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Title page    ———————————————————-       i

Approval    ———————————————————-       ii

Certification ———————————————————-      iii

Dedication   ———————————————————-     iv

Acknowledgement         ————————————————–      v

Table of Contents —————————————————-    vi

Abstract —————————————————————–   vii

List of Table ———————————————————–    viii


1.1     Background to the study ————————————-  1

1.2     Statement of the problem ————————————

1.3     Objectives of the study —————————————-

1.4     Research Questions ——————————————-

1.5     Statement of the Hypothesis ———————————

1.6     Scope of the Study ———————————————

1.7     Significance of the Study ————————————–

1.8     Limitation of the Study —————————————-

1.9     Operational Definition of Terms —————————–


2.1     Introduction ——————————————————

2.2     Management Development process —————————-

2.3     Human Resource Development Philosophy ——————

2.4     Human Resource Development and Utilization————

2.5     Organizational Career Development ————————–

2.6     Component of Career Development ————————

2.7     Training and Development ————————————-

2.8     Effect of Training and Human Development —————-

2.9     Development of Organization Human resources ————

2.10   Reasons for Human Resource development Needs———-

2.11   Significance of Human Resource Development ————-

2.12.  Summary of the Research —————————————


3.1     Introduction ——————————————————–

3.2     Research Design —————————————————

3.3     Population of the Study ——————————————-

3.4     Sample of the Study ———————————————–

3.5     Sampling Techniques /Procedure ——————————–

3.6     Method of Data Collection —————————————-

3.7     Method of Data Analysis ——————————————


4.1     Introduction ———————————————————-

4.2     Data presentation and Interpretation ——————————

4.3     Data Analysis and Hypothesis Testing —————————

4.4     Discussion of Findings ———————————————



5.1     Introduction ——————————————————-

5.2     Summary of Findings ——————————————–

5.3     Conclusion ———————————————————-

5.4     Recommendations ————————————————-

References ———————————————————          Appendices ——————————————————-



1.1     Background to the Study

          This study is an enquiry into the training and development of employee and their impact on performance in the public enterprise with special effective to the Benin Electricity Distribution Company, Benin City, Edo State. Human Resource development is a requirement of modern economic system, a process imposed on all organization as a result of change in technology, social environment competition and organizational development.

Ojo (2005). The term “public” involves everybody, people oriented as distinctly opposed to private public could also mean government. This is accepted because govern also mean government. This is accepted because government is the onlyorganization that everyone belongs in one way or the other. The role of public enterprise should be consistent to the economic objectives of the nation and also to harness the resources of the nation and promote national properly.

Adeneolakin (1986) identified specific objective for setting up public enterprise like. B.E.D.C to include electricity, generation, transmission, distribution and generate needed, revenue, in addition to the national capital input for development and welfare programme humanresources development is targeted towards enhancing productivity and improving workers efficiency and effectiveness.

Increase in productivity is the board objective and goal of HRD. The Benin Electricity Distribution Company formally the power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) is an organization governing the use of electricity in Nigeria. The company runs a football team, PHCN Lagos it represent Nigeria in the West African poll.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

          This research work tends to find out to what extent the public enterprise BEDC has precisely embraced the training concept through an in-depth analysis of its training and human resources development activities. The work force are not technically skillful and include and also that there are signs of dissatisfaction among and within the senior staff of the company. As a result of insufficient training opportunities open to them compared to their junior counterpart.

The problem therefore is to ascertain how BEDC employees perceive human resources development and what type of human resource development technique is available and how they are evaluated on such programmes in their job performance.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

          The objectives of the study are stated as follows:

  • To review human resources development for effective performance in BEDC.
  • To determine theproductivity of highly developed employees and the productivity of the under development employees.
  • To identify and analysis the problems associated with human effective the employee performs after training.
  • The research work will also measure the perception of the employee as the effect of human resource development on the job performance satisfaction and evolution

1.4 Research Questions

          In the course of this research work the following questions will be addressed.

  • Does effective is human resource development in Benin Electrical Distribution Company.
  • Does lack of effective human resource development and improper placement cause inefficiency in the organization.
  • Is the duration and facilities provided for the training and development programme adequate?

1.5 Statement of Hypothesis

          Hypothesis is a tentative statement that are subject to empirical test. They are intelligent guess about the possible difference or relationship between two or more variables. It consist mostly the null and alternative hypothesis which at the end one of the hypothesis would either be rejected or accepted depending on the information gathered. For the purpose of this work, the following hypothesis which at the end one of the hypothesis would either be rejected or accepted depending on the informationgathered for the purpose of this work; the following hypothesis would be formulated.

Ho:Human resources development does not improve worker


Hi:    Human resource development improves workers productivity.

Hi:    Employees productivity does no depend largely on effective and efficient implementation of strategies for the management of human resources.

Ho:   Lack of effective human resources development and improper placement does not cause inefficiency in the performance of job.

Hi:    Lack of effect human resource development and improper placement cause inefficiency in the performance of jobs.

Ho:   Adequate facilities and time duration does not effect the training programme.

Hi:    Adequate facilities and time duration affect the training programme

1.6 Significance of the Study

          This research will play an important role in the academic environment since both the student and the lecturers will gain more understanding of human resources development and also, this study will redefine human resource development objective towards achieving effective productivity. It will also expose the management and the entire staff of BEDC, the importance of human resources development in an organization. It will provide students who intend to carryout further research work on human resources development in an organization. It will provide students who intend to carryout further research work on human resources development on insight and will afford them first hand information on the study.  By this there will be motivation which will make the employee to have the persistent need to contribute to the growth of the organization.

1.7 Scope of the Study

          Considering the broadness of Benin Electrical Distribution Company (BEDC) it is expected that the researcher will restrict itself to the work force from the management. Senior and junior staff of the organization. In view of this, however it is assumed by the researcher that what ever information obtain from any operational office of BEDC is applicable to every other BEDC else wherearound the country.

1.8 Limitation of the Study

          In the cause of this research it is expected of the researcher to go round the development of BEDC for collection of data and interviews. Thus considering the fact that BEDC operates allover Nigeria and it will be difficult for the researcher to visit every office operation and as such pose a set back.

The researcher will also encounter the problem of partial low response from respondents who will complain of being in the office. Another limitation which probably obtain a random sample. Another limitation is lack of time and finance which will affect the researcher from giving this work the full concentration it deserves.

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms

Training: This usually implies preparation for an occupation or for specific skills, it is narrower in conception than either education or development, it is job oriented rather than personal.

Development: This usually suggests a broader view of knowledge and skills acquisition than training, it is less job oriented than career oriented, it is concerned more with employee potential than with immediate skills, it sees employees as adaptable resources.

Human Resources: This is a term used to describe the individuals who make up the workforce of an organization.

Strategy:This can be seen simply as a means to an end.

Organization Goals:It is a desired future state that organization seeks to achieve.


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