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This project work was an attempt to investigate the contributions of Agricultural Co-operative societies in improving food production in Ebonyi State. The main objectives were; To find out how agricultural co-operatives have contributed in improving food production in Ebonyi State, To identify factors that can cause low food production in Ebonyi State and to identify forms of supports and incentives provided by government to agricultural in Ebonyi State. Based on the objectives of the study, three hypothesis were formulated. The populations of study were drawn from the entire community of Ishielu local government area of Ebonyi State. Bourley’s formular was used to determine the sample size. Questionnaires and personal interview were used to elicit data from respondents. Simple tables and percentages were used to analyze data collected.  Based on the analysis, the following findings were made. It was also observed that food production is improved through farm produce, through raw material, through food stored during bumper harvest and also observed that co-operative society in Ishielu local government area relatively good. The researcher therefore made the following recommendations; government should create enable environment for smooth running agrci co-operatives in Ishielu local government and Nigeria as a whole and equally recommend that farming system should be improved to enhance bumper harvest.







Cover Page                                                            i

Title page                                                              ii

Approval page                                                        iii

Dedication                                                             iv

Acknowledgement                                                   v

Abstract                                                                vi

Table of Contents                                                   vii



  • Background of the study 1
  • Statement of the problem 4
  • Objectives of the study 6
  • Research Questions 7
  • Research hypothesis 8
  • Significance of the study 9
  • Limitation of the study 11
  • Definition of Terms 11



  • History of Agricultural Co-Operative 14
  • Definition of agricultural co-operative societies 15
  • Roles of agricultural co-operatives in economic development                                          16
  • Types of Agricultural Co-Operatives 20
  • Problems of agricultural co-operatives in Ishielu local government area. 23
  • The roles of agricultural co-operative societies in improving food production. 30
  • Agriculture system in Ishielu local government 33



  • Source of Data 36
  • Population of the study 36
  • Determination of sample size 36
  • Research Instrument 38
  • Validation of Research Instrument 39
  • Method of Data Analysis And Treatment 39



  • Presentation and Analysis Of Data 41
  • Test of Hypothesis 45



  • Summary of Findings 55
  • Recommendations 56
  • Conclusions 58










According to Praise (2001) agriculture is the area and science of growing of crops and rearing of animals for the provision of food for man, feeds for animals and raw materials for the industries.  He further stressed that an in-depth knowledge of agriculture is important to an agricultural economist as the workings of various parts of animal body is to a veterinary doctor for proper diagnosis of any livestock disease.

Moreover, agriculture is one the oldest industries and its origin can be traced to the earliest human societies. The existence of man from the prehistoric era up to the era of ancient civilization depended on the ability of the individual to hunt  and gather food for consumption. Food was, however, the basic source of life which provided human energy in his wondering and constant struggle for survived.

Onoh (2007:208) agricultural cooperatives are cooperative societies that specialize in the production, processing, marketing and distribution of the agricultural products of their members. This type of cooperative societies covers such cooperative that engage in the agricultural sector of our economy. Some agricultural cooperatives in the country engage in group farming, while members of these societies engage in the production of a variety of corps and they also arrange for the marketing of such crops. Some agricultural cooperatives engage in cultivation of single crops and such societies are named after the crops (e.g.) cassava growers cooperatives. These are also some types of cooperatives that specialize in marketing agricultural commodities.

Amahalu (2007) agricultural cooperatives are cooperative societies found in the agricultural sector. They are organized by farmers to help them solve  their problems collectively instead of attempting to do them on individual basis or looking up the government or other agencies for such solution. However, we are still face with the problems of slow growth in the agricultural sector productivity.  The government recognized the key role of that the agricultural sector has played and will continue to play hence its purpose through scheme and programmes is to stimulate agricultural production. If these programmes out taken together, they can be crucial in identifying these cooperative societies must be able to get him. There must exist a given minimum level of complementariness of factors so that the combined benefits derivable from the simultaneous existence of these actions are greater than the sum of benefits product by each one in isolation. Therefore, cooperatives help in developing agriculture through farm input and equipment embodying new technology, market for farm products and transportation facilities especially feeder roads for corps and livestock evacuation.

At this point, one can clearly see that achieving increase food production through agricultural cooperative can be achieved through pulling both human and material resources together by small scale farmers.



Agriculture co-operatives are greatly involved in food production so as to improve the social and economic life of the members and the country as a whole. Good production is equally on essential need for daily living to provide food for the teeming population.

In spit of these, agricultural co-operatives still experience low food production owing to some factors. Government is equally concerned with the issue of improving food production. This is why the issue of food production is always incorporated in government programmes/agenda. The excepted result of such agenda is nothing but to increase food production.

To achieve this, formation of agricultural co-operatives are encouraged by government and individuals even as they are formed, the agricultural co-operatives are faced with the following problems.

  1. High financial commitment in the formation of the agricultural co-operative of different sizes and types.
  2. members neglecting the obligations, participation of in group farm work in the farmland weeding, planting, harvesting of farm input like high yielding seeds, stem and seeding, agro-chemical disinfectants and fertilizer.
  3. Problem of marketing of produce and efficiently distribution and returns to inputs utilized.



This research study is aimed at the contributions of agricultural co-operatives societies in improving food production in Ebonyi (a case study of selected agricultural co-operative in Ishielu local government area of Ebonyi State).

The study has the following objectives.

  1. To find out how agricultural co-operatives have contributed to improving food production in Ebonyi State
  2. To identify factors that can use low food production in Ebonyi State.
  3. To identify forms of supports and incentives provided by government to agricultural in Ebonyi state.
  4. To find out the ways and methods that can be used in solving the problems of food production.



Based in the research objectives, we are faced with following question, which will guide our search for material for this research work in other to do so. The following questions becomes very important for this work.

  1. How has agricultural co-operatives contributed in improving food production in Ebonyi Stte?
  2. What are the factors that cause low food production in Ebonyi State?
  3. What are the forms of supports and incentives provided by government to agricultural co-operatives in robnyi State?
  4. What are the means of solving problems of food production in Ebonyi State?

The rationale behind this research was to find out the contribution of agricultural co-operatives societies in improving food production in Ebonyi state for these reason, the following hypothesis were made.

  1. Ho: Agricultural co-operatives does not contributed in

improving food production in Ebonyi State.

H1:  Agricultural co-operatives contributed in improving

food  production in Ebonyi State.

  1. Ho: There is factors that cause low food production in

Ebonyi State.

H1:  There is no factors that cause low food production

in Ebonyi  State.

  1. Ho: There is no forms of supports and incentives

provided by government to agricultural co- operatives in Ebonyi State.

H1:  There is forms of supports and incentives provided

by    government to agricultural co-operatives in

Ebonyi State.

  1. Ho: There is no means of solving problems of food

production in Ebonyi State.

H:    There is means of solving problems of food

production in  Ebonyi State



The finding of this research work will enable the society to know what to do in order to improve or enhance the economic activities of the society. This research work will equally help the federal government whose set objectives is to use cooperative in rural development and increasing the production capacity of the country.

The producer of agricultural products will also benefit because their through the effective production will be assured through the effectives and efficient management of the agricultural co=operative in food production and there will be an increase in food supply and production in the country thereby heading to full price of goods when this achieved, the consumers and the general public will benefit to full price of goods. When thus achieved, the consumers and the general public will benefit and effective management of agricultural produce a good production, the cooperative societies especially the rural based ones will also be of great income generation will also be of great benefit to other co-operatives societies in the country as it will served as reference material from them.





The major limitation to this study will be lack of fund for transportation and time limit as well.

Another limitation was unwillingness of the co-operative that is staff in Ishielu local government area to release certain documents which contain vital information for the study due to time problem.

Also the problem of looking for the materials relates to the project topic creates difficulties and inability of librarian to easily release the materials.



Therefore, for easy and quick comprehension of this report the following terms are used:

  1. Agriculture: It is the area and science of growing of crops and rearing of animals for the provision of food for man, feeds for animals and raw materials for the industries (Praise, 2001).
  2. Co-operative: It is a voluntary association of individual combined to achieve an improvement in there social and economic conditions, the common ownership and            management and control of the enterprises (instrument remains theirs, (Igwe and Ugwuanyi, 2006:24).
  3. Co-operative society: it is an association of person who have voluntarily joined together to achieve a common end through the formation of a democratically controlled business organization, making equitable contributions to the capital required and accepting a four share of the risks and benefits of the undertaking in which the members actively participate (Igwe and Ugwuanyi, 2006: 23)
  4. Agricultural co-operative societies: Are co-operative societies that specialize in the production, processing, marketing and distribution of the agricultural products of their members. These types of co-operative societies covers such co-operative that engage in the agricultural sector of our economy (Onoh, 2007: 308)



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