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Background to the Study

Physical activity is any bodily movement produced by voluntary body muscles that require energy expenditure. Physical activity has traditionally been considered  in physical education as an essential part of curricula in promoting a range of benefits including general health, cognitive, development, motor skills and social behaviour (Pate, Neill and Mclver,2011). The philosophy “Healthy Body, Healthy Mind” was the motive behind the inclusion of physical education along with the curriculum subjects. Physical education is the systematic education of physical activity to develop a man physically, mentally, emotionally and socially competent through an active medium.

Physical education can help the students to develop the knowledge, attitudes, motor and behaviour skills, and confidence needed to adopt and maintain physically active lifestyle (World Health Organization,2013). The outcomes of a quality physical activity program are very important to adolescents. Bodily benefits of sports activities, like improved aerobic power, increased muscle strength, and fighting obesity have been demonstrated clearly.

Participation in physical activities like sports has also been related to greater satisfaction with body image. Therefore, physical activity may not be considered extracurricular; it is rather a vital component in students’ academic success. Several studies suggested that increased physical activity during the school time could induce arousal and lessen boredom, which lead to increase classroom concentration and attention span. In addition to that, study by Mohammed, Abubakr, Tamer, Omar Al Jadaan, Mohamed and Salah(2015) suggested that increased activity levels might be related to improve classroom behaviour as well as academic performance(Shephard,2012). It as result of this that has necessitated the study in investigating the influence of physical activity participation on academic performance of secondary school students in Awka South L.G.A.

Statement of The Problems

Secondary school students face many elements, which affect the participation of the students in the physical activities like; university environment, extracurricular activities, family environment, parents’ education, community, schedule of physical education and classroom activities. For instance, some students conditions inherently make it  stressful and demanding for them to have time for physical activities and some others are not interested on it due to overwhelming burden, which leaves minimal opportunity for the students to relax and recreate. This has created pressure on the student and sometimes affect their academic performance. These students also face social, emotional, physical and family problems, which may affect their learning ability and academic performance . Sports  officers in  schools also finds it difficult in encouraging students to participate in sports activities because of the highly demanding  schedule. It is against this backdrops that has necessitated this study into investigating the influence of physical activity participation on academic performance of secondary school students in Awka South L.G.A.

Purpose of The study

The main purpose of the study is  ascertain the influence of physical activity participation on academic performance of secondary school students in Awka South L.G.A. Specifically, the study ascertain:
  1. The types of sport activities.
  2. extent gender of a student affect spotting activities of  secondary school students
  3. The impact of environmental on student physical activity participation.
  4. Attitude of secondary school students toward physical activities in secondary schools.

Significance of The study

The findings of the study would be beneficial to  sport officers school administrators, students and future researchers.

Sport officers will benefit from the study as the student will enlighten them on the need of encouraging students to engage in physical activities. It will also enable  know the effective strategies to encouraging student to engage in physical activities.

School administrator will  come to see the need of providing the necessary physical activity facilities that will enable  student engage on physical activity programmes. The study will also benefit them as they will come to appreciate the role physical activities plays in the development of students academically and physical.

Students will also benefit from the study as the study will help them see the importance of them engaging in physical activities and the contribution of physical activities toward effective academic performance.

Future researchers will benefit the study as the study will serve as source of material and references for related studies.

Scope of The Study

This study was delimited to the influence of physical activity participation on academic performance of secondary school students in Awka South L.G.A. the study focus on only SS1 to SS3 students in secondary school.


Research Question

The following research questions were posed to guide the study:

  1. What are the types of sport activities?
  2. To what extent does gender of a student affect spotting activities of  secondary school students?
  3. What impact does the environment have on student physical activity participation?
  4. What are the attitude of secondary school students toward physical activities in secondary schools?


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