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The research work was based on the problems of communication in English languages among students, a case study of OND final, Mass Communication. The purpose of the research was to find out the problems caused by communication in English language among students and the strategies, which could be used to enhance effective communication in among students.

In source for data for this study, relevant questionnaires were produce and distributed to OND final year students of Mass Communication Institute of Management Technology, Enugu as well as personal interviews.


It was therefore recommended that: –

  • management should focus more on participate management and decision making by asking for their opinions and allowing the members of the staff to make meaning contribution on issue concerning the organization.
  • Management should address the workers properly and formally on issues and decisions made by the company to reduce the problem of misunderstanding and labour stand off.
  • Management should from time-to-time organize training workshops, and seminars to help update the workers on information and to skills.




Title page

Approval page




Table of content




  • Background of the Study
  • Statement of Problem
  • Purpose of Study
  • Scope of study
  • Significance of Study
  • Research Questions



Literature Review

2.0    Introduction

  • Definition of Communication
  • Organization Communication
  • Communication patterns in Organization
  • Types of Organizational Communication
  • Purpose of Communication
  • Barriers and Remedies of Effective Communication



Research Design and Methodology

  • Introduction
  • Development of population of study
  • Research Instrument
  • Validation of Instrument used
  • Method of Data Collection
  • Procedure for Data Analysis


Data Presentation and Analysis

  • Introduction
  • Data Analysis



Discussion of Findings, Conclusion, Recommendation and Suggestion for further Studies.

  • Introduction
  • Summary of findings
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendation
  • Suggestions for further Studies








Communication is indispensable in all sphere of human and academics endeavors. It is the life wire and the key to success of every school.

Communication involves everybody, it is the pivot upon which the existence of human and education revolves, and based on this, the issue of communication has developed into a major area of study and formidable social force.

Eyre (1983), stated that “communication is not just the giving information, it is the giving of understandable information, it is the giving of understanding the message”.

Bernard (1938), saw communication as “the means by which people are linked together in an organization to achieve a common goal”. When there is a link between people towards achieving a common goal there is communication. In education sector, if a lecturer is to relate to his students, he must communicate effectively. If students will stay in education sector and enjoy high patronage; there must be effective communication. Also, if management/school authority wants its decisions implemented, it must communication its policies and programs effectively. The questions one faces are: –

  • What is effective communication in English Language all about?
  • What are the possible means to avoid the problems of communication in English Language among students? And
  • What are the strategies to adopt to achieve a good communication in English language?



Inefficient communication in English language constitutes a major problem to an education sector. It goes a long way in preventing such student from achieving the set objectives and success. Irrespective of the different perspective one may look at it, be it from the angle of the lecturer or students, it is always believed that inefficient communication is unfavorable towards the realization of the educational goals.

Some of the problems associated with communication in English language among students using my case study as an example are,

  1. The supremacy/dominance of mother tongue and the use of pidgin English among the students.
  2. Lack of qualified lecturers of English language.
  3. Negative attitude of students toward learning English language.
  4. Improper use of methods of communication in teaching is some of the causes of poor communication in English language among students.



This research work is embarked upon for the following purposes:

  • To find out the problems caused by ineffective communication in English language among students.
  • To find out the strategies which could enhance effective communication in English language among students?



The research work is limited to finding out the problems of communication in English language among students, using Institute of Management and Technology as case study.




This research work is aimed at using the most effective means of communication and its impact on all aspects of human and educational activities. The result of this research work will also help education sector know the strategies and how to implement it to enhance effective communication in English language in education sector, and also how to reduce the barriers to effective communication in English language.



          The following questions were produced to guide the researcher towards a meaningful and unbiased result:

  • What are the problems caused by ineffective communication in organizations?
  • What are the strategies employed by organizations to enhance communication?
  • What are the causes of least or poor communication in English language?
  • What are the ways of improving English language communication among students?
  • What are the views, standards and generalizations of students regarding communication in English language?
  1. Communication: the activity of communicating; The discipline that studies the principles of transmitting information and the methods by which it is delivered (as print radio or television etc.). It also the concept or state of conveying information between entities.
  2. English language: The official language of Britain and the United States and most of the commonwealth countries. It is also one’s ability to employ English language correctly.


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