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Title                                                                                         i

Approval                                                                                  ii

Dedication                                                                      iii

Certification                                                                             iv

Acknowledgement                                                          v

Table of contents                                                            vi

Abstract                                                                                   x


  • Background of the study 1

1.2     Statement of the problems                                     4

1.3     Purpose of the study                                              5

1.4     Significance of the study                                       6

1.5     Research questions                                                7

1.6     Scope of the study                                                 8

1.7     Definition of terms                                                9



2.1     Introduction                                                          10

2.2     review of current Literature                                   10

2.3     Summary of the Literature                                     20



  • A brief outline of the chapter 27
    • Design of the study 27
    • Area of the study 28
    • Population of the study 28
    • Sample of the study 29
    • Instrument for data collection 30
    • Validation of the instrument 31
    • Distribution and retrieval of instrument 32
    • Method of data analysis 32



  • Data presentation and Analysis 33
    • Table presentation and Analysis of data 33
    • Findings 35
    • Discussion of the findings 38


  • Summary of findings, 39

Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1     Summary of the findings                                       39

5.2     Conclusion                                                           40

5.3     Recommendations                                                42

5.4     Limitations of the study                                        43

5.5     Suggestion for further Research                   44

References                                                            45

Appendix                                                                       47

Questionnaire                                                                   48



The research booklet treats the impact of advertising in the marketing of beverage conduction a particular case study of Rc Nig. Plc Agbara Ogun State. The research work handle’s the general concept of advertising and narrow it down to the role of advertising plays for the completing beverage. In this chapter we defined our research objectives, which were finally supplied with answer in the same chapter we stated our research question disclosing our intention for carrying out the surveying continuing, we also explain the scope of the study and eventually, we state our method of study, which were also proved. The second chapter has much to deserve, it traced down the meaning of advertising explaining had been in the economic development following it up. Come the historical background to the perceptional processes of receiving advertising message one should as well know. The benefit of advertising towards the product positioning model here. At this point the researcher include the media of advertising they made the rough texts and journals. Our chapter there is loaded with the impact of advertising in the marketing of Polivita Beverage by the help of marketing mix, influence on the buying habit target audience and also the increment on the sales volume of Polivita beverage in order to build retail traffic. Also these are designed for the research work; We also reflect here the research survey which consist of interview. Finally, we come down to chapter four where we summarized our finding. Also the researchers offered their own suggestions, recommendations, advertising the purchaser of polivita on areas they should pay attention to them. We included the bibliography of the author which brought to end the research work.






Advertising has been as any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services. The root of advertising is used mostly by private enterprise, a wide range of other organization agencies uses it. Advertising is a good way to inform, persuade and convince the consumer to show a positive reflection on the goods being advertised. Different organization handled advertising in different ways. In small companies, advertising might be handled some sales departments whose job is to set the advertising budget. Work with advertising agency and handled direct mail, advertising for some companies particularly those that market beverages, advertising serves as the major or main communication tools. A major advantages of advertising is that the message reaches large number of people. Advertising message is transmitted to the target audience through communication channels such as television, radio, newspaper, magazines etc. advertising does not any serves the purpose of selling products and services but also promotion of company images.

Marketing communication is attempt by a firm to influence the behavior of market for its production or services. A marketer who develops product or service and then sits back and expects miracle to happen usually find out that not much does happen. The firm need to tell its story that is, it must communication with its potential customers. Advertising refers to non-personal communication in measured media. The measured media include television, radio, newspaper magazines and other outdoor display, sale promotion cover the wide range of activities not compassed in personal selling or advertising rebates. Compounding prices of packs, bonus packs, sampling premiums, point of purchase material, trade allowance, sale and dealers incentives , trade show and exhibitions. Consumers education and demonstration. The rate of communication in the marketing mix of an individual company depend on the type of production, the nature of the market and numerous, factors wide variation of the effectiveness in the use of difference among industries and companies in expenditures. We should all Note; that some form of advertising has probably existed since the development of the exchange process. Most of the early advertisement was void.

About Rc Plc

Royal Crown Cola was born from the efforts of a young pharmacist in Columbus, Georgia, USA in 1905. After a disagreement with a local soda bottler, Claud A. Hatcher began creating his own soft drinks. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined that his experiments would become an American icon affectionately nicknamed RC Cola.

Unveiling a series of industry firsts – the first aluminium cans, 16oz bottlers, low-calorie and caffeine-free diet sodas – Royal Crown Cola maintained the same spirit of innovation established by its founder over a century ago and grew so successful it became a part of American popular culture featured in magazines, movies, and television shows.

Today, that same mindset personifies individuality and can be seen by looking no further than Royal Crown Cola International’s family of distinctive products. From the crisp satisfying taste of RC Cola…to the fresh and fruity burst of RCQ’s many diverse flavors…to our calorie defying yet delicious diet colas…we continue to build on our history of success by offering a wide array of products, reflecting the individuals who drink them.

Today, the increase in its dimension, achieving from the artistic to the commercial.

Since the second world war however advertising like so many other industries and companies has undergone a period of great change party due to rapid development in business technology but perhaps even more because of a growing feeling, on its own part. It needed a fuller and other authoritative involvement in its clients operations and the realizations that without a degree and more comprehensive understanding of all aspects of clients activities. It could not properly function in the modern climate.


It is very apparent that a lot of problems are facing Rc (Nig) Plc. Some of the problem are as follows:

  1. The wrong use of advertising media.
  2. Tough and aggressive competitors
  3. Low sales turnover of products
  4. The type of advertising media used by the company.
  5. Low patronage of the company (Rc Nig, Plc) product.
  6. Consumer attitude or behaviour toward the product.
  7. The consumer interest to similar product
  8. Inexperience advertising agency
  9. Unnecessary increment in the cost of consumer product.

The purpose of underlying all adverts is the increase awareness for any range of product involved. The primary objective of this study is to find out the impact of advertising in the marketing of beverages. A case study of Rc (Nig) Plc. Socially, the study is intended:

To determine whether advertising whether advertising has any reasonable impact on all overall sales of company’s product

To find out the consumer’s post purchase action is stimulated by the influence of advertising by the beverage firm increase its sales turnover.

To find out strategies for wining a new target audience for the beverage firm.

To determine whether advertising helps consumers to make a better and a reasonable purchased decision with the relevant information furnished by advertising.

To ascertain where advertising is a waste of money to the company.


This study on advertising will be meaningful and beneficial to Rc (Nig) Plc:

  1. Research will improve the marketing of the beverages product through stimulated selection demand; which the impact of advertising will give in the operation of the company is production.
  2. It will lead to the company’s objectives and increase sales volume over a period of time.
  3. It help the management of the company to carry out comprehensive market segmentation by directing the advertising message to a specific target market.
  4. It will create awareness and as well building of brand loyalty of the consumer products.

The question inherent on this study are stated as the quicker and out of researcher, the questions are:

  1. What type of media do they use?
  2. Does Rc (Nig) Plc prefer advertising through the above media?
  • Does the use of advertising increase the sales turnover?
  1. Does Rc (Nig) Plc find it difficult in facing the challenges of other competitors?

This research work covered the entire area of Lagos metropolis. It was the consumer and relatives of polivita within Lagos metropolis that received the question. In a pilot study conducted before conducting the main research survey, 20 questions were being asked to consumer. In Lagos areas out of the question is:

Do you think that having heard or seen its advertisement message of the product (Polivita). You make a purchase of the new Polivita. 17 people answered yes while the remaining 3 people answered No. it was discovered that their percentage relationship are 75% for Yes and 15% for No. it is consideration of the problem stated above and objective of the study enumerated that the writer postpone the follow hypothesis.



It is necessary for the purpose of understanding this research work to define some of the likely used terms so as to assist the user to understand some term from researchers point of view

  1. Marketing: which is business performance activities that direct the follow of goods and services (products) from the producer to the consumer or users.
  2. Product: a physical thing like the radio and non-physical thing like the teachers services that satisfy certain needs and provide satisfaction for their users.




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