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1.1     Backgrounds to the Study

The rapid growth in information communication technology (ICT) has changed the communication process and reduced the cost of communication for individuals. Electronic resources can be seen as the most recent development in information technology and show relationship among the most powerful tools for invested in human history that is fast becoming more important for academic community (Kumar 2008). Furthermore, electronic information resource simply referred to as electronic resources or e-resources, these are information stored in electronic format in computer or computer related facilities (CD-Roms, digital librarian or internet). Haridasan and Khan (2009) defined it as resource in which information is stored electronically and accessible through electronic system and network, different types of electronic resources include; e-journal, e-book, online database, electronic  conference proceeding and CD-ROM databases. These resources could be used to supplement printed information source in libraries.

Dadzie (2005), the attribute of electronic resources library ease the access to needed information to be done remotely by learner or academic staff within the comfort of their home or offices without physical visit to the library. Thus electronic resources promote efficiency in dissemination of information for various purposes in polytechnic. Ellis and Oldman (2005) opined that electronic resources are more of a tool to assist in conduction research; a way of scanning a lot of materials quickly. This act of providing access to electronics resources by the polytechnic library to fast track the delivery of information via electronic media in referred to as electronics information services (Thaunskodi, 2012).

Appleton (2006) defined electronic information services as delivery of information tools/products to “meet the need of requesting user electronically” usually by computer mediation. Access to information is imperative to successful conduct of research, administrative, quality control and teaching in the polytechnic system. Hassian, Kang and Shin (2012), discussing the impact of electronic resources on information service delivery among academics, opined that access to relevant information is necessary for academic staff to make efficient decision in their research development. This view was affirmed by Adeloye (2002), who opined that the use of electronic resources helps to provide access to information for problem solving and decision making among students, library staff, management staff and academicians. Moon (2012) used the term information to describe the institution that use electronic resource to provide wider access to information to aid teaching, learning, managerial, and administrative and research purpose. Commenting on the advantage of electronic resource on information delivery service in the polytechnic system; Dadzie (2005) stated that electronic resources are invaluable research tools that complement the print-based resources in a traditional library setting. Other advantage according to this researcher include; access to information  that might be restricted to user due to geographical location or finance; access to more current information and provision of extensive link to addition resources of related content in view of the potentials, advantage and benefit of electronic resources over the modern electronic information environment, accessibility and ultilization of resources is fast becoming a norm hence, electronically stored information accessed through e-resources, could facilitate knowledge sharing among student and academic, promote information dissemination and contribute positively to the teaching and learning process in polytechnic.

Ukoha (2005), took a cursory survey of education in Nigeria that revealed a catalogue of problems and gaps that include a towering infrastructural inadequacy and lack of access to information and resources for learning. He further stated that information and communication technology is a powerful tool that would facilitate the ongoing revitalization of the education process. In the words of Shamsul (2009), the use of electronic information resources in libraries has profoundly affected all aspects of information acquisition, storage and transfer.

Ukwoma (2009), electronic resources are information resources found not physically in print formats but in soft non-print form accessed only through electronically manipulated machines such as computer machines, CD-ROM readers, opaque readers, projector, etc. Ekwelem and Okafor (2009), electronic information sources are information sources that are available and accessed electronically through such computer-networked facilities as online library catalogues, the internet, world wide web, digital libraries and archives, government portals and websites, CD-ROM and  databases. Oldman (2005), stated that electronic information resources are online information resources that include bibliographic databases, electronic reference books, search engines for full text collections, digital collections of data and data sets. In line with the above stated definitions, the study is based on the premise that “Electronic Information Resources are Information resources that are stored in books, CD-ROMS, databases or other related storage media that are only accessible only through electronically manipulated media. Interestingly the uses of electronic information resources in polytechnic libraries have aided libraries vis-a-vis librarians as they have the ability to do full text searching across a large number of resources in one go and ability to download print or save the desired document instantly.

However, the use of electronic information resources is attributed to the global challenges of multiplication of print materials which has plagued the polytechnic in the 21st century. But the advents of electronic information resources in libraries have given room for the radicalization of library activities. This is because librarians now have media to meet different needs of users. In the words of Hawthorne (2008) “these trends gave room for computer-based service and revolutionized bibliographic research in the 1970s”. This historic migration has tried to satisfy the changing information needs of library users, including ease of access, interaction richness and low cost. Hence these studies went ahead to prove that disciplinary factors have influenced the use of electronic information resources. This means that some disciplines or faculties of study feel the push in utilizing electronic based information resources than others. Tenopir (2003) shows that users’ discipline and institutional context strongly affect the use of electronic resources. It was revealed in these studies that electronic resources are typically more widely used by students and staff in natural and technical sciences than in the humanities and social science. Earlier study corroborating this finding above: Abels… et al (1996) explored factors that affect the adoption and use of electronic networks and network services by polytechnics and colleges. In order to be indispensible, polytechnic libraries and librarians must recognize a set of roles for providing services to their patrons because library’s role in information service delivery in Nigerian polytechnic environment should be in real time. Real time information service delivery means making leaps in productivity by sharing more information with more people. Today, polytechnic libraries are struggling to keep their place as the major source of inquiry in the face of emerging digital technology which has revolutionized not only the way information is packaged, processed, stored and disseminated, but also how users seek and access information. Service delivery is a means put in place to ensure that functions/ activities carried out by polytechnic libraries are transmitted by the librarians to the library users. These services are geared towards satisfying the information needs of polytechnic library patrons.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

The emergency of Electronic information resources has tremendously transformed information. Handling and management in Nigeria academic environment and polytechnic libraries in particular, observation shown that the emerging electronic  information in polytechnic libraries is reportedly low further observation by the researcher affirmed that student and academics staff in Nigerian  polytechnic have little access to relevant and reliable information for studies and their research activities respectively.

However, alleviating these challenges requires the introduction and use of novel approaches such as making available and using electronic information resources by librarians. This study therefore is geared towards impart of electronic resources on information service delivery in selected polytechnic libraries in Edo State. This study seek to evaluate the impact of electronic resource on information services in libraries, a  study of selected polytechnic libraries in Edo State with special focus on Auchi polytechnic and Shaka polytechnic in Edo State.

1.3     Objectives of the Study   

The primary objective of this study is to investigate the impart of electronic resources on information service in polytechnic library. However, the study is being guided by striated secondary objective which include;

  1. To examine the extent of availability of electronic information resources in polytechnic libraries.
  2. To examine the extent of using electronic resources in information service delivery in polytechnic libraries.
  3. To find out impact of electronic resource on information service delivery in polytechnic libraries.
  4. I identify the factors militating against the use of electronic information resources in information service delivery in polytechnic libraries.
  5. Examine strategies that can be adopted to enhance electronic information resources use for information services delivery in Nigeria polytechnic.

1.4     Research Question

The following are research questions raised to guild the study

  1. Are electronic information resources available in polytechnic libraries in Edo State.
  2. Are these electronic information resources used in libraries for information service delivery to patrons?
  3. What is the impact of electronic resources on information services delivery in polytechnic libraries.
  4. What are the factors militating against the use of electronic information resources for information service delivery in polytechnic
  5. What strategies can be adopted to promote the use of electronic information resources in information service delivery in polytechnic libraries.

1.5     Scope of the study

This study examines the impact of electronic information resource on information service delivery in polytechnic libraries. The study is limited to polytechnic libraries in Edo State, which polytechnic  outside Edo State are not included in the study. Similarly other types of tertiary institutions such as universities, colleges of Education etc are also excluded from the study.

1.6     Significant of the Study

It is hoped that this study will be of benefit to polytechnic management, Information Communication Technology (ICT) administrator, librarians system, curator librarian, academics and prospective researchers. The study will also impose the importance of electronic  resources on information service delivery to academic exercise when used.

Furthermore, it is hoped that findings of this study will expose the problems affecting the use of electronics resource on information service delivery in polytechnic. Conclusively, it will be a reservoir of knowledge that will benefit prospective researchers in this area of research and also expose them.




1.7     Operational Definition of Terms

Library:     This is a physical building or room containing books, news papers, films, Map, Printed documents, microforms, CDs, cassettes, video taps DVD, e-book, audio books etc.

Electronics: This is a machines used for the purpose of collecting, storing and disseminating information electronically. It involves processing, storing and communicating vast amount of data: it is a potent combination of computers, in which information can be stored and processed.

Resources: This is e-book, e-journal, e-database, digital and internet resources available in electronic format. Resources also referred to electronic format in computer or computer related facilities (CD-Rom, digital libraries or the internet etc).

Services: This is remote access to online catalogue and weblog document delivery.    

Information: This is information or tools to meet the need of requesting users electronically and this information complement the print-based in library setting.

Liberians: This is a person(s) who has a diploma in library science. Also who developing expeditions and effective locator tools to make complex web of resources more readily accessible to both sophisticated and naive users,





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