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This study was conducted to examine the role of cooperative Societies in reducing unemployment in Nigeria. In this course, research objectives, investigation and hypothesis were formulated.  Both primary and secondary data were collected, and data were then presented in a tabular form. Based on the above,   the findings on the topic are as follows: Staff/employee of the sampled cooperative are averagely paid with some necessary allowances. Government should set up more cooperative banks to give loans to individuals and groups that are prospecting to establish cooperative. In conclusion the researcher deemed it necessary that every hand must do everything possible to encourage the establishment of cooperative enterprises, since it is now obvious that the only option left for us is to adopt the socio- economic model of mutual self help.


Title Page                                                              i                   Approval Page                                                           ii         Dedication                                                              iii                                                            Acknowledgement                                                      iv

Abstract                                                                   v

Table of Contents   


  • Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study                                     1

  • Statement of the Problem 2
  • Objectives of the study 4
  • Research Questions 5
  • Significance of the study 6
  • Scope and limitations of the study 7
  • Definition of terms                                            9



2.0    Literature Review                                            14

2.1  Meaning of Cooperative                                     10

2.2  Unemployment and its Definition                         16

2.3  Effective of Unemployment                                 18

2.4  Employment Problems in the Developed countries 20

2.5  Employment Objective and Approaches

in Recent Development Plan                               23

2.6  Employment Productivity and Incomes Distribution    26


Chapter Three

3.0  Research Design and Methodology                      30

3.1  Research   Design                                             30

3.2  Source of the study                                          30

3.3  Area of the study                                             32

3.4  Population of the Study                                     32

3.5  Determination of Sample Size                             32

3.6  Method of Data Analysis                                    33

Chapter Four

Data Presentation and Analysis                                  34

4.1  Presentation of Data                                         34



Summary of Findings, Recommendations and   Conclusion

5.1  Summary of Findings                                 50

5.2  Conclusion                                               51

3.3  Recommendation                                        53









Co-operative is a basis for overall transformation of citizenry social and economic problems. According to (Berko (2007:476), co-operative society is a voluntary and democratic association of persons, with variable membership and variable capital whose members pooled themselves and their resources together on mutual and self help basis to form a business enterprise which seeks to solve the socio-economic problem(s) of these members by directly providing goods and services to them in their capacity as either the owner/customer or owner – employees of the cooperative enterprise.

According to (Amahalu  (2005 :2), cooperative is defined as an association usually incorporated with economic aims, formed by or for persons or co operations, having common needs, approximately equal voice in management, making approximately  equal or proportional contributions to capital, deriving proportionate services and benefits from it.

Co-operatives in order to promote the welfare of their members involve themselves in most tangible projects like building of houses, building of schools, building of hospitals, building of recreation centers, markets and building of industries.  Co-operative serves as a hold to company and local development agency it also seek to provide a community owned structure.



Today, in Nigeria there are lots of unemployed youths, both in Agbani-Community in Nkanu West Local government of Enugu State. Nigeria is (83) eight three years today but we cannot boast of good job to sustain our living yet we are called the giant of African.  Our hungry youths out of frustration indulge themselves in all sorts of dirty and illegal jobs.  Like kidnapping, cultism, suicide bombing (Boko Haram), militancies etc in order to survive.  For life has no duplicate.  So they have decided to jolly today and forget tomorrow, while the patience dogs still await the federal government visions 2013, which the government shifted to vision 2020.  Who knows what will happen next to the people of faith that hopefully wait for 2020, to renew their strength, it’s only God as I believe that has the answer to our questions to restore hope to our dying nation, by bringing a better transformation and independent liberty for all to enjoy.

However, we have no choice than to adopt the socio-economic model of mutual self help by voluntarily employing ourselves in order to achieve our common goals through the formation of co-operative enterprises, which will help to enhance economic welfare and growth which also, make impact on the new technology.



This research has the major objectives of reducing   unemployment through   co – operative movement (A study of Agbani Community).

Specific Objectives Include:

  1. To enhancing cooperative society in order to reduce unemployment.
  2. To identify the socio – economic characteristics associated with cooperative societies.
  3. To identify the support for modern farming investment for industrial development and expansion of market through cooperative movement.
  4. To examine the volume of employment created by cooperative society.
  5. To identify the problems of cooperative movement in creating job opportunities in Nigeria and Agbani Community in particular.
  6. To make recommendations on how to improve cooperative societies in order to meet the demand of reducing unemployment.



  1. How can cooperative society help in reducing unemployment?
  2. In what ways do co-operative societies have

contributed in reducing unemployment in urban  area through small scale enterprises?

iii.     What are the benefits of co-operative societies in reducing unemployment in the urban area?

  • In what ways can co-operative officers and members be motivated in reducing unemployment in Enugu urban?
  1. What are the problems of co-operative society in small scale enterprises in Enugu urban?
  2. What are the ways forward?

There is the need for reducing unemployment in our society and Agbani Community in particular and the only way out is through cooperative movement

It is envisaged that the findings, suggestions and recommendations of this study will be beneficial to all members and non members of co-operative society and government as well.  Specifically, this research will go a long way to encourage people to join co-operative society.

To further the scope of this study, discussions on the possible means of efficient implementation will be based on the followings:

  1. Enhance economic, social and cultural situation of strata within limited resources and opportunities as well as to promote their initiatives.
  2. Improve social condition and provide social services in the areas of housing, education, electricity, health and communication.
  3. Increase personal and national wealth through campaigning against waste. It also impacts the element for democratic control of economic activity.

Since cooperative thinks about the enhancement of their member’s well being as their prime ideology, it has to work towards the achievement of this target.




The scope of the research is Agbani Community Local Government Area of Enugu State.  The research is to determine the reducing of rural unemployment through cooperative movement.

The research covers the operation of co-operation movement with the intension of finding out to what extent they can create employment.

In the course of generating this work, the researcher faced several handicaps which include non cooperative attitude of some officials visited which resulted in not giving all the information required about their operations inadequacy of data.  Most of the officers visited were not on sit despite several visitations made by the researcher.

Finance has been a problem to the completion of this research.  It limited frequent travels which ought to have made to the sampled cooperative societies.


Co-operative Society: A co-operative society is an association which has as its objective the promotion of economic interest of member or has provision of service of it’s members in accordance with cooperative principles.

Enterprises:   This is graded grouping of individual selling goods and services at a price. Which approximately cover the cost.

Equity: This means equal or fairness.

Self Employment: Means someone who works on his or her own account.  Self employment person may be a proprietor of an unincorporated business either with or without employed.

Skilled Labour: An individual under going training for a particular occupation for some given period.  An individual may be trained as a marketer, lawyer, surveyor etc. It involves both mental and physical training.


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