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This research was designed to apprise “The Effectiveness of Personal Selling in the Marketing of Industrial Products in Enugu Metropolis (A Case Study of Emenite Plc Enugu).

The researcher set out with the following objectives:

  • To find out the effectiveness of personal selling of Emenite in creating customers awareness of their products.
  • To determine the impact of personal selling on increasing the sales volume of Emenite.
  • To what extent selling impacts on the profit of the company.

Based on the above objectives, extensive literature review on test books, journals, newspapers was carried out.   Questionnaires were prepared and administered to a population comprising customers, distributors and management/relevant staff of Emenite in Enugu.   Topman formular was used to determine the sample size of distributors and customers. Chi-square was used to test the hypotheses. The following findings were made personal selling activities of Emenite lead to increased sales, although one discovered that some of these sales representatives are not too effective, this is because the company deals on technical items = that personal selling activities of Emenite Nigeria are effective in creating customers awareness of their products.  That personal selling activity of Emenite impacts positively on the profit of the company. Based on these findings the researcher made the following recommendations that will enhance positive effect on the company.   The company should make adequate budget provision for their sales representatives. The company should recruit and properly train their sales people so as to bring in increase in sales and better performance of the company.  If the above recommendations are carried out, the company will not only serve their customers better but also bring in improved profit to the organization.






Title Page                                                              i
Approval Page                                                        ii

Dedication                                                             iii

Acknowledgment                                                     iv

Abstract                                                                v

Table of Contents                                                   v


  • Background of the Study 1
  • Statement of Problem                                      5
  • Research Questions 7
  • Objective of the Study                                   7
  • Significance of the Study 8
  • Scope of the Study 10


  • Overview of Marketing 1
  • Meaning of Personal Selling 15
  • Personal selling Process 19
  • Importance of Personal Selling 28
  • Characteristic of professional Industrial

Sales persons                                                  28

  • Classification of Industrial Products 32
  • Personal Selling Objective 33
  • Selection and Training of Salesman                    34
  • Salesman Compensation 37
  • Evaluation of Salesman 39
  • Problems Involved in Personal Selling 40


3.0  Research Methodology                                      42

  • Source of Data 42
  • Population of the study 43
  • Sample Size Determination 43
  • Research Instrument Used 43
  • Method of Data Analysis 44
  • Limitation of the Study 44



  • Summary of Research Findings 46
  • Conclusion 48
  • Recommendation 48

Bibliography                                                    50










       Udeagha (199, 227) defined personal selling as a process of conversing the sale of a company’s products or service by sales man or woman, it is a dynamic process involving direct contact between the seller of a product or service and the prospective buyers through oral or face to face or telephone discussion or written mail exchange of ideas through opinion.

Discussing the importance of selling Adirika (1993) defined selling as the process of inducing a prospective customer to act favourably on an idea advantage to the buyer and commercial significant to the seller.

Every marketing manager ought to have sales persons beside him that have a through knowledge of what personal selling is all about in order to bring about a good level of profit to the company.   The increasing prominent of identifying them as the focus of a firm’s assistance has made it imperative for marketing organization to go for more sales persons.

Personal selling are a branch of marketing that is also broad which is expedient for continued existence of every marketing company.

Most marketing organization today does not take into consideration the impact of personal selling; it has to do with person-to-person communication of which an immediate feedback is provided to the audience.   To achieve and gain more customers personal selling needs to be strategically planned to be effective in today highly competitive market place.   The tactics implementation of the selling strategy takes place in a process according to Adirika (1998 : 19).

  • Preparation
  • Prospecting
  • Qualifying
  • Pre-approach and planning
  • Approach
  • Presentation and demonstration
  • Trial closing
  • Handling objectives
  • Follow up and post sales activities.

Personal selling as known as a matter of persuasion ie persuading others to buy your proposition, when we persuade people we do not merely change their thinking on the subject, we crass them to do something, their actions are modified as well as their thought.  People are motivated by their desire for the benefit you offer them; therefore every sales presentation must convince them.

In the same view of Edoga and Ani (2000; 293) personal selling serves major roles in a firm over all marketing efforts, sales people are the critical link between the firm and its customers, this role requires that sales people match company interest with customers needs to satisfy both parties in the exchange process.   In the eyes of consumer they represent what a company attempt to be and affair the personal contract, a customer has with the company.

Odoh (2003: 121) noted that for personal selling to be effective the personal salesman has to have an in-depth product knowledge which is indispensable in handling the highly technical and professional customers that abound in the industrial sectors.

In communicating face to face with these customers, the industrial salesmen use such aids less calendar, cardholders and other small gift items as reminders to the customer of himself, his product or service offering.

Emenite Nigeria limited is located at Emene.   The company products and marketing roofing sheet.   The company markets its product through the industrial salespersons.

The importance of these sales people in information gathering and selling functions need not to be over emphasized.   It is in the realization of this that the researcher critically looks at the effectiveness of personal selling in the marketing of industrial product.



       Most times, most companies be it large or small do not realize that personal selling is part of the marketing team and that, identify them.   It is the key to continuous existence of any organization.   Also it was observed that this problem is worsened by the fact that some of the sales persons are half back and lack the ability to express their sales properly.   Not only was that it observed that most sales persons lack the ability to possessing self-confidence.  Also it was observed that the sales people are not good listeners.   The sales people do not allow the customers to talk with them.

Furthermore it was observed that sale persons do not listen to customer’s complaints.  They do not consider the customer analysis; aid the handling of objections, ignored.   Ememite Nigeria Plc is not an exception.   The company, which started very well, is now faced with competition that is fierce and cut through coupled with the income of the customers of Ememite Nigeria Limited, thus no doubt have impacted negatively on sales of the comparing.   This research work is focused on the marketing of industrial product by personal selling specifically Ememite Nigeria Limited.



  1. Does your company use personal selling as its channel of sales?
  2. Does personal selling contribute to increase in sales volume and the marketing effectiveness of your products?
  3. What characteristics do you require from salesmen?
  4. Does your company allow its sales personal to further their education?
  5. How does the selection of well-trained and qualified salesmen affect the success of the company conduct?



       The main purpose of the study is to appraise the effectiveness of personal selling strategy on the marketing of industrial product usin Ememite as company, other objectives are:

  • To find out if personal selling activities of Ememite creates customer awareness of their product.
  • To determine the impact of personal selling on increasing the sales volume cost of Ememite.
  • To aware whether the sales forces of Ememite company are properly motivated
  • To find out method used in compensating sales people in Ememite.
  • To what extent selling impacts on the profit of the company.



       The researcher considers the study very significant on the following bases.

The consumers and customers of Emenite will benefit from the study since if the recommendations of the research are carried out, it will help the company serves them better.

Furthermore, the significance of this study is that it helps the researchers to understand and be able to differentiate between the ordinary sales person and the professional salesperson and to other research as a topic for continual research work in the field of study.

The finding of the study will enable the industries specifically Emenite Nigeria Plc Enugu to solve their sales problem and correct whatever mistakes they have made or are still making inline with their business operations.

From the result of the findings individuals or firms prospecting to go into industrial product production or investment who are interested in investing their money in industrial production will have additional information on personal selling as a channel or sales of industrial product.



       The research for this study would have been nationwide but due to time and other constrain, it was limited to Emenite Nigeria Plc Enugu.



       Some terms used in the study are defends for purpose of understanding.

DYAD:     This is the smallest possible group of two or more interesting group (Nebo 1997; 512).

INDUSTRIAL GOODS:     This are goods destined to be sold for the purpose of output for further production of other goods and services Ozo and Odo (1999 : 214).

MARKET SHARE:     This is a firm’s percentage of the industries total sales.

MARKET POTENTIAL:      This is the maximum sales potential for all sellers of a product or service over a fixed period (Udeagha 1999 : 224).

PERSONAL SELLING:      This is just a direct personal contact with present and prospective customers for the purpose of selling customer need of goods and services (Udeagha 1999: 214).

SALES QUOTA: This is a share of the company’s overall sales job that is assigned to some marketing unit as a means of evaluation of sales activities, it’s planning and control (Edoga 2000 : 115).

SELLING:    This is the act of persuading prospective buyers to buy goods and services from which they can derive suitable benefits thereby increasing their total satisfaction (Edoga 2000 : 18)


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