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Title page                                                                                                                             i

Abstract                                                                                                                               ii

Table of Contents                                                                                                 iii


Background of the Study                                                                      1

Statement of the Problem                                                                     7

Purpose of the Study                                                                              10

Significance of the study                                                                                   11

Scope of the Study                                                                                               12

Research Questions                                                                                 13

Hypotheses                                                                                                            14



Theoretical Studies                                                                                              15

Theoretical framework                                                                          40

General and specific training theories                                             40

Job Involvement of Employees                                                                       49

Wages and Salary of an Employee                                                    56

Review of Empirical Research Studies                                            57

Investment in training                                                                           59

Summary of Review of Related Literature                         63



Research Design                                                                                       65

Area of the Study                                                                                     65

Population of the Study                                                                         66

Instrument for Data collection                                                                        67

Validation of the instrument                                                               68

Reliability of the instrument                                                                69

Method of Data Collection                                                                    70

Method of Data Analysis                                                                                   70


REFERENCES                                                                                                                   72

APPENDICES                                                                                                                    80

Appendix A:           Request to Respond to a Questionnaire      81

Appendix B:           Relationship between Training and Field

Staff Performance                                                            89

Appendix C:           List of Telecom Infrastructure Companies

Studied                                                                                 90




1:        Telecommunication Passive Equipment shared by service providers                                                                                                                        34


2:        Telecommunication towers shared by service providers.

3:        Swap site layout plan.                                                                                 35


4:        Telecommunication cell sites shared by service providers.      36


  1. Telecommunication Active Equipment shared by the service providers.                                                                                                       37















Background of the Study

Vocational training is training within vocational education which prepares people for a specific trade. It directly develops expertise in techniques related to technology, skill and scientific technique to span all aspects of the trade (Www.Wikipedia free Vocational education is classified as using procedural knowledge. It is sometimes referred to as technical education as the trainee directly develops expertise in a particular group of techniques. Therefore, one significant function of human resource management as to vocational training is the effective use of human resources in training and development. Training and development is a significant function of firm towards effective performance of employees and growth of organization however it is almost crucial and expensive resource to every organization. Due to constant training of engineers in response to change in the society, there are significant changes today in terms of the value of the employee.  These changes in value system at the workplace tend to have significant impact on employees’ knowledge and skills. Training is therefore necessary to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitude of employees because it makes it easier for employees to acquire further knowledge based on the foundation gained from the earlier training to effect changes in other coworkers performance.

In other words, there is a significant relationship between the employees who acquire vocational training and their performance in accomplishing different tasks.  For instance it was found that those employees who have taken vocational   training were more capable in performing different task ( Neo, 2000).

Armstrong,( 2000) stated that basically vocational training is                                                                                                                                                        a formal and systematic modification of behavior through learning which occurs as a result of education, instruction, development and planned experience. Due to the practical nature of Vocational training, it is important to have training that is effective. Studies have proved that more costly but effective training can save money that is wasted on cheap but inefficient (Ginsberg, 1997). Therefore, vocational training has acquired a strategic value for companies since quality service depends on employee and customer care effectiveness (Zheng, 2009).Vocational training is training for a specific career or trade. Vocational training focuses on practical application of skills, and is generally unconcerned with theory or traditional academic skills. A large part of the education in vocational schools is hands-on training. Vocational training thus provides a link between education and the  world of work. It is usually provided either at the high school level or in a postsecondary trade school or on the job by the company. Vocational training is often conducted to impact the skills and knowledge required on the job which is associated with the roles and responsibilities of the employees as well as company policies. Many companies currently offer continuing training opportunities for employees, focusing on skills that can improve their efficiency.


Thomas (1997) argued that employees training involve teaching vocational skills that can help them become more efficient and productive workers. Most careers include some types of vocational training, and a trained work force has benefits for both the society and the employers. Employees who acquired vocational training often have higher motivation and morale because they feel that the company has invested in their ability and development. Armstrong (2000) affirmed                                                                                                                                                      that trained employees often work better as teams because everyone is aware of the expectations and can achieve them together smoothly. In addition, employees who receive vocational training are more likely to accept change and come up with new ideas. Employees who learn new skills through vocational training make good candidates for promotions because they have shown their ability to learn, retain and use reliable skill. They can also be empowered to train other employees, the fact that reduces pressure for the management team.

Job performance can be defined as employees performing their actions according to the requirement of the job (Cooke F L, 2000). Individual performance is of high relevance for organizations and individuals alike (Westerlund, 2006). At a general level, task performance consists of activities that transform materials into the goods and services produced by the organization or to allow for efficient functioning of the organization (Westerlund, 2006). Thus, task performance covers the fulfillment of the requirements that are part of the contract between the employer and employee (Brown, 1996). Vocational training in the official tasks directly or indirectly influences the employee performance. Effort is an intervening element of the relationship of vocational training and performance (Brown and Leigh 1996).

Since the engagement of the telecommunication infrastructural servicing companies to build and manage the base stations the country has been experiencing network outage and poor network availability resulting to call drops, interference and poor interconnectivity. The base station’s power, transmission and Radio Frequency equipments are not properly maintained which have been the causes of the network outage, poor network availability, call drops, interference and poor interconnectivity. The subscribers are not enjoying the services they expected and paid for.

When the field staff performance was measured by Human resources department of Prime infrastructural and engineering services limited (2011) using the key point indicator (KPI) it was recorded that the performance of the field staff was low. It appears therefore that the problem could be attributed to the kind of training acquired by the field staff employed by the infrastructural services companies to maintain the base stations. May be the field staff were not given the basic vocational training needed on the job.

It is expected that organizations like Telecommunication infrastructural servicing companies in Nigeria should provide vocational training for their field staff to enhance growth and effectiveness because human capital is the greatest asset of any organization. Vocational training entails investment in human capital, institutions and practices necessary to enhance human skills, overhaul institutions and improve procedures and systems (Grubb, 2006).Yet, it could be viewed as a series of activities, which a Telecommunication Infrastructural companies or even a nation needs to undertake to provide for itself, on a continuous basis, as well as the regular supply of skilled manpower to meet its present and future needs  (Curtain, 2004). Vocational training is required by the field staff to sufficiently execute a task or job and to improve performance in the job environment. (Salas & Cannon-Bowers, (2001).

Though large number of studies (Bishop, 1991; Black & Lynch, 1996; Bassi & Van Buren, 1998; Boon & Van der Eijken,1998; Fey, Bjorkman & Pavlovskaya, 2000; Faems, et al, 2005; Zwick, 2006) have estimated the effect of vocational training on field staff performance, it is unclear whether the relationship between vocational training and staff performance has been realistic. Moreover, it has been difficult to find strong evidence of this theme in the human resource literature, especially at the organizational level of analysis. Therefore, this study is embarked on to determine  the relationship between vocational training and field staff performance in telecommunication infrastructural services and to develop and propose a theoretical framework to fulfill requirement for analyzing vocational  training and field staff performance issues in telecommunication infrastructural services.

Statement of the Problem

It has been observed that from last decade, telecommunication sector has become the fastest growing sector in Nigeria. In very short span, lots of changes occurred in this sector with respect to network coverage, infrastructural services, marketing strategies, technological requirements and intensifying competition, which resulted in increasing demand for well trained workforce.

The Federal Government of Nigeria banned the installation of base stations in a concentrated area thereby encouraged and advised operators to use one base station within the same coordinate. This necessitated the engagement of the telecommunication infrastructural services to build and manage the base stations to avoid sabotage. Since then the country has been experiencing network outage and poor network availability resulting to call drops, interference and poor interconnectivity because the base station’s power, transmission and Radio Frequency equipment are not properly maintained. The subscribers are not enjoying the services they expected and paid for.

When the field staff performance was measured by Human resources department of Prime infrastructural and engineering services limited (2011) using the key point indicator (KPI) it was recorded that the performance of the field staff was low. It appears therefore that the problem could be attributed to the kind of training acquired by the field staff employed by the infrastructural services companies to maintain the base stations. May be the field staff were not given the basic vocational training needed on the job.

Most of the field staff lack the basic practical skills and knowledge needed for maintenance of the Telecommunications equipment (Titilayo, 2011). These seem to be the reason why the telecommunication equipment are not properly maintained causing huge downtime and poor network availability. It is expected that telecommunication infrastructural services company wants to perform better and remain competitive, and then it has to maintain continuous improvement and engage the field staff on vocational training. For this reason this study is designed to examine the relationship between vocational training and staff performance in telecommunication servicing company in Nigeria.

Purpose of the Study

The major purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between vocational training and the performance of the telecommunications infrastructural services field staff. While other Specific  purpose is to determined;

  1. The vocational training needed by the field staff for possible employment by the telecommunications infrastructural servicing in Nigeria.
  2. The type of vocational training the telecommunications infrastructural servicing provide for the field staff on the job.
  3. The vocational training required by the field staff for effective performance in the telecommunications infrastructural servicing in Nigeria.

4,        The factors that could lead to effective job performance of the field staff in telecommunication infrastructural servicing in Nigeria.

  1. The relationship between staff training and field performance of telecommunication infrastructural servicing company staff

Significance of the study

This study is necessary as it seeks to provide information and strategies that will help the field staff of telecommunication infrastructural services acquire vocational training needed on the job which will enhance effective job performance.

The findings of this study will be of benefit to telecommunication infrastructural servicing in Nigeria, telecommunication subscribers, telecommunication operators as well as the field staff. Hopefully the findings of the study will reveal the areas of vocational training needed thereby exposing the areas of impediments to adequate vocational training. It is expected that findings of the study will also expose the effects of poor quality and inadequacy of vocational training in telecommunication infrastructural servicing. The result of the finding will help telecommunication infrastructural servicing to engage competent field staff that will better their performance and remain competitive.

The findings will benefit Managers, supervisors and administrators in telecommunication infrastructural servicing in terms of objective planning, organization, staff recruitment, providing tools and equipment for the telecommunication base station for network availability. Suppose the reasons for poor communication network are determined, it would form a strong base for managers to device better organizational techniques to service the subscribers and attend to their interest in communication.

The field staff will also benefit if the findings reveal vocational training that should be incorporated, developed and put into effective and efficient use. With successful incorporation they will acquire the needed practical training; basic telecommunication knowledge and attitude that will enhance their competence, professionalism and self-reliant.

Scope of the Study

The study will be limited to three telecommunication infrastructural servicing company in Nigeria. It focuses on vocational training that enhances effective field staff performance for achievement of the goals of telecommunication infrastructural services. However since telecommunication infrastructural services in Nigeria could have different units for growth and expansion, this study will be limited to technical units. For instance supply and chain management unit, ware house and logistics unit, commercial unit and cooperate affairs unit are not included in this study. Only the chief technical officer, head of operations, regional technical managers, field servicing engineers and head of human development and training will be included as respondents, who will assess the performance of the field staff and recommend training.

Research Questions

  1. What type of vocational training is needed for someone to be employed as a field staff in telecommunication infrastructural servicing?
  2. What type of vocational training is provided by telecommunication infrastructural servicing to their field staff?
  3. What kind of vocational training, do field staff of telecommunication infrastructural servicing need for effective performance in Nigeria?
  4. What other factors could lead to effective performance of field staff in telecommunication infrastructural servicing in Nigeria?
  5. Are they any relationship between staff training and the performance in field work?


Statement of Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses are formulated to guide the study and will be tested at 0.05 level of significance.

H01:  There is no significant relationship between the types of vocational training needed for someone to be employed as field staff in telecommunication infrastructural servicing and field performance of a staff.

H02: There is no type of vocational training provided by telecommunication infrastructural servicing in other to enhance field staff for effective field work performance.

H03: There is no kind of vocational training needed for field staff of telecommunication infrastructural servicing for effective performance in Nigeria.

H04:  There is no other factor that can lead to effective performance of field staff in telecommunication infrastructural serving in Nigeria.

H05: There are no relationship between staff training and field work performance of telecommunication infrastructural staff.


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