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Table of Contents:




1.1   Background of the Study

1.2   Statement of the Problem

1.3   Research Question

1.4   Purpose of the Study

1.5   Hypothesis (optional)

1.6   Significance of the study

1.7   Scope of the study

1.8   Limitation of the Study

1.9   Operationalization of the study

1.10 Organization of the Study



2.1   Literature Review

2.2   Theoretical Framework




3.1   Research Design

3.2   Ares of the study

3.3   Population of the study

3.4   Sample and Sample technique

3.5   Method of Data collection

3.6   Instrument of Data Collection

3.7   Reliability of the Instrument

2.8   Validity of the Instrument

3.9   Distribution and Retrieval of Instrument

3.10 Method of Data Analysis



4.1   Data Presentation

4.2   Analysis of Research Question

4.3   Testing of Hypothesis

4.4   Interpretation of Result



5.1   Summary

5.2   Conclusion

5.3   Recommendation








Personal Management and Local Government Administration (A Case Study of Ihiala Local Government in Anambra State). There has been a lot of controversy over the importance or necessity of the personnel department which is why I have decided to write on it. For the purpose of collecting the data I used survey method (questionnaire). I made some observations which include; Good personnel management promotes efficiency in local government administration and staff training programmes and staff welfare scheme policies carried out by the Personnel Management Contributions to the success of the Local Government. At end, I made some recommendations towards establishing this importance of Personnel Management and Local Government Administration which includes; the size and scope of the Personnel and their functions, adequate funds should be provided for Personnel Management and the judicious allocation and utilization of these funds, among others.






        In local administration, the individual which are employed to carryout various activities to achieve the organizational goals and objectives, they are people working together. That produces most of the goods in the world today. They provide most of the business and institutional service in our modern society. In fact, this togetherness is absolutely essential to the operation of our complex, economy which consist of multitude of enterprise all based on people working together. The management of people is the function of the personnel department, organizing, staffing, directing and coordinating the activities of the human resources the personnel in a working department.

All these are obtained in personnel management, personnel management consists of the management functions and activities related to the acquisition, development and maintenance of human resource in a working department. successful personnel management practices imply those functions  and activities with integrate effort of people with other resources of a department in such a manner that activities of company, the goals of individual workers and the work situation.

Deam Jotin Hennessy of the Amos tuck school of Business administration at Dart mouth college, he commended on our managing industrial work as follows:

Advance of technology are producing serious stains inside the business corporation and one see the personnel manager’s practices as important member of the executive group which needs to study and anticipate the broader ramification of this development.

Managers and situation of dynamic nature of business operations are always troubled by the events Changes everywhere apart from technology, intense economic, political and social force also create problems for personnel managers.

The research work is centered on the role of personnel management in Local government administration in ‘Ihiala’ which leads to carving out of personnel management to handle the human resources aspect of any department. Due to the public dynamism many countries elsewhere including Nigeria. Has been carrying out policies in the development of human resources management in any department. This has lead to heavy investment of fund in the name of training and developments of goals effectively after acquisition of skills and experiences for instance the creation in Nigeria of new staff in to op quality management (T.Q.M) which involves department, making sure that their personnel caliber is ever ready to handle the varied problems that will emanate in department at any point in time in respect of this singular act many independent firm involved in public consultancies have mapped out some programmes that will enhance the development of entrepreneur as well as the personnel management. Normally such firm changes  several amount depending on programmes. The firm organizes seminars, conference and course, which center their themes on personnel management practices and how to reduce its problem to the best minimum if not eliminated at all.



        Workers are noted for their inefficiency and hence most personnel managers are known as dead wood.

The problem is how an employee can perform effectively and efficiently without the personnel management not playing their role of proving them with every necessary facilities, services and motivating them on their jobs.

Workers are also faced with the problem of no togetherness and no informality of salary. There are difference in salary structure of workers given by the personnel manager.
All these that bedevil the effective performance of personnel management in Ihiala local  government and would be properly addressed.





i       To what extent are personnel management in business department seen as special aspect that make the growth of business?

ii      How significant is personnel management problem  due to the ineffectiveness of the personnel department in the organisation?

iii.    Why would personnel management demand for the qualities of personnel or employee needed in the organization?



  1. To see if business department considers personnel management a unique aspect that makes or mars the growth of business.
  2. To find out if the personnel management problem emanate due to the ineffectiveness of the personnel management in the organization or rather peculiar and fundamental problems.

iii.    To find out the qualities or calibres of the personnel that are qualified and can understand the needs of the employees the department in general.



The hypothesis assumption on which this research is carried out.

H0:   The role of the personnel management is promoting ethical standard and behaviour is not responsible of the effectiveness of the local government administration.

H1:   The role of the personnel department or management in promoting ethical standards and behaviour is responsible for the effectiveness of the local government administration.

H0:   The staff programmes carried out by the personnel department does not lead to success of the Local government administration.

H1:   The staff welfare scheme policies implemented through the functions of the personnel department leads to the effectiveness of the local government administration.

H1:   The staff programmes carried out by the personnel department is responsible for the success of Local government administration.

H0:   The function of the personnel department in increasing job satisfaction of the employees do not make the local government more efficient.



        In essence, research work is aimed at serving certain significance in relation to individual or a particular event. The significance lies in the fact that the integrity of an organization is shown, case by its product. The products quality is determined to a large extent of the quality of its staff all things being equal. As a result of these constant performance evaluation is very significant toward the achievement of the organization goals.

As organization for example, that is involved in a manufacturing concern or institutional administration with large personnel strength, Need to be abreast on the individual, group and management performance of its workers and management for efficient and effectiveness in production. With proper personnel performance evaluation, redundant, less active workers, ghost workers, unqualified and misplaced staff will be taken care of in the business policy and regulation as it affects such issues.

For purpose of clarity these significances are itemized below:

  1. It will help to ensure the integrity of organizational favour with job performance.
  2. This study will help workers to develop a healthy attitude to work since records are kept by the personnel department of personnel management.

iii.    This study will help personnel management on how to treat his worker equally

  1. This study will help in fostering ability of uniformity in business organization
  2. This study will help in bringing about uniformity in local government administration.
  3. This study will help in selecting of high qualified personnel’s in an organization.

vii.   This study will help the management in motivating the workers to bring out the best in them there by meeting up with the organizational goals and objectives.

viii.  Determines the factors that are hindering the organization.

  1. Through staff appraisal existing unutilized skills are discovered while efforts are made to provide training needed for non-existent skills.
  2. It will reduce the incidents of redundancy and ensure equitable distribution of staff and placing people on jobs they are most qualified for.
  3. It reduces poor performance in an organization.

xii.   This study will enhance the knowledge of how work efficiency can be assured in our various organizations.

Finally, this research work will serve as a resource material for prospective researchers who would want to develop on topical issue related to practice and problem of personnel management.


This study on the practice and problem of personnel management is designed/limited to some departments in Ihiala Local government Area. These departments are made up of government owned department in Ihiala Local government Area. These departments were chosen because they were ready to co-operate with me. The areas of study included what their personnel policies were, what personnel function they provide, their unique problems and comparison of role of these personnel department in solving the problems.






        There is no project that does not have obstacles on its way on the bid of accomplishment.

In this first place, there were unnecessary delay in collecting data and information for several department concerned. It was not an easy task for the researcher to get what he really needed for the work because there were series of disappointment by the secretaries of the manager. At times they are unwilling to give out certain information’s and data. But with the help of some staff of the department, the research was able to obtain the needed materials.

Secondly, ignorance manifested itself in the study. most people were not ready to divulge information except on persuasion while some will not be very objective. But in the long run there was a big success because the research used tactical and strategic measures to get the materials needed.





  1. Personnel: This is defined as human resources and manpower. It also means person employed by the councils. It include, top middle officials and all categories of workers associated to the group mentioned above.
  2. Local Government: It is a government at the grass root. It can also be the place the local people elect and control their local resources.
  3. Administration: According to Augustus Adebaya K administration is how government activities functions and how is being organized. According to rev. J. Eleme, he defined administration as a co-operative group effort of an individual to achieve a specific goal.
  4. Effectiveness: It simply means when worker of an organization wants to achieve their goal smoothly.
  5. Department: This is a unit in organization or Local government like personnel department. That selects workers and promotes them. Example Audit department that audit all financial document for the organizational and work department that look for work in that local government and build some structure in that area.
  6. Organization: This is a group of people who form a business.



Chapter One: Examines the background of the study statement of the problem, purpose, research questions, significant of the study, scope of the study, limitation of the study and definition of terms and provides a general Overview of what the research interest to achieve.

Chapter Two: It provides literature review of the study and also looks at theoretical frame work of the role of personnel management and of local government in Nigeria, Ihiala Local Government Area Anambra State.

Chapter Three: Looks at research methodology to be used for the study.

Chapter Four: Gives a critical analysis of data presentation, analysis of research question etc.

Chapter Five: Provides the summary and conclusion of the study. It also made recommendation on how to improve the role personnel management plays.


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