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This research work ‘’Independence National Electoral Commission And Democracy In Nigeria: (A Study Of 2011 General Electoral)’’ was carried out to examine the activities of the electoral commissions and its contribution towards the development of democracy in Nigeria. Chapter one took a cursory look at the problems that lead to the research which stems from the haphazard ways in which elections in the past were organized which always activates violence and crises in the country, thus, inhibiting the development programs of the government. Chapter two examines the various views and opinions of different authors and journals that were of relevant to the research been conducted. Chapter three on the other hand, explained the methodology adopted in arriving at an unbiased finding. Thus, the population and sampling techniques were clearly identified. Chapter four analyzed the data presented and as well discussed the findings, while chapter five summarized the work, and made recommendation for further research.



Title page ………………………………………………………………       i

Declaration …………………………………………………………….        ii

Certification ………………………………………………………….. iii

Approval page …………………………………………………………        iv

Dedication ……………………………………………………………..         v

Acknowledgement …………………………………………………..  vi

Abstract ………………………………………………………………..        vii

Table of Contents …………………………………………………… viii



1.0     Introduction …………………………………………………… 1

1.1     Background of the Study……………………………………      1

1.2     Statement of the Problem …………………………………        3

1.3     Research Question …………………………………………                4

1.4     Purpose of the Study ………………………………………                 4

1.6     Significance of the Study ………………………………..          5

1.7     Scope of the Study ………………………………………….     6

1.8   Limitation of the study………………………………………       6

1.9   Operational/Definition of Terms ………………………… 7

1.10  Organization of the study. …………………………………        8



2.1   Literature Review ………………………………………………  9

2.2   Theoretical Framework ……………………………………….     12




3.1   Research Design ………………………………………………    17

3.2   Area of the Study ………………………………………………   17

3.3   Population of the Study ……………………………………         18

3.4   Sample and Sampling Techniques ………………………  18

3.5   Methods of Data Collection …………………………………      19

3.6   Instruments for Data Collection ……………………………        20

3.7   Reliability of the Instrument ……………………………… 21

3.8   Validity of the Instruments ………………………………….       21

3.9   Distribution and Retrieval of Instruments ……………….  21

3.10  Methods of Data Analysis ……………………………………    22




4.1   Data Presentation ……………………………………………..     23

4.2   Analysis of Research Question …………………………….        23

4.3  Interpretation of Results ……………………………………         30


5.1     Summary…………………………………………………………        32

5.2     Conclusion……………………………………………………….         32

5.3     Recommendation……………………………………………….. 33

References ………………………………………………………        35

          Appendix A ……………………………………………………. 36

          Appendix B …………………………………………………… 37




1.0    Introduction

1.1   Background to the Study

Elections in Nigeria before and since independent have faced several challenges including electoral malpractice through buying of votes and rigging of election. The history of electoral commission in Nigeria can be traced to the colonial era and towards independence to be specific. The electoral commission (ECN) headed by Sir Kofo Abayomi, was the first electoral management body or commission to be set up in Nigeria. ECN administered, manage and conduct the 1959 election that ushered the first republic, the then prime minister, Sir Tafawa Belewa affected a change in ECN and renamed it federal electoral commission (FEC) The FEC headed by Tyo Tona, conducted the 1964 general election and the 1965 western region election. The incompetence and inability of FEC to conduct the election in a free, fair and credible manner and the violence that ensured therefore largely for the collapse of the first republic.

The military administration of general Aguiyi Ironsi took over the reign of government dissolved the FEC (lugman, 2009; NERDC, 2005; obanyi 2005) in 1978, the then military head of state, general Olusegun Obasanjo, established another federal commission (FEDECO) with chief Michael Ani with justice ovie whisky as chairman of the FEDECO that conducted the 1963 general  election  and re-elected the civilian administration of Alhaji Shehu Shagari 1979. The violence and destruction of life and property that followed led the military to overthrow the government and FEDECO was again dissolved (Tguarnon, 2009, okoye, 2007) during the transition brokered by general babangida to usher in the aborted third republic, the military administration set up the national electoral commission (NEC) with professor Time .O. Awa as chairman in 1987, by 1989, professor Humpherey Nwosu was appointed the chairman of NEC.

NEC was eventually dissolved in November 1993 after general Abacha overthrows the interim government chief Ernest Shonekan (Akinboya, 2005, lugman, 2009) in 1994, the Abacha regime establish the national electoral commission (NECON) headed by chief summan Dangugo jack the commission conducted local government and national assembly election.

With the death of general Abacha in 1998 NECO was dissolve by his successor, Abdusalam Abubakar, who established the independent national electoral commission (INEC) and appointed justice Ephraim Akpata as first chairman in 1999.

Presently the independent national electoral commission is constituted by the chairman known as professor Mahmood Yakubu who is presently the chief electoral officer of the nation and twelve drawn two from each geo political zone.

However, to ensure a holistic conduct of the election, state independent electoral were set up or established in all the state in Nigeria consequently, the emergence of Ebonyi state independent electoral commission (ABSIEC) which has the same statutory functions as that of INEC to ensure a peaceful and free fair conduct of both state and local government election in Ebonyi state.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The problem of election malpractice such a rigging, thuggary, arson and lack of accountability has been an outstanding issue in the independent national electoral commission (INEC) lack of true independence: the (INNEC) today are  not truly independent as they claim because of its activities is being influenced by external factors and this to some extent jeopardize its activities and questions its credulity. Again another problem is the use issue of democracy as a form government cannot take root firmly unless there exist an economics base that is sound and other cultural values.

Many countries of the globe have adopted democracy as a system of government. Democracy is not successfully in most of the countries that adopted it. In Nigeria the petit bourgeois democracy in place is derived of the solid economy for its success, the face of democracy today in Nigeria is the one defined by coercion and intimidation. It is a season aggression and half truths. There is  no institutional interaction in the affairs of the Nigeria people by petit bourgeois element who are the agent of the bourgeois democracy in the country.

The main reason of the research is to see whether these problems will stop.


1.3     Research questions

  1. To what extent has independence national electoral commission performed its various roles in the sustenance of democracy in Nigeria?
  2. What has been and should be the ideal role of the independence national electoral commission in promoting national development?.
  3. What are those factors that inhibit the attainment of high level performance in the independence national electoral commission?

1.4     Purpose of the study

The role and objectives is to examine the role of independent national electoral commission in the sustenance o democracy and cover the shortcoming of independent national electoral commission in the development of the national to address it accordingly. The study intend to:

  1. To find out solution the problem facing the INEC and to be free from rigging of election and lack of credibility that has been facing them.
  2. To examine the work and duties of the INEC body and how to articulate the problems and ascertain the discernable impediments that have affected the performance of the body.
  3. To ascertain if the INEC body is fully independent as it were to be.


1.6   Significance of the study

The significance of this study will afford the means of checking  the role of independent national electoral commission in the sustenance of democracy in Nigeria. The significance of the study is to find out the following.

Apart from being pre-requisite for the award of National Diploma (ND) in Public Administration, this  research will hopefully help both public and private administrators  who are  saddled with the various   responsibility for free and fair election in Nigeria especially as pertains to the working of the independent national electoral commission (INEC) more than anything else the research will also contribute to the building of body of knowledge on why successful government election have failed in a developing bureaucracy like Nigeria

Ascertain the extent of people’s participation in the election.

Find out the extent of which the independent National Electoral commission (INEC) has involved the educated elites in the affairs of the government.


1.7   Scope of the study

        The study covered 2011 General Election in Nigeria. It is limited to the role of the independence national electoral commission in the sustenance of democracy in Nigeria. But because of being widely spread in Nigeria the work is being restricted to 2011 General Election.


1.8   Limitation of the study

In carrying out this study, certain problems were encountered which include:

  1. Finance: The researcher laid amount of money at his disposal being a study.
  2. Time: The researcher needed sufficient time for travelling and asking questions where and when necessary.
  • Non-co-operation: some of the respondent did not co-operate because of the fact that most of them were suspicious of the real intention of the researcher.
  1. Illiteracy: many of the respondents were illiterate and therefore could not give accurate response to the questions.


1.9   Operationalization/ Definition of Terms

Definition of basic terms in given in order to clarify the meaning o some key  words  used in this study and moreover, to help any student who intend to expatiate more on this research  work to understand the way these words  are being used.

  1. Political parties: A political party is an organizes groups of citizens who act together as a political unit, have identical political objectives and who by acting together seek to capture political power.
  2. One party system: A one party system is one which only one party is legally and officially constitutionally allowed to operate.
  3. Two party system: A two party system is a situation which only two parties are allowed to contest for election.
  4. Multi-party system: A multi party system is one which more than two political parties usually contest for election.
  5. Democracy: Democracy is derived from the Greek word demos which means the people and crat which means rule or government.


1.10           Organization of the study

Chapter one: is for introduction

Chapter two: is for literature review and theoretical framework

Chapter three: is for Research Design? Methodology

Chapter four: is for data presentation and analysis

Chapter five: is for summary, conclusion and recommendation.


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