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Table of contents


  • introduction

1.1  Background of the study

1.2  Statement of the problem

1.3  Objective of the study

1.4  Research questions

1.5  Significance  of the study

1.6  scope and limitation of the study

1.7  Definition of terms



2.0  literature review

2.1  Agricultural/credit,

2.2 Establishment of ACGSF.

2.3  Purpose of the scheme (ACGSF)

2.4  objectives of the study

2.5  Importance of the credit to Nigerian agriculture

2.5.1       Agricultural financing in Nigeria

2.5.2       Overview of agricultural credit purveyance in Nigeria

2.6  Features of the agricultural credit  guarantee scheme fund

2.6.0 Procedure for operating ACGSF

2.6.1       Agriculture/enterprise for which guarantee can be issued under the fund

2.6.2       Loan duration and loan limits under the scheme

2.7  New intiatives/models for improved lending under the ACGSF

2.8  loan conditions

2.8.1 participation of community banks under the ACGSF


  • Research design and methodology

3.1  Area of study

3.2  Population of the study

3.3  Sample size

3.4  Instrument for data collection

3.5  Description of data

3.6  Data analysis



4.1  Presentation of data analysis and interpretation

4.2  Demographic characteristics of respondents in tabular presentation and descriptive analysis

4.3  Remarks of findings


5.1  Summary, recommendation and conclusion

5.2  Recommendation

5.3  Conclusion








Agricultural credit guarantee scheme fund was established to help farmers who have little or no collateral to get loans from commercial banks by CBN. It was the aim of this research work to find out if CBN has helped in developing cooperative activities in agricultural aspect through their giving of loan, grant, and other farm inputs.

Chapter one contained great discussion of the origin and existence of this scheme (ACGSF), it also went further to state the problems to be studied, research question scope and definition of terms.

A number of past and present literature review was examined by the researcher and all these highlighted in chapter two, chapter three dealt with the methodology for the study population and so on.

in  Chapter four data gotten from the research surveyed was analyzed and interpreted. Also similar questions on both questionnaire were compared.

Finally the summary of these findings was that farmers need to be encouraged to get loan though the ensurement of CBN in the reduction of collateral and surety for guaranteeing loans, if banks and farmers/artisans would put the recommendation made in the study into use there would be increase and improvement in activities of agriculture and also continues growth and development in the agricultural sector.






       In Enugu state most inhabitants survive through agriculture and their main occupation is subsistence farming which attract the interest of may cooperative societies both old and new ones.

Agriculture plays a very central role in the economic development of Nigeria like offering of employment to more than 65% of the working population account for more than 70% of non oil exports and provides raw materials for the industrial sector.

Following the oil boom in the seventies agricultural production started to decline, the country started expressing increasing food shortage with the attendant increase in the quantity of food imports.

One can observe that Enugu state is still semi substantial and their output from agriculture production can neither feed the fearing population nor provide essential raw materials for the agro based industries. The export of the state major cash crops which has in the past supported the economy has verbally stopped.

While a lot of observers dwelt on the urgent need to reinitialize this sector, Omuma (1998) implied that the adverse effect of non-initialization of the agriculture sector will only bring such condition like famine and Kwashiorkor to the village but emphasizing on the importance of improving agricultural production through loans from government Igbo (1986) said it is now on the government for the independence on the external sources of food because it has tried their state independence to the uncertainties of ridicule.’

Then in the early seventies, the central bank of Nigeria and the federal government carried out a study to find out reasons for the declining agricultural production. The study revealed that credit was one of the major factors then the commercial and merchant banks (now deposit money bank) were reluctant to lend to agriculture because of the high default risk and the inability of the borrower offer tangible collateral.

The agricultural credit guarantee scheme was established in 1977 to share in the risk of the banks in agricultural lending and hence encourage them to continue to extend credit to it. As at 31st December 2004 the total investment under the scheme were N4.4billion.


       In our country today, sources of statements have been made in the newspapers and other news media, scholars advocating the use of agriculture for the development and improvement of living standard of the rural people.

Agricultural activities have brought about solutions to our national problem of massive food shortage.

Many agricultural cooperative societies plays vital role and function in massive food production they include the following:

  1. Agriculture has embrace all the cooperative activities with the aim of helping farmers in their professional capacities and producers. The inherent weakness of farming Calo of this type of cooperative society.
  2. Agriculture has contributed immensely to the improvement of the viability of the small holders by bringing their economies of scale.
  3. Agricultural activities are a type of producers cooperatives which aim at improving food production and well being of the citizens.


Much of the increase in Nigerians agricultural output in recent years has resulted from expansion of the area under cultivation rather from increased productivity. Some of the many problems militating against the agricultural sector have been listed and discussed.


Which include the following             

Poor feeder road and inadequate road network between the rural areas where agriculture production mainly takes place and the urban area

Lack of appropriate on-farm and off-farm storage facilities.

Irrigation facilities are still very poor despite the existence of River Basin  and rural Development Authorities (RBRDA) for instance in Ogun state only 15 hectares of land were irrigated between 1997 and 1999 by Ogun-Osun RBRDA.


       The extension services delivery system still suffers from inadequate number of extension men/women. The few areas that are in place lack mobility to improve on extension farmers while women extensionist are few to handle gender issues.


Default in repayment of loan by peasant farmers who could not meet up with loan    collateral   requirement

Low income and poor provision of collateral,security to qualify for credit worthiness 


There are numerous policies that are not supportive enough to agriculture transformation E.G landAct,importation tarrif and unprotective policies.




       The general purpose of this project report is to undertake a study of the existing farmers of agricultural activities and the effort of the government in enhancing the development of agriculture through the agricultural credit guarantee scheme, also the study has the following objectives.

  • To examine the organizational structure and the operation of agricultural activities in Enugu state with particular reference to Nkanu East local government area.
  • To examine the impact of the farmer’s cooperative societies.      
  • Investigate the problems facing the farmers co-operative societies.
  • To suggest ways and means for enhancing and proffering for loans from banks for the effectiveness of the societies and assist in further research into contemporary issue on this manner.
  • To increase production of livestock and fish to meet the domestic needs and increase surplus for export.
  • To know whether there are benefits members derive from the agricultural cooperative societies in the area.


  1. What are the main objectives for establishing of agricultural cooperative societies in Nkanu East local government area?
  2. To what extent have these objectives been realized?
  3. What are the problem militating against agricultural activities?
  4. Do agricultural cooperative societies receive support from the government?
  5. What are their sources of finance?


       Any study that has positive outcome must have negative aspect moreover the significance of the particular studies are central banks of Nigeria has taken up greater responsibilities particularly with respect to information of agricultural policy and various means which enhances agricultural productivity.

Areas of central banks of Nigeria involvement in improving agricultural activity  includes:

  • Agricultural research
  • Training of middle level agricultural workers
  • Creation of loans and large scale mechanization food agriculture farmers.    


       This study will attempt to examine the policies of CBN in the development of agriculture and the importance of agriculture in improving production. The constant in achieving the desired development in agriculture and providing the possible solution to overcome them shall also be examined in the project report. However in preparing this report the researcher has been handicapped by inadequacy of time to take a more detailed research. Also conflict in the time available, it is not been easy to contact most of the members of the CBN and the state of cooperatives farmland whose farm  labour requirement is largely supplied by his family.


Agricultural cooperative: agricultural cooperative societies  are those societies which embark all the cooperatives activities which is aimed at helping farmers in the professional capacities as producers. It is also an association of individual for the achievement of economic and social objectives.

Agriculture: is the science or practice of cultivating the land and keeping the breeding animals food farming. It is also the art of engaging on the activity that deals with production of food likewise rearing of animals.

Farm management: the application of farming science and technology and the solution of the day to day problems facing the farmer.

Agricultural productivity: the index of the ratio of the value of the total farm output to the value of the input used in farm production.










Davis H.J (1956) From Agriculture to Agriculture Havard Business Review

Aneke S.I (1998) Repayment among farmers cooperative societies in Enugu state credit policy implication (CBN)

Smith (1965) The Farm Supply Industry Management Agricultural Experiment Service Report

World bank (2001) agricultural development projects in Nigeria. The world bank group, accessed 7th July 2013.

Heinz, Witold J. (2007) Pelcon-2007 codebook accessed 25th August, 2010.

Osabuohien, E.(2007). Foreign capital and Africa’s economic progress: facts from Nigeria and south Africa. The journal of banking and finance, vol. 9, pr, 24-37.


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