental objective of an MIS is to get the correct information to the appropriate manager at the right time.” (Source: Introduction to computer science and data processing, Apanapudor, J.S. et al)


Decision and management remain a paramount factor to someone’s success or failure. The problems associated with the manual decision, management and posting systems of which NYSC scheme in regards to deployment is not an exemption. Some of these problems are notably:

  1. High administrative costs which include cost from transportation to communication and so on.
  2. Un-confidentiality
  3. Bribery and corruption
  4. Unnecessary delay for some personal reasons and gain
  5. Lack of competency among unskilled human resources that claim professionals and so on


The aim of the research is to examine the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme/method of posting/deploying prospective Corps members

The objectives are:

  1. To describe the role of decision systems and/or management system in regards to NYSC deployment.
  2. To design a system that is web based using MS visual studio 2008 and MS management server studio 2005 as its front end and back end respectively. This system will address the issues of the manual system which include
  • Fraud and corruption
  • Un-confidentiality
  • Human errors
  • Cost
  • Delay amongst others.
  1. To review management systems and decision making.


This research work will be of great importance the NYSC scheme as it will save the schemes reputation and cost. Also, the proposed system is an asset to the scheme not a liability as it is a fund generator.

1.5     SCOPE

The scope of this research is centered on:

  • The materials review
  • National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Nigeria


Time and financial constraints has constrained this research work to the above scope.


In this research we intend to carry out a system study using related systems to the proposed system and discover their lapses. A feasibility study will be carry out after the system study to determine if there are software, hardware and resources available to accomplish a solution. System analysis will then follow, which will include various fact finding techniques such as brainstorming and observation. The materials and literature review are utilized to the optimum.

SSADM (Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology) approaches were applied. Meanwhile, relevant literature and authorities were referenced and reviewed.The Graphic User Interface (GUI) was design using Microsoft visual studio 2008, with ASP.NET as its programming language. SQL Server management studio 2005 was used as its database.









A search for solution to the problems of the manual systems aforementioned has prompted this research. Also, to create a level playing ground for all prospective Corps members.


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