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Background of the study

Statement of problem

Objective of the study

Scope and limitation of the study

Significance of the study

Research question

Definition of terms


Review of Related Literature


Research methodology

Population of the study

Sample for the study

Research Instrument

Questionnaire for the study

Instrument for data analysis

Research procedure

Treatment of data




Summary of finding conclusion

and recommendation

Summary of finding



Suggestion for further studies






Generally, all mass media organs in all established societies are expected to fulfill certain responsibilities and these obviously would include creating awareness and mobilizing public support towards governmental or public oriented programme. Radio, as a mass media organ is equall expected to fulfill these functions as well for any government to pass information to her citizenry, it must do that either through print or Broadcast media. Both the federal and state government have programmes that obviously requite public support that would make it possible for them to realize their expectations. Programme like, police Diary, breaking the silence, consumer speak, Health watch, HIV/ADIS enlighten among others require the support of members of the public for its success.

One is not left in doubt as to the importance of radio if these expectation of those in government are going to be realized. Ray power – 105.3 fm located at Agu-Abor in Enugu state has a number of programmes and jingles that are specifically aimed at creating awareness and them mobilizing public support towards these programmes of both the federal and state government.

In Nigeria today, there are so many radio stations both government and private stations that are responsible for awareness creation and mobilizing public support for national development. Awareness according to oxford advanced learner’s Dictionary means knowing that something exists and is important being interestd in something. It is this awareness and public support that this project will center on in our subsequent chapters.


Electronic media is one of the channels that is used to disseminate information to the masses about government programmes and activities. Without it, there will be no democracy and people will be kept in the dark of what is happening in the government. It is because of these functions that the federal republic of Nigeria could grant licence to individuals to operate private radio stations so that the population will be aware of what is happening around them. The freedom of information bill which is before the national assemble for its passage is making leadway because of the support it is gaining from the public for its passage. In anyway one may look at it, it is important and obvious that electronic media especially radio plays a very important roe for the development of our society. Electronic media can mar or build any nation depending on the type of ownership and who is in charge. But this project will concentrate mainly on the positive aspect of the electronic media in building the nation and uniting the people.


The following shall constitute the objective of this study.

  1. To ascertain the impact of electronic media as channel for creating awareness and mobilizing public support.
  2. To find out if Ray power fm Agu-Abor is living up to her expectations of informing, entertaining and educating the masses of government programmes and activities.
  3. Again to find out if government influences the programmes of private owned radio stations.
  4. Finally, this project is aimed at finding out the role of electronic media in democratic dispensation.


This study is important in the sense that it would enable readers to know the power of radio station in helping the authorities in the fulfillment of their expectations. It is only when government programmes and projects are given that support by the public that it will then be able to achieve the desired objectives. The study also will be of immense benefit to the management and staff of Ray power radio station because this will help them to channel their programme to those activities that up lift the national development and create awareness of government programmes and activities.

Finally, those in academic field and specially students who are carrying out research in the similar topic will find out this project very useful.


For the purpose of this research work, the following shall form the research questions of this project:

(a)   Has Ray power fm through its programmes been able to create awareness among the people on issues that affect the people either as individual or group?

(b)   Do you think that electronic media is one of the channels through which economic development could be achieved?

(c)   Do you think that Ray power fm is objective in the reportage of government programmes and activities?


For the effective study of this research work two hypotheses will be formulated.

HO: Electronic media is not a channel for creating awareness and mobilizing public support.

Hi:   Electronic media is a channel for creating awareness and mobilizing public support.

Ho:  Ray power fm is not objective in reporting of government programmes and activities.

Hi:   Ray power fm is objective in reporting of government programmes and activities.


The following terms would be defined for easy understanding of the project work.

(a)   CHANNEL:      A means of access, a course in which something may be directed, a route through which anything passes or progresses, a means of communication and also a band of broadcasting frequencies.

(b)   BROADCASTING:    This can be defined as the dissemination of information, ideas, attitudes and opinions through the use of awareness.

(c)   RADIO BROADCASTING: This is the dissemination of audio-visual signals through the air waves.

(d)   MASS MEDIA: The means of communication through Radio, Television, Newspapers, magazines that reach large number of people.

(e)   MMOBILIZE:   This means to assemble, organize, or to put into motion. In the context o this research work, this would explain an important responsibility of the mass media via radio.

(f)   RAY POWER:   This is the name of the independence radio station that is owned by DAAR Communication plc.

(g)   AWARENESS:  This means knowing that some things exist and important being interested in something.


The study centres on the electronic media as channel for awareness creation and mobilizing public support. Ray power fm Agu-Abor has been selected as the case study. The choice of Ray power fm is because the researcher knows much of the programmes they transmits and it is located in Enugu where I the researcher could visit at any time to extract information needed constraints that the researcher (me) encountered during the course of thing project work. Among the constraint and others are discussed below.

(a)   Lack f funds: This is one problems that 1 (researcher) encountered. There were not enough fund to gather some materials that could be of help to this work and the fact that fm station is not located within Enugu metropolis constituted another hindrance.

Furthermore, time constraint was another problem that was encountered during the course of this research work because the researcher (1) combined this work with my semester work, it was not easy for me to move about easily in order that I might gather all the date that are needed fr this work.

And finally, management constraint was another major hindrance because all power fm proved abortive as he was always said to be busy. Not with standing all these problems I tried my best to make sure that the work was up to standard.


In the wake of deregulation of broadcasting on August 25, 1992, Dear communication plc applied for and was granted approval to operate an independent radio station. The station which started test transmission on the 15th of December, 1993 made history on the 1st of September, 1994 when it commenced commercial broadcasting with the launch of Ray power 100-5 fm in Lagos as the first 24 hour broadcast service station in Nigeria as well as the first private independent broadcasting station in the country.

Ray power 100.5fm became an instant success with its pioneering twenty four hours a day, seven days a week interactive programming format that promoted immediate feedback or sensitive socio- political, economic and cultural issues. It was a radical department from what radio audience in Nigeria had been used to since 1935. Ray power 100.5 fm is in twelve locations across Nigeria and remains the station of choice by radio listeners. Its “infotainment” there guided by its development philosophy help to promote national unity and stability as well as foster global understanding.

Based on Ray power’s track record and recognition DAAR’S commitment to responsible broadcasting in the country, the Federal Government of Nigeria in June 1995 granted DAAR the first ever global satellite television license. On December 6, 1996, the company launched Nigeria’s first commercial terrestrial television service with the call sign “Africa Independent Television (AIT).

AIT has a transmission footprint which covers the entire globe. It runs 3 distinct streams of programming namely, National transmission which is domesticated in Nigeria, transmission to the rest of Africa, Europe, Middle East and Asian, and transmission to united states of America  (USA) and the Americas.

Over the years, AIT has built a reputation for setting the news agenda, orderly development of society and for holding governments accountable to the people. It is also at the forefront of participatory democracy and build a responsible citizen committed to the task of nation building and the presentation of national ethos. In furtherance of its vision to be the clear market leader in television broadcasting, AIT is situated in 20 locations across the six geo-political zones of Nigeria. It plans to open 16 additional locations in the next 4 years to achieve an effective plan-Nigeria coverage that will translate into steady revenue streams for the running of its operations and the realization of its profit objectives. Largely accepted as the Authority Independent Trustworthy, AIT has in eleven years, successfully positioned itself as a brad the public can trust.

The coming of Ray power 100.5 marked a new beginning in the history of broadcasting in Nigeria.

It changed listeners perception of radio broadcasting with a strong programming content which emphasis accurate dissemination of information with quality entertainment.


Ray power 100.5 fm is guided by a developmental philosophy which seeks to promote African interest, unity and cohesion while respecting religious sensibilities and discouraging hatred and disaffection among peoples. Ray power 100.5 fm seeks to promote human digital, orderly development of society, free speech, responsible government and good citizenship.


Ray power 100.5 fm programming is original in tore, informative in content and refreshingly entertaining.

Programming reflects all shares of African life, music, culture and a good degree of contemporary global traditions. Ray power 100.5 fm is a real celebration of contemporary African life and a promotion of values that will enhance Africa integration with the rots of the world.


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