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The research work focuses on Impact of Corruption on academic performance of student in Nigeria tertiary Institutions: Corruption has entered into the nooks and crannies of the populace in the country and tertiary institutions of learning in Nigeria, Abia State Polytechnic, Aba not being an exception.  A Study of Abia State Polytechnic, Aba Abia State. The specific purpose are to ascertain the causes of corruption in the tertiary institution/ Abia State Polytechnic, Aba. To Investigate the curative or preventive measures that would be taken in order to wipe away corruption in Nigeria as well as Abia State Polytechnic, Aba. The research was carried out using the survey method. The questionnaires, Interview and personal Observation in this regard were used to get necessary information from the staffs and students. The research also used Primary and Secondary data to collect information. The methods employed for data collection is through the questionnaire and interviews on the respondent. It was gathered from the Information that corruption has been the major hindrance to batterial development as it participate embezzlement, nepotism, god fatherisim. Ethnicism etc. the following recommendation ara; Lectures should diligently dedicate themselves to the noble portent moral suasion capable of boosting the confidence of Students and dissuading them from engaging in Corrupt practices.











Table of Contents

Cover page                                                                                                   i

Title page                                                                                                      ii

Declaration                                                                                                  iii

Certification                                                                                                iv

Approval page                                                                                             v

Dedication                                                                                                    vi

Acknowledgement                                                                                      vii

Table of contents                                                                                        viii

Abstract                                                                                                        x



INTRODUCTION                                                                                     1

1.1 Background to the study                                                                       1

1.2 Statement of the study                                                                          2

1.3 Research Questions                                                                               4

1.4 Purpose of the study                                                                              4

1.5 Significance of the study                                                                      5

1.6 Scope of the study                                                                                 6

1.7 Limitations of the study                                                            6

1.8 Definition of Terms                                                                               7

1.9 Organization of the study                                                                     7







2.1 Conceptual Review                                                                                9

2.2 Theoretical Framework                                                                         27




3.1 Research Design                                                                                    29

3.2 Area of the study                                                                                    29

3.3 Population of the study                                                                         29

3.4 Sample and Sampling  Techniques                                                     30

3.5 Method of data collection                                                                    31

3.6 Instruments for Data Collection                                                          32

3.7 Reliability of Instrument                                                                       32

3.8 Validity of the Instrument                                                                    33

3.9 Method of Data Analysis                                                                      34



4.1 Data Presentation                                                                                  34

4.2 Analysis of Research Question                                                            37

4.3 Interpretation of Results                                                                       39







Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Summary                                                                                                 40

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                              41

5.3 Recommendation                                                                                   41

References                                                                                                    43

Appendix                                                                                                      45

Questionnaires                                                                                            46












Corruption known as a universal problem was not invented by Nigeria but the Nigeria environment has become a fertile ground where it is nurtured to the extend that the few who are not corrupt are seen as old people who are “true” Nigerians. To be a true Nigerian, you must be corrupt. It could also be true that most countries of the world at one time or the other passed through some stages of corrupt practices.

Corruption is not just a face of life, it is also a world wide phenomenon. In recent years, it has reached unprecedented level. As recent events have demonstrated, no country no matter how rich or powerful can claim to be totally immune from the havoc that corruption wreaks using for example from across the globe, from Europe to African, from North America to Asia, the study provide a comparative review of selected legal aspects of state practice and international initiative undertaking to fight corruption.

Although, recognizing that different countries have used different techniques to combat corruption, the study proceeds at the outset to make a distinction between preventive and curative instruments consisting of anti-corruption laws proper seek essentially to provide appropriate remedies to sanction acts of corruption that have occurred while preventive instruments operate exerted curative laws seeks to deal with corruption on an exposit basis.

Academic is an instrument that contributes to self fulfillment. Academic performs symbolic and practical functions for society as a whole. Every society reviews on education for cultural transmission, social integration innovation selection, allocation of skills and personal development.



Corruption has entered into the nooks and crannies of the populace in the country and tertiary institutions of learning in Nigeria, Abia State Polytechnic, Aba not being an exception.

However, it was also discovered that the epidemics called corruption which has eaten very deep into the masses, has affected the students academics performance in the tertiary institutions and in Abia State Polytechnic, Aba. It has hundred excellent performances of the students as they (the students) depend on corrupt ways of passing their examination.

The students sometimes do not attend classes, you hear them using nasty statements like “with good arrangements, you use what you have to get what you want”. At times some will tell you “nothing mega”. This corrupt attitude of students and workers Abia State Polytechnic, Aba has adversely affected not only the polytechnic but also the country as a whole and it has also led to under development of the country and has impacted seriously in the image of the polytechnic and the country as a whole created a bad name in public sectors which needs to be tackled with, especially now that former minister of Information and the dynamic government of  Muhammadu Buhari  present commander in Chief of armed forces of Nigeria is in power touching the whole sectors.




The researcher decided to pose some research questions to enable the reader of this work to understand clearly what the study is all about. These questions are formulated based on the objectives of the follow:

  1. What are the causes of corruption in the tertiary institutions Abia State Polytechnic, Aba?
  2. To what extent has corruption hindered excellent performance of students in Abia State Polytechnic, Aba?
  3. What is the curative/preventive measure that would be taken in order to wipe away corruption in Nigeria as a whole and Abia State Polytechnic, Aba?



  1. Ascertain the causes of corruption in the tertiary institution/ Abia State Polytechnic, Aba,
  2. Assess how corruption has hindered excellent performance of students in Abia State Polytechnic, Aba.
  3. Investigate the curative or preventive measures that would be taken in order to wipe away corruption in Nigeria as well as Abia State Polytechnic, Aba.



The research work on the impact of corruption on the academic performance of students in Nigeria higher institution will be of great benefit to Nigeria as it will enhance optional performance of students in Nigeria higher institution by enhancing national development. It will also help the students of Abia State Polytechnic, Aba, to realize that hardworking is rewarding and this will motivate them in being serious with their studies.

Moreover, this research work will be of great benefit to Nigeria students in institutions of higher learning because it will enlighten their knowledge and experience in areas of politics, thereby avoiding sales of franchise cum vote only for the wrong candidate to be voted for.

In addition to this, it will also help them to be knowledgeable enough by competing with their counterpart in other countries especially in African countries like Ghana per say, avoidance of corrupt practices in examination creates a better and bright future for a student in higher learning.



This research work covers the impact of corruption on academic performance of students in Nigeria higher institution/ Abia State Polytechnic, Aba. There are different categories of staffs which are made up of academics and non-academics staffs, senior staffs, intermediate staffs, junior staffs and management of the institution.



The concept of corruption is very brand and complex. It needs detailed approach, there with inadequateness of time and financial constraints.

  • Lack of literature review, for example, more recent study of this nature is few.
  • High cost of materials affected the production of this project.
  • Lack of co-operation by the respondents.


  1. Corruption is a form of dishonesty undertaken by a person entrusted with a position of authority, often to acquire personal benefit.
  2. Academic corruption is deception, cheating, bribery, sabotage, professional misconduct on the part of the lecturers, impersonation on the part of the students and professors as well as the use of institutional authority or name for personal gain.
  3. Academic performance is the academic achievement in which a student, lecturer, or institution has achieved or attained. This could be a short or long term educational goals.
  4. Institution is an important organization founded for a religious, educational, professional or social purpose.


This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows. Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (background of the study), statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope of the study etc. Chapter two being the review of the related literature presents the theoretical framework, conceptual framework and other areas concerning the subject matter.     Chapter three is a research methodology covers deals on the research design and methods adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding.  Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study


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