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The purpose of this study is to understand the problem of human resources  management in Enugu State Parastatals (A study of     ESBS). The objectives of the study are; to identify the challenges of human resources management in workers productivity. To identify whether the challenges have created any impact on the productivity of workers. To ascertain the difficulties experienced in management. The primary and secondary data especially the questionnaire was extensively used. Primary data were gathered through personal interviews and questionnaire administered while’ secondary data were gathered from textbooks, magazines, journals, articles etc. The population of the study is one hundred and fifty (150) and sample size is one hundred and nine (109) which was determined by using the Taro Yamane formula. Some of the findings of this research work are; good working condition is the greatest motivation among the workers of ESBS. Promotion instead of workers union or selection procedure constitute human resources management problem in ESBS. Poor quality of work resulting from inadequate of promotion in ESBS. He recommended that every organization should adopt the democratic and participative management style so as to enable the workers to feel sense of belonging in the organization. Management should maintain a cordial relationship with the employees; the organization should also do their best to address the multifarious management related problems in this organization ESBS.




Title page                                                              ii

Approval Page                                                        iii

Dedication                                                             iv

Acknowledgement                                                   v

Abstract                                                                vi

Table of Contents                                                   vii


1.1  Background of the study                                    1

1.2  Statement of Problem                                       5

1.3  Purpose of the Study                                        7

1.4  Significance of the study                                    9

1.5  Scope and Delimitation of the study                    10

1.5.1 Scope                                                           10

1.5.2 Limitations                                                     11

1.6  Research Questions                                          12

1.7  Research Hypothesis                                         13

1.8  Definition of Terms                                           14



2.0  Review of Related Literature                               15

2.1  What is Human Resource Management                 15

2.2  Importance of Human Resource Management        17

2.3   The Origin of Human Resource Management         18

2.4  The Pre-Science Management Period                   19

2.5  The Scientific Management Period                       20

2.6  Human Relations Period                                    21

2.7  Problem of Human Resource Management            21


3.1  Research Design                                              35

3.2  Area of the study                                             36

3.3  Population of the study                                     36

3.4  Sample size and Sampling Techniques                 37

3.5  Method of Data Collection                                  38

3.6  Validity of  Research Instrument                         38

3.7  Reliability of the Instrument                              38

3.8  Method of Data Collection                                  39

3.9  Method of Data Analysis                                    40


4.1  Presentation of Data                                         41

4.2  Data Analysis                                                  41

4.3  Testing of Hypothesis                                        49


  • Discussion of Findings 61
  • Conclusions 62
  • Recommendations 62
  • Suggestion for Further Studies 64









1.1  Background to the Study

Online business dictionary defines organization as a social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals.  From the foregoing we can perceive an organization as collective efforts directed at achieving business outcomes.  Businesses exist to meet the needs and wants of a Society (ESU & Inyang, 2009).  There are different types of business organization; the profit and the non profit organizations.  The former is interested in making monetary gains for its owners while to latter do not seek monetary gains for its owners” (Esu and Inyang, 2009).

The main interest of this study lies in the second type of business organization, the public sector, where the Enugu State Broadcasting Service Jurisdiction as a government parastatal revolves.

Onah(2013,pg:1-3) observes Four basic Kinds of resources that are under the employ of all organizations (private or public) as comprising; human, financial physical and information resources.  He further recounted that it is from their existence that we can better understand the concept of an organized effort aimed at effectively and efficiently harnessing these basic resource— Management. Management is responsible for effectively combining and coordinating these various resources to achieve the organizational goal.  (Onah, 2009:3).

Having said so, we shall be looking into the aspect of human resources which is an integral part of an organizations management system with a view to understanding the roles,  goals and problems of this all important aspect of an organization’s functional system especially in the public organization in general and Enugu State Broadcasting Service (ESBS) in particular.  This study is an attempt at reviewing the program of the management of the human side of these parastatal with the bravura to drawing up and understanding the management problems facing them without disregarding the environment of the system.

Many distinguish authors agree on the fact that the success or failure of every organization depends on how the management handles their human resource. In the event of the following, the challenges undermining the efficacy of the performance of public enterprises or organizations depend on the mismanagement of the human resource.  Hence the study attempts to address the issue by instituting and recommending proper human resource management practices.

Citing Brech, EFl (1975), Nwandu Eze and Ani and Agbo (2000), see human resource management as that concerned with the deployment and development of people within an organization so that the objectives of the organization will be met and adapted with changing circumstancing or condition.

By this term human resource management is seen as a strategic effort at planning, organization, directing and controlling the human capital of an organization in a context of a persistently dynamic environment. By instituting these mechanisms Onah (2009), remarks would engender performance and efficiency in the organization.

This question that readily props up while considering the desirable output and the actual output In the public sector begs serious answers. small wonder why we continue to witness poor performance in the respective service of these public enterprises. Most authors advance such reasons, as lack fund, managerial failure, indiscipline, corruption, political interference as major reasons for this scenario.

This study hence shall explore the various problems of human resource management in public organizations with special reference to the Enugu State Broadcasting Service (ESBS) with a view to unveiling and prescribing workable solutions as can viably bring about efficiency and effectiveness in government owned establishments.


  • Statement of the Problem

The success or failure of any enterprises (private or public) depends on the effective and efficient management of the human resource of that enterprise.  That is to say that the extent to which an organization attains its goals and objective cannot infact be isolated from the questions of “how” the people working for the organization are treated or managed. In other words, well managed human resources contribute efficiently to the strategic achievement of the organization’s goals and vice versa.

The problems that confront the practice of human management in public organizations are huge and steep” (Onah, 2009). The author went ahead to expose such problems as comprising but not limited to the following interrelated factors as: inadequate strategic human resource planning, low budgetary provision for training and development, doubtful skills and competences of human resource management practitioners. Poor reward management, ineffective supervision, occupational stress and environmental constraints.

Relevant enquiry in public organizations in general and Enugu State Broadcasting Service  as a state owned utility in particular proves the existence of these problems as it is evident in the low level of performance of this entity while compared to standard desirable performance.  Cases of employee low job satisfaction and poor motivation abound in the operational activities of these enterprises which range from absenteeism through lateness to work; Loitering around during productive hours, conversion of working environment into business centers where employees maximize personal business interest at the expenses of organizational goals, mention but few.

This study attempts to unveil the causes of these problems, to find out and proffer remedial actions that would lead to an effective and efficient management of human resource of the Enugu state Broadcasting Service (ESBS) that would install this organization at a position that would enable it attain its corporate objectives using properly managed human resource.


1.3  Purpose of the Study

Due to the fact that every aspect of business organization is undergoing accelerating challenges, the objectives are to understand, investigate and analyze the challenges, and prospects in Enugu State Broadcast Services (ESBS) Enugu State.

  1. To identify the challenges of human resources management in workers productivity.
  2. To identify whether the motivation in Enugu state Broadcasting Service (ESBS) has created any impact on the productivity of workers.
  • To ascertain the difficulties experienced in the performance of the practice of human resources management.
  1. To recommend measures to improves the human resources management in ESBS


1.4  Significance of the Study

The research shall be remarkable in the following capacities:

  1. It will enable management of both public and private organization to know the major problem facing human resource management and their possible solution set.
  2. It will serve to underscore the importance of planning as a management function and educate human resource managers on the management of planning.
  3. Through proper presentation of certain salient ideas and concepts in human resource management, practitioners and academics would better understand their area of specialty.
  4. Students stand to gain apt and informative knowledge on the field of human resource management.
  5. It will aid researcher in the field of human resource as sufficient information about that can help a researcher in subsequent studies.
  6. It contains rounded knowledge on both human resource practices in private and public sector available for any curious or knowledge oriented reader.

1.5  Scope / Delimitation of the study

1.5.1 Scope:

This research is structured to generate and collate relevant information regarding the problems of human resource management in Enugu state broadcasting service (ESBS) especially between 2011 to 2013.It is my conviction that the information so generated would provide adequate information on the problems of human resources facing public parastatals in general.

The study focuses on office at human resource management in the Enugu broadcasting service which tends to look at the organization and its position in the mind of the public consumer and the industry at large.  The success or failure of an organization depended on how their resources are patronized and any organization whose human resources management (managers) have been soiled or sin cared with can hardly matter it in the business world which is dynamic.

1.5.2 Limitation:

It will be misleading for the researcher to deny having certain constraints in the cause of the study.  These constraints range from financial limitations in conducting such a research, through poor responses of respondents and uncooperative attitude of some staff members, in addition to the limited time at the researcher’s disposal.  These factors limited the volume of information regarding the study.


1.6  Research Questions

  1. What are the challenges and prospects of human resources management in the productivity of workers in the organization?
  2. To what extent have the challenges created impact on the productivity of workers?

iii.    What are the difficulties experienced in the practices of human resource management?

  1. What are the measures to enhance personnel management in Enugu State Broadcasting Service (ESBS)?



1.7  Research Hypothesis

Research Hypothesis I

H0:  The challenges of human resource management have lowered the productivity of workers.

H­­1:  The challenges facing human resource management have not lowered the productivity of workers

Research Hypothesis 2

H0: The challenges have created an impact on the

Productivity of workers.

H1: The challenges have not created any impact on the

Productivity of the workers.

Research Hypothesis 3

H0:  There are difficulties experienced in the performance          of the practice of human resource.

H1:  There are no difficulties experienced in the performance of the practice of human resource.                                                               


  • Definition Of Terms

Efficient:       This means the degree at which a task or job is completed with no waste of time, energies, materials and money.

Aspiration:    The simply means aim of somebody which is always backed- up with zeal for its achievement

Parastatals:  These are government establishments that carry out specified functions to the masses.

Dynamic:      This word is synonymous with change; it means not steady in existence.

Management: This means the act of running and controlling a business or similar organization as well as other resources there in.

Motivation:   This is the miner-drive that gingers a worker to put-in the best expected of him/her at his/her work place.

Baoadcasting: The act of disseminating information through the instrumentality of the mass media


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