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This research topic “Leadership role in attainment of organizational goals” using Auchi polytechnic, Auchi was carried out by the researcher. Twelve questions were formulated, all derived from a total number of twenty (20) respondents in the organization studied, simple percentage method was used in analyzing the data collected. The study revealed leadership as a tool for the attainment of organizational goals. It also emphasized the importance of effective leadership in organization in spite of economic recession and government policies on the whole. The study revealed the organization adopts the democratic leadership style, where there can be consultative and participative management. Conclusion was drawn and recommendations made. A new awareness was created on the part of management on the need for improvement in quality service delivery which would lead to the attainment of organizational goals.


Title page                                                                                                i

Certification                                                                         ii

Dedication                                                                                                        iii

Acknowledgements                                                                                iv

Table of contents                                                                                             v

Abstract                                                                                                   vii

  • Background to the study 1
  • Statement of the problem 2
  • Objectives of the study 3
  • Research Questions 3
  • Statement of the hypothesis 4
  • Scope of the study 5
  • Significance of the study 5
  • Limitations of the study 6
  • Operational definition of terms 6


2.1 Introduction                                                                                              7

2.2  The concept of leadership                                                              7

2.3  Types of leaders                                                                              10

2.4  Forms of power of a leader                                                            11

2.5.1         Qualities that distinguishes a leader from a follower                            12

2.5.2         Factors that affects the effectiveness of a leader                                    13

2.5.3         Qualities of a good leader                                                              13

2.5.4         Functions of a leader                                                                      14

2.6  Leadership styles                                                                                      15

2.7  Theories of leadership                                                                    17

2.8  Leadership role in attainment of organizational goals                          23

2.9  summary of the review                                                                            24


3.1  Introduction                                                                                              25

3.2  Research Design                                                                              25

3.3  Population of the study                                                                           25

3.4  Sample/sampling procedure                                                          26

3.5 Instrument for Data Collection                                                                26

3.6  Method of Data Collection                                                            26

3.7  Method of Data Analysis                                                                         27


4.1  Introduction                                                                                              28

4.2  Data presentation and interpretation                                                      28

4.3  Data Analysis and Hypothesis testing                                                    35

4.4  Discussion of findings                                                                   38


5.1  Introduction                                                                                              40

5.2  Summary of the findings                                                                         40

5.3  Conclusion                                                                                                41

5.4  Recommendation                                                                                     42

References                                                                                                        44




  • Background to the study

The importance of leadership cannot be over emphasized. It plays a vital role in offering direction and purpose towards achieving goals of an organization. An effective leadership has been widely acknowledged as a potent instrument for achieving organizational goals and objectives especially in Auchi polytechnic, Auchi.

Leadership is an important aspect of managing, the ability to lead effectively is one of the keys to being an effective manager since the essence of leadership is followership. A leader does not unilaterally do as he please, he has to heart the interest of the organization by leading to effectively coordinate group effort in the attainment of organizational goals.

Leadership can be defined as a process of influencing people in a planned direction towards goals. It is the life wire of the organization. Ideally, people should be encouraged to develop not only willingness to work but also willingness to work with zeal and confidence and the willingness to work with zeal and confidence can only be achieved with effective leadership. The objective of the study can be attained through effective leadership because it is through policy or strategic plans of the top management that the organization is managed. All activities will be directed towards implementing these policies through good planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling of subordinates. Against this background, thin study is designed to investigate leadership role in the attainment of organizational goals.

  • Statement of the problem

Recent observations have shown that most organizations have lost focus consequently, they have experienced low productivity due to lack of optimum participation from employees, and this is as a result of the leadership style they adopt. A major problem observed by the researcher is the over rigidity (inflexibility) of the leadership style adopted by most organization leaders, they fail to adjust their style of leadership to the changing situation and environment. This is as a result of the lack of understanding of the fact that no one particular style of leadership can fit all conditions and must be flexible to give room for changes. Leaders should have the ability to allow prevailing situations dictate the particular style of leadership to adopt in order of organizational objectives to be realized.

  • Objectives of the study
  1. To establish if the current choice of leadership style lead to the attainment of organizational goals.
  2. To find out if the leader’s personal skills leads to the attainment of organizational goals.
  • To determine whether leader’s ability to motivate subordinates can lead to the attainment of organizational goals.
  1. To find out if there is any need for the role of effective leadership in an organization.
    • Research Questions
  2. Does the current leadership choice actually lead to attainment of organizational goals?
  3. Does the personal skills of a leader actually lead to the attainment of organizational goals?
  • To what extent do a leader’s ability to motivate his subordinates lead to the attainment of goals?
  1. Is there any need for the role of affective leadership in the achievement of organizational goals?



  • Statement of the Hypothesis

The following hypothesis form the basis or the frame work for carrying out this research study.

Hypothesis one:

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the current choice of leadership style and the attainment of organizational goals.

Hi: There is a significant relationship between the current choice of leadership style and the attainment of organizational goals.

Hypothesis two:

Ho: The attainment of organizational goals does not depend on leader’s personal skills.

Hi: The attainment of organizational goals depends on the leader’s personal skills.

Hypothesis three:

Ho: The attainment of organizational goals does not depend on leader’s ability to motivate subordinates.

Hi: The attainment of organizational goals depends on leader’s ability to motivate subordinates.



  • Scope of the study

The scope of this study is very wide if it has tobe carried out nationwide. This study is sample narrowed to Auchi polytechnic, Auchi and it is based on the evaluation of the role of effective leadership in the achievement of organizational goals.


  • Significance of the study

This study will analyze the various leadership styles of management in an organization. The study will be of great benefit to other business enterprise on how to determine the best leadership style to adopt in achieving her goals and objectives.

This study emphasizes on the need for the adoption of current leadership style that will facilitate the attainment of organizational goals. They will be of member importance to top executives and practically managers. It will also give insight to leaders’ personal skills and how it leads to the attainment of organizational goals.

The findings and suggestions of this study will be valuable to the organization and future researchers.



  • Limitations of the study

This study is limited to an institution which the Auchi polytechnic, Auchi. It is also limited by the method of data analysis used which is the simple percentage method.

  • Operational definition if terms
  • Leadership: Leadership in its context of use here is the process of influencing people in a planned direction towards goals.
  • Organization: Arranging of people into social grouping for the provision of goods and/or services for the society.
  • Effectiveness: Serving toaffect the purpose of producing the intended result; capable and competent.
  • Traits: Traits are qualities. Leadership traits are of two ideas;
  1. Social cognitive theory which is concerned with personal ideas.
  2. Creditability which refers to honesty, forward looking and inspiration.
  • Behaviour: this has to do with the basis upon which the behaviour of a leader is judged. The bases are whether the leader is one who emphasizes on production or on employees’ well being.
  • Goals: Goals provides the basic sense of direction for organizational activities. They are either long or short term ends.


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