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This research is designed to examine the prospect of internal control system on public sector
organization a case study of selected ministries (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance,
Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Health). The use of 100 structured questionnaires was
administered to the selected ministries which were based on a five point likert scale to measure
respondent’s knowledge and perception of internal control system in the organization. Where
“agree” is represented by (A), “strongly agree” represented as (SA), “not sure” represented as
(NS), “disagree” is represented as (DA) and “strongly disagree” as (SD). In which 80 was taken
for the purpose of this research. Chi-square as a statistical tool was used to analyze the data
obtained using a statistical package called SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). From
the findings, it can be established that the internal control system of a ministry affects its
operations, the achievement of its goals, and the prevention and detection of frauds, errors and
material misstatements. This research recommends that there should be a system of internal
control in place in government ministries and agencies, the task of internal controls should be
ingrained in the core duties of the management at government ministries and when government
policies are being created, there should be appropriate inclusion of internal control systems so
that they do not contradict.
Title page……………………………………………………………………………………………….. i
Certification …………………………………………………………………………..ii
Declaration ……………………………………………………………………………iii
Dedication …………………………………………………………………………….iv
Acknowledgements …………………………………………………………………..v
Abstracts………. ……………………………………………………………………
Table of contents ……………………………………………………………………..vii
List of Tables …………………………………………………………………………viii
1.1 Background Information………………………………………………………… 1
1.2 Statement of the problem ………………………………………………………….5
1.3 Objectives of the Study ……………………………………………………………6
1.4 Research Questions ……………………………………………………………….6
1.5 Research Hypothesis ………………………………………………………………7
1.6 Significance of the Study ………………………………………………………….8
1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study ……………………………..………………..9
1.8 Organization of the Study ………………………………………………..……….9
1.9 Definition of Terms ………………………………………………………………11
2.0 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………12
2.1 Conceptual Clarification ………………………………………………………….12
2.1.1 History and Background of selected Ministries …………………………………16
2.1.2 Internal Control ………………………………………………………………….19
2.1.3 Internal Auditing …………………………………………………………………20
2.1.4 Features of Internal Control ……………………………………………………..21
2.1.5 Types of Internal Control ………………………………………………………..22
2.1.6 Components of Internal Control System ………………………………………..23
2.1.7 Ascertaining the systems of Internal Control …………………………………..24
2.1.8 Recording the systems of Internal Control ……………………………………..24
2.1.9 Evaluating the Internal Control System …………………………………………26
2.1.10 Practical implication of Internal Control ………………………………………30
2.1.11 Roles and responsibilities in Internal Control …………………………………33
2.1.12 Internal Control activities in Public Sector Organization ………………………33
2.1.13 Internal Control Policies in Public Sector Organization ……………………….35
2.1.14 Internal Control and the IT infrastructure of Public Sector Organization ……..35
2.1.15 Resources provided to help departments in Public Sector Organization ………36
2.1.16 Self Assessments of Internal Control …………………………………………..37
2.1.17 What departments can do to improve its Internal Control ……………………..38
2.1.18 Internal Auditors responsibilities as they relate to Internal Control ……………38
2.1.19 Effectiveness of Internal Control System ………………………………………41
2.1.20 Limitations of Internal Control System …………………………………………42
2.2 Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………………..43
2.2.1 Control Theory …………………………………………………………………..43
2.2.2 Systems Theory …………………………………………………………………..44
2.2.3 Agency Theory and Institutional Theory ………………………………………..45
2.2.4 Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 ………………………………………………………..46
2.3 Empirical Review ………………………………………………………………….47
2.4 Summary of Empirical Review ……………………………………………………52
3.0 Introduction ……………………………………………………………………….56
3.1 Research Design …………………………………………………………………..56
3.2 Research Population ………………………………………………………………57
3.3 Sample and Sampling Technique …………………………………………………57
3.4 Research Instrument ………………………………………………………………58
3.5 Validity and Reliability of Instruments ……………………………………………58
3.5.1 Validity of the Instrument ………………………………………………………58
3.5.2 Reliability of the Instrument ……………………………………………………59
3.6 Method of Data Collection ……………………………………………………….59
3.7 Data Analysis Technique …………………………………………………………60
4.0 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………61
4.1 Return of Questionnaire …………………………………………………………..61
4.2 Data Analysis and Interpretation of Demographic Factors ………………………62
4.3 Analysis and Interpretation: Hypotheses One …………………………………….76
4.3.1a Interpretation of Hypotheses One ………………………………………………79
4.3.1b Discussion of Findings …………………………………………………………80
4.3.2 Hypotheses Two …………………………………………………………………80
4.3.2a Interpretation of Hypotheses Two ……………………………………………..82
4.3.2b Discussion of Findings …………………………………………………………82
4.3.3 Hypotheses Three ……………………………………………………………….83
4.3.3a Interpretation of Hypotheses Three ……………………………………………85
4.3.3b Discussion of Findings ………………………………………………………..85
5.0 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………87
5.1 Summary of Findings …………………………………………………………….87
5.2 Implication of the Findings ………………………………………………………88
5.3 Recommendations ………………………………………………………………..89
5.4 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………….89
5.5 Contribution to Knowledge ………………………………………………………90
5.6 Suggestion for Further Studies ……………………………………………………90
REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………91
APPENDIX …………………………………………………………………………..94
1 Return of Questionnaires 61
2 Age Analysis of Respondents 62
3 Sex Analysis of Respondents 63
4 Marital Status Analysis of Respondents 65
5 Ministry Analysis of the Respondents 66
6 Distribution of Respondents Educational Qualification 67
7 Professional Qualification of the Respondents 68
8 Analysis of Nature of Employees‘ Employment 71
9 Distribution of years spent in Ministry 73
10 Analysis of Respondents‘ Work Experience 74
An effective and efficient internal control system should be established in every be it banking
industry, manufacturing company, small scale business, large scale business or government
establishment irrespective of their size or mode of operation so as to protect it from possible
losses, organizationalresources, frauds, errors or material misstatement. Misappriopriation of
funds, misuse and vandalization of company property and errors made by inefficient personnels
could result to losses. To avoid all these losses, misuse, vandalization of company property,
errors e.t.c. in an organization it is perceived that an effective internal control system will lead to
the achievement of the organizational goals. The collapse of internal control will certainly lead to
the extinction of business of organization. Therefore, adequate internal control should encompass
proper accountability for assets, reporting and proper documentation of all tasks and procedures
must be maintained.
Internal control system according to the operational standard (guideline) is defined as‖ The
whole system of controls, financial and otherwise, established by the management in order to
carry on the business enterprise, in an orderly and efficient manner, ensure adherence to
management policies, safeguard assets and secure as far as possible the completeness and
accuracy of records. This definition points to the fact that internal controls create a basis of
amount of work to be done by the professionals charged with the function, as they are expected
to ensure the safeguard of the organization‘s funds, ensure that there is efficient and effective
management of assets and that financial statements are accurate all the time.
According to COSO (1992) ―Theinternal control is an executive process of an entity‘s board of
directors, authorities and other employees to achieve purposes in these categories: efficiency and
effectiveness of operations, reliability of financial accountability and obeying laws and legal act.
Internal control system according to International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
(INTOSAI, 2004) is defined ―as an integral process that is effected by an entity‘s management
and personnel and is designed to address risks and to provide reasonable assurance that in pursuit
of the entity‘s mission, the following general objectives are being achieved: executing orderly,
ethical, economical, efficient and effective operations, fulfilling accountability
obligations,complying with applicable laws and regulations and safeguarding resources against
loss, misuse and damage‖.
Internal control is broadly set process needed to establish wise guarantees that (effectiveness and
economic performance, reliability of financial accounting and obeying laws and rules) these
goals will be accomplished ―M.R. Simmons 1995‖.
According to Thomas, P.D. (2007) the term internal control is the integration of the activities,
plans, attitudes, policies and efforts of the people of an organization working together to provide
reasonable assurance that the organization will achieve its objectives and mission. It ensure that
all recorded transactions are real, properly valued, related to the correct period, properly
classified, correctly authorized and posted. It is the responsibility of the board of directors and its
audit committee to ensure that the internal control system within the organization is adequate
which includes determining the extent to which internal controls are evaluated and the parties
involved in the evaluations (internal and external auditors).
Internal control is the integration of the activities, plans, attitudes, policies and efforts of the
employees of a department working together to provide reasonable assurance that the department
will achieve its mission.
For systems based auditing to work effectively, the auditor will like to rely on internal controls to
reduce the volume of substantive testing. Auditing is therefore defined as the processcarried out
by an appointed qualified person or body, whereby the records and financial statements of an
entity are subjected to independent examination in such detail as will enable the auditor form an
opinion as to their truth and fairness of the financial statements. It is therefore important for the
auditor to examine the internal control practice and procedures that are in place in the
organization. Where weaknesses are revealed, the auditor recommends ways of improving the
systems. Internal control system should therefore be viewed as a dynamic process that is
continuously shaped by the interactions among the factors such as internal audit quality,
management support and organization setting. Therefore it‘s now recognized that a sound
internal control process is critical to an entity‘s ability to meet its established goals and maintain
its financial viability.
Therefore, internal control system provides assurance to the management of the dependability of
accounting data used in making decision. Decisions made by management becomes company
policies and to be effective, these policies must be communicated throughout the organisation
and consistently followed. However policies are not adequately followed in the public sector and
to the extent that good governance is only imagined in Nigeria.
Corporation, state-owned company, state-owned enterprise, state-owned entity, state enterprise,
publicly owned corporation, government business enterprise, commercial government agency,
public sector undertaking or parastatal is a legal entity that undertakes commercial activities on
behalf of an owner ‗government‘. Their legal status varies from being a part of government to
stock companies with a state as a regular stockholder. There is no standard definition of a
government-owned corporation (GOC) or state-owned enterprise (SOE), although the two terms
can be used interchangeably. The defining characteristics are that they have a distinct legal form
and they are established to operate in commercial affairs while they may also have public policy
Public sector management needs to be clearly paid attention to, reason being that government
constitutes the largest single business entity and her pattern of expenditure through its various
parastatals, agencies and commissions stimulate lot of economic activities. (Angus and
Mohammed 2011) says that as a result of the government huge involvement in economic
activities, initiatives are being taken into all over the world towards the improvement of the
standards of accounting, auditing and internal control departments in government. In the eye of
Woolf (1986) the public sector is primarily composed of not-profit making organizations.
In a general term Public sector is the part of the economy concerned with providing various
government services. The composition of the public sector varies by country, but in most
countries the public sector includes such services as the military, police, public transit and care
of public roads, public education, along with healthcare and those working for the government
itself, such as elected officials. The public sector might provide services that a non-payer cannot
be excluded from (such as street lighting), services which benefit all of society rather than just
the individual who uses the service.
Public sector consists of governments and all publicly controlled or publicly funded agencies,
enterprises and other entities that deliver public programs, goods or services. The concept of
public sector is broader than simply that of core governments and may overlap with the not-for-
profit or private sectors. For the purpose of this guidance, the public sector consists of an
expanding ring of organizations, with core government at the center, followed by agencies and
public enterprises.
In conclusion, public sector is the part of the economy that is owned and controlled by
government and provides basic services to the citizens. It is the means by which the government
relates and delivers amenities to the public. Such amenities include, but are not limited to
welfare, infrastructure, security, social justice, education and health care and a means of
regulating or deregulating the economy (Okotuwa, 2007).
Though internal controls cannot eliminate all errors and irregularities faced in public sector
organization, it is expected that they can alert management to potential problems, which can be
controlled before they escalate to big problems. Nevertheless, the established internal control
system must be evaluated from time to time so as to provide management with some assurance
regarding its effectiveness.
Internal control was primary to the achievement of objectives in public organizations and the
indications of effective internal control system that enhance performance.Currently, there has
been a reported case of general fall in the operational performance of organizations forcing the
government to achieve less than its target objectives. Due to lapses in the control system of
organization, organizations have been experiencing inefficiency, fraud, absenteeism and inability
to adhere to government policy.
The problem here is to find out if whether there are effective control mechanisms with regards to
the detection and prevention of frauds, errors and material misstatement, budgeting, safeguard of
the asset of the organization, strict adherence to government policies, absenteeism, vandalization
of property, inefficiency, transparency and accountability in public sector organization. The
management of public sector does not see the necessity to improve the internal controls though it
helps in the detection and prevention of frauds and errors. Hence they neglect it and do not have
risk awareness. From the research conducted on public sector organizations have come to
conclude that an effective internal control system should be put in place in other to solve the
problems faced by public sector and it should be anticipated at all levels of management.
i. This study will examine the existence and effectiveness of internal control system on
public sector organization.
ii. To determine whether internal control system will help in the detection and prevention of
errors, frauds and material misstatement.
iii. To determine the extent to which internal controls ensure the adherence to government
iv. To investigate whether internal control system can reduce or minimize inefficiency
v. To determine the level of transparency and accountability in public sector
Under these, the research questions will take a close look at how public sector organizations
abide to the policy of internal control system in their daily operations. The following are the
research questions this study intends to address:
* Does internal control system help in the detection and prevention of errors, frauds and
material misstatement?
* To what extent will internal control system ensure adherence to government policies?
* To what level will internal control minimize inefficiency?
* What is the level of transparency and accountability in public sector?
The following hypothesis was formulated;
Hypothesis 1:
Ho: Internal control system does not help in the detection of errors, frauds and material
Hi: Internal control system helps in the detection of errors, frauds and material statement.
Hypothesis 2:
Ho: Internal control system does not ensure adherence to government policies.
Hi: Internal control system ensure adherence to government policies.
Hypothesis 3:
Ho:Most internal control system does not have significant impact in the minimization of
Hi: Most internal control systems have significant impact in the minimization of inefficiency.
Internal control system promotes efficiency, reduce risk of assets loss and help ensure the
reliability of financial statements and compliance with rules and regulations. This study will
bring the awareness to the need for effective internal control system in public. Beside, designing
the study show the importance of a proper and effective internal control system in public sector.
It will be of immense benefit to the following:
Management: Since internal control is established by the management especially the top level
management. This research will be relevant to the top level management of publicsector
organization as it will help them in preventing and detecting of errors, frauds and material
misstatement and achieve organizational objectives.
Employees: It provides employees reasonable assurance that goals and objectives laid by the
management will be achieved. This research will provide new perspectives by which to view and
ameliorate internal control in the organization.
The Economy: An effective internal control leads to the achievement of organizational goals
and objectives which will in-turn be of benefit to the economy.
Government: When the internal control is efficient and effective it will lead to high returns or
gains or profit to the organization which will lead to payment of high tax which is a good source
of revenue to the government.
Researchers: The study will help researchers in furthering their research work.
Students: It serves as existing theories for research student to further their research work on
internal control system.
In conclusion, this research will help provide additional and enhance the solutions to the
problems of internal control to public sector organization formally proffered by various authors
and researchers.
The research work focuses on internal control system and its prospect on public sector
organization in public sector using four ministries. The selected ministries are ministry of
education, ministry of health, ministry of finance and ministry of justice in Oyo state will be
considered. Employees of each ministry are to be administered the questionnaire. Period of study
is 2014/2015. The following are the limitations encountered during the course of conducting the
Restrictions or Lack of Access to Information Online: Researchers are often at times
restricted to information to be downloaded online through the use of passwords or registration..
Others: Nature of self-reporting, the sample and instruments utilized.
The research on the internal control system and its prospect on public sector are organized into
five chapters. Which are: Chapter one: Introduction, chapter two: Literature review, chapter
three: Research Methodology, chapter four: Data analysis, chapter five: Conclusion.
Control: Control according to C. Dury, 2012 is defined as a connection net through which the
performance of an enterprise is controlled to ensure its right action in the future. It can also be
defined as a function which ensures an effective working of the system or creates it desirable
Internal Control: It is a process including norms, procedures, performance and organizational
structure established to ensure reasonable guarantees so as to achieve settled business goals and
avoid undesirable event, or they could be indicated and fixed (Cobit 2007)
Public Sector: This is the part of the economy concerned with providing various government
services such as public transit, public roads, public education and health care.
Organization: This is an entity such an institution or an association that has a collective goal
and is linked to an external environment.
Frauds: Fraud is deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain. The purpose of fraud
may be monetary gain or other benefits.
Material Misstatement: This is accidental or intentional untrue financial statement information
that influences a company‘s value or price of stock.
Auditing: This refers to a systematic examination of books, accounts, documents and vouchers
of an organization to ascertain how far the financial statements present a true and fair view of the
Internal Auditor: This is an employee of a company charged with providing independent and
objective evaluations of the company‘s financial and operational business activities, including its
corporate governance.
Objectives: These are basic tools that underline all planning and strategic activities, they serve
as the basis for creating policy and evaluating performance. It is also specific result that a person
or system aims to achieve within a time frame and with available resources.
Effectiveness: This is the capability of producing a desired result. When something is deemed
effective it means it has an intended or expected outcome.
Government Policy: This is a general principle by which a government is guided in its
management of public affairs or the legislation in its measures.
Transparency and Accountability: It is defined as the perceived quality of intentionally shared
information from a sender i.e. operating in such a way that is easy for others to see what actions
are performed while accountability is the acknowledgement and assumption of responsibility for
actions, products, decisions and policies including the administration, governance and
implementation within the scope of the role or employment position and encompassing the
obligation to report, explain and be answerable for resulting consequences.


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