1.1. Background Of The Study
It is said that health is wealth. The issues of health have overwhelmed our daily
comments, since evolution of science.
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndrome (AIDS) is a recent recognized disease throughout the world, which is caused
by the infection of the Human, Immune Deficiency Virus, which attack selected cells in
the immune system and produces defects in function.
Human Immune Virus (HIV) and AIDS in Nigeria was first discovered in 1984
among researchers at the National Institution for Medical Research, Yaba Lagos.
The first evidence of AIDS in Nigeria was reported to health officials by Nasidi,
and Heavy in 1986.
Against this background the federal government in conjunction with other
countries of the world through the World Health Organization (WHO) decided to
embark on massive campaigns against HIV/AIDS pandemic in rural areas and the nation
in general.
Nigerian Television Authority Enugu as part of its efforts to eradicate this
dreadful disease which seems to have defied Federal government’s efforts at combating
it, then established the National AIDS control programmes in response to public concern
raised the awareness of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infestation in
For Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Enugu to campaign on any issue of
interest to the public, it must not be regarded as fallacious or unsystematically prepared
but rather involving message on existing public interest to the people based on
experience, facts, beliefs, socio-economic and educational backgrounds.
Despite the fact, the non-challant attitude the masses still prevails in relation, to
accept the Role of NTA Enugu in the Campaign against HIV/AIDS as a complete truth.
Moreover, one should not forget that it takes a lot of courage and grief to affect change
in a society.
Though this study may not go into the structure of AIDS control programmes or
the imminent dangers inherent in AIDS, it will look at the information management and
the use of NTA Enugu to campaign to facilities proper public understanding of
programme of will prove the degree of which the entire public have related to the
HIV/AIDS campaign and to what extent these campaigns have helped alert the masses of
dangers of HIV/AIDS.
Again in response to the evidence and the debate on the existence of HIV/AIDS
in Nigeria the then minister of Health Professor Olukoye Ransom, Ikuti in 1987,
instituted the National Expert Advisory Committee on AIDS (NEACA) and was charged
with the responsibility of whether or not AIDS exist in Nigeria, they were also mandated
to advise the government as well draw up programmes strategies and activities to
prevent control of HIV/AIDS infection in the rural areas.
The report from the committee stated that “HIV/AIDS existed in Nigeria and
warned that unless immediate steps were taken to prevent the spread of the diseases,
caused mainly by sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse is largely responsibility for the
transmission of HIV/AIDS from men to women and from women to men. People include
rampant exchange of sexual parent for example sexual premiscurity are more vulnerable
to have contributed immensely to the HIV/AIDS epidemics which is exculpating by
lapps and bounds among teenagers world wide, receptive intercourse is more effective
than other form of sexual activity transmitting HIV in homosexual men. It is because
AIDS virus can be contacted in the anus of a carrier and through this act of sexual
Moreover, during blood transfusion, if the blood of a patient gets in hospital is
not well screened for HIV/AIDS infection blood will surely contact HIV/AIDS, so it
should be well screened, contaminated needles, when one needle has been used on a
patient that has HIV/AIDS and the same needle is used on another patient who is free
from the virus the person will later contract the virus through the use of contaminated
According to Ernest Alhabu (1985-5 HIV/AIDS can be transmitted to HIV/AIDS
free person who share the same tooth brush or razor or shaving stick with an AIDS
infected person because blood from AIDS patient can easily get into the body of AIDS
free person when such is being shared.
The rural are would be faced with tremendous health problem “this necessitate
the establishment of AIDS co-ordinating units and twenty one testing facilities in the
various states of the federation. Training was conducted for personnel to men these
centres, there were also public enlightenment activities and production of educational
materials like posters, hand bills, pamphlets and book on HIV/AIDS.
In February 1989, a two weeks workshop was organized by the federal ministry
of Health and other human services organization including states ministries of Health
with the technical assistance from the Global Programme on AIDS (GPA) World Bank
and other international agencies to address the issue of AIDS in Nigeria. In March 1990,
a resources mobilization meeting was convened with participation by the Health Federal
Ministry of Health, by the world Health Organization, Global Programme on AIDS and
other international denor agencies.
Also in March the National Aids co-ordinating units had the first “All Nigerian
conference on AIDS during which the former vice president, Admiral August Aikomu
(Ltd) launched the maiden edition of the Handbook on HIV infection and AIDS or
Health workers. All these efforts were aimed at affecting possible solution towards
ensuring the AIDS measure in Nigeria and to ensure Healthier environment for the
Assertions have been made that the acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(AIDS) is a mere fallacy and government programme of securing people from enjoying
sexual relationship-some ridiculous names, have been given the acronym AIDS, such as
America, idea of dissuading sex, animal infected diseases syndrome and so on. It has
been discovered that the greater number of people infected by AIDS fall within the range
of 20-40 yeas by age which is the prime age of life.
1.2. Statement Of The Research Problem
In spite of the increase in the number of people living with HIV/AIDS and the
increase number of death recorded.
Some people still regard the existence of AIDS in Nigeria as a mere fallacy, yet
the AIDS co-ordinated unit has proved that there is rapid emergency of HIV/AIDS
infected persons in Nigeria.
1.3. Objectives Of The Study
1. Whether NTA Enugu Campaign against HIV/AIDS can create positive impact on
Ezimo Community.
2. How have these campaigns either locally or internationally transformed Ezimo
people towards sexual behaviours?
3. Whether NTA Enugu Campaign can modify the behavioral pattern of the people
of Ezimo Community towards people living with HIV/AIDS.
1.4. Research Questions
1. How has NTA Enugu’s Campaign against HIV/AIDS impacted on Ezimo
2. To what extent have these campaigns either locally or nationally transformed
Ezimo Community towards sexual behaviours?
3. To what extent has NTA Enugu Campaign against HIV/AIDS modify the
behavioral pattern of Ezimo Community towards people leaving with
1.5. Scope Of The Study
The scope of the study is limited to NTA Enugu handling of HIV/AIDS issues in
Ezimo Community in Udenu Local Government Area of Enugu State.
It is also limited to survey of the campaign against HIV/AIDS. This scope is
going to centre on Ezimo Community and also based on time and financial constraints.
1.6. Assumptions
This study is based on the assumption that HIV/AIDS in rural areas, has hit the
earth and many people have lost their lives. Also that NTA Enugu Campaign plays a key
role in their effort to fight HIV/AIDS in rural area. Looking at the agenda setting theory
of the mass media, which stated that the media do not only inform us but also influence
us, whatever the press publishes and emphasis on, will be what the public will think
1.7. Significance Of The Study
This study is justified by the need to highlight the importance of NTA Enugu in
the campaign against HIV/AIDS in rural area. It is noted that HIV/AIDS is fast
spreading statistics show that infected persons are increasing on daily bases.
Nigeria like other developing or third world countries craves for development in
the academic, political and social realm, to realize this, there is need to find out possible
way of improving HIV/AIDS awareness programmes in rural areas.
1.8. Definition Of Terms
Some of the key words used in this research were defined operationally as
Role: This means the part played by Nigeria television authority Enugu in the fight
against HIV/AIDS in Ezimo Community.
Television: This means audio visual device used in educating, informing, motivating,
entering and persuading Ezimo community.
Campaign: This means a series of organized action carried out in support of the
advocacy for the fight against HIV/AIDS.
HIV/AIDS: This means a disease of the human immune system caused by infection with
human immunodeficiency virus.
Rural Area: This means a geographic area that is located outside cities and towns with
low population density and settlement
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