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Labour management according to Okenwa (2001) opined that labour management relations are said to be narrower in  scope than industrial relations because they concern the internal arrangement between employers and the unions in a two party relationship, within an industry or across industries or within an enterprise, or regulate their relations as it affects employment and its compensation.

Also according to Thomson Gale (2008). He define labour management relations as an interactions between employees as represented by labour unions,, and their employers.

Productivity can be define as a summary measure of the quantity and quality of work performance, with resources utilization taken into account, Nash (2008). Also according to Grilches (1987) define productivity as a relation of some measure of output to some index of input use.

Labour and management are the two major group that exist in firms where goods and services are produced. These two group must be built up effectively and efficiently in any form for a harmonious work. management should know that their effective communication to labour through the trade unions, their involving them in decision making, motivating them, setting up an effective leadership will help to promote relationship between the two groups and productivity will be on the increase.


Beta Glass Plc is involved in the manufacturing; sale and distribution of hallow Glass ware in Nigeria. The company started operating on 26th June 1974 and is listed  on the Nigeria stock exchange since 1956. The company manufactures, distributes and sells glass bottles and containers for the soft drinks, wine and spirit, pharmaceutical and cosmetics companies. The company experts to over 13 countries in the world.



Productivity and labour management has been of great concern in Nigeria. In spite of the fact that many economists and business consultations in the human resource institutions have over time, argued that labour relations management is a skilful discipline and stressed on the role of government or organization in labour management, but the problem still lingers. Temperamental control and management is an intrinsic content of common sense found in wisdom abode. Among its lesson is that which stipulates that a man’s behaviour is determined mostly by his state of existence. A man’s behaviour, when he lives in content, or when he presumably has all he needs, is essentially different from his behaviour when he lives in hungers, thirst and may be no shelter for his home; and in context, all these are motivations or factors of social value and instinct, which has both objective and subjective tendencies.

According to Obasi (1998), in  an interactive lecture series, financial system approach is a certified set of objectives that coordinates the productive efforts of capacity. It is a measure of solid values of investments and wealth management. Management is the sustaining icon or force and power of decision making, or judgement used in achieving effectiveness, efficiency, and operational excellence. High interest rate, high overhead cost, and inflation are dangerous concepts to economic stability. Supply and demand are not the ultimate description of the determinant of price. They are merely categorized dragnet for analysing and describing the numerous causes, forces, and factors impinging on price. The relationship between price and supply and between price and demand are mere intricacies of the force and need. The forces of need on the other hand and by realistic expressions when measured on standard are incidentals of liquidity. The natural effect of production prices and consumption are incidence of socialism and development.

The nexus between productivity and labour relations have been of great concern to many and occupy a large space in production templar of the Nigeria economy. the financial resources now, is based on the expected usage mechanisms or fund application and their source, risk determinants and management, and analysis assumptions of pro-forma statements with investment analysis and expansion method, or diversification is a complex trend in financial development and economic standard liability.

This research has revealed that focus is uncompromisably required of governments and organizations to harness properly available resources through efficient and effective management of labour. Resources when and when available are always waiting for a match with labour and labour management to manifest productivity and effort.



In essence, the employers of labour must pay very serious attention to the due and cry of their employers and their various needs so as to be able to ascertain all the prerequisites to industrial peace and harmony, high organizational productivity and to the success attainment of the company’s goals and objectives. This is so because all the activities of the company are invited and determined by the persons that constitute the institution. It is recorded modern firms using plant equipment, automated equipment, computer, etc. tend to be non-productive expect for the human effort and direction that any company’s needs to get whenever it is going to. in addition the impact of labour management can also increase organizational productivity.

Labour-management co-operation is advocated as a means of promoting industrial democracy. Workers should have a ‘say’ in the administration of the enterprise to which the belong, employees decisions and they are more likely to be totally committed to work harder to achieve ideas which the help create. It is contended that a closer association between labour management leads gradually to the application of the problems of one by the other and the development of an accommodative frame of mind. Through better labour management relations, the strength experience an enterprise of the workers can be effectively harnessed to accomplish the company’s objectives rather than being used in undoing what management does.

It is necessary to note the labour management relations. If we consider the definition of industrial relations of Yesufu (1981), as the whole web arising out of employment contract’ the central issue of concern is how the labour management interactions at work, can maintain and attain maximum levels of productivity. The maintenance of industrial peace therefore is an essential condition. Condition for the socio=economic growth and stability of any society. In essence, the management and the work towards varying objectives and in the process of doing this, the need for occasional joint construction over several issues which may include improved production and welfare of the employees cannot be over-emphasized. The organizational goal of increased profitability and productivity can only be realized in a peaceful industrial environment, nerve the need to ensure good labour management relations in any work organization.



What are the various management styles that affect the behavious and output of employees?

How does labour management relations have an impact on organizational productivity on the survey companies?

What improve their attainment of a high level of productivity?



The overall aim of the this dissertation is to identify the impact of labour management relationship on the organizational productivity and the underlying objectives are as follows:

To evaluate how various management styles affect the labour and output of employees at work.

To evaluate how labour management relations have an impact on organizational production on the survey companies.

To improved their attainment of a high level of productivity.



The research work of labour management relations and productivity in Nigeria. (A case study of Beta Grass Plc Ughelli Delta State). Is quite significant to the organization because of the sensitive roles management system m plays in ensuring the growth in performance and productivity of an organization.

It will help the student in further research work regarding the issues of management information system and its effects

Also it will help of great importance to government professionals like firm managers in managing information.

It will provide effective flow of information in the company.



The scope of this study is based on labour management relations and productivity, in Nigeria with an emphasis on Beta Glass Plc Ughelli Delta State. This study covers all the Ughelli Delta State only.



During this study, so many variables hindered or limited the furtherance to explore on this topic, these variables include:

Time Constraints: Time factors limited the abuse of furtherance of the study, the time frame did not permit the researcher to explore Beta Glass Plc Ughelli Delta State to get many other information.

Financial Constraints: The researcher who is a student had some financial problem, due to her status as dependent, much fund was not available for the researcher form the sponsor due to the economic condition of the country.

Attitude of Respondents: The Ughelli in Delta State agrarian base whereby the inhabitants who are mostly management limited the study. Through their attitudes, by not paying much attention for the researcher.



Labour: Labour is the only means of production that has no control its inputs to output. Also it is the number of workers in the economy and the effort they put into producing goods and services.

Management: Management is a set of principles relating to the functions of planning, organising, directing, and controlling, and the application of these principles in harnessing physical, financial, human and informational resources efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational goals.

Productivity: Productivity is defined as the efficient use of resources, labour, capital, land, materials, energy, information, in the production of various goods and services.



Organization of the study contain how the study was organized systematically and how the chapters in the background to the study, statement of the problem, research questions, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study. Limitations of the study, definitions of terms followed by topic was organized respectively.

Furthermore, the chapter two of the work covered the literature review where literatures or scholarly works that were relevant to the study were critically reviewed. The chapter also contains the theoretical framework that is the theory that guided the researcher throughout research study.

Sequent, the chapter three contains the research methodology which include the research design, sample and sampling techniques, method of data collection, instruments for data collection, reliability of the instruments, validity of instruments, distributions and retrieval of the instruments and method of data analysis.

The chapter four contains data presentation and analysis which include data presentation, analysis of research questions and interpretations of results. The chapter five contains the summary, conclusion and recommendations of the research.





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