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Much have been said and written about the marketing planning is very important in every manufacturing organizations.  Planning gives an organization productive direction.  To make efficiently and effectively production you have to make proper use of planning.  Marketing plan is define as a comprehensive blueprint which outlines an organization’s overall marketing efforts. Since plans vary in details and complexity and also since marketing manager cannot usually watch everything special standard are established “Standard are by definition simply a critical of performance.   The study aims the following: The primary objective of this study is to know the effectiveness of marketing panning and control in a organization. The research divided it into five chapters. Chapter one of it contained background of the study, chapter two contained literature review, research design and methodology, data presentation and analysis, conclusion recommendations and findings made up the remaining three chapter respectively. Oral interview, questionnaire, text books, journals already made project materials, note books and internet source were used. The sample size of 78 was determined using Yaro Yamani formulary.  And in chapter four, tables were used to analyze data gathered. The researcher concluded that the qualified marketing personnel’s are employed which also contributed to the effectiveness of marketing planning and control in EMENITE and recommended that EMENITE marketing planning strategies should be reviewed at the end of every year, to check lapses and also re-structure it in such a way that at anytime of the year, adjustment can be done easily without any problem, to the organizations product to meet the prevailing situation.







Title Page                                                              ii

Approval                                                                iii

Dedication                                                             iv

Acknowledgement                                                   v

Abstract                                                                vi

Table of Contents                                                   vii

List of Tables                                                        viii



  • Background of the study                                   1
  • Statement of Problem 4
  • Objective of the Study                                      5
  • Research Questions                                         6
  • Significance of the Study                                  7
  • Scope of the  Study                                         9
  • Limitations of the study 9
  • Definitions of Terms      10





Research Design

  • sources of Data                                        29
  • Population of the  study                             31
  • Sample Size  Determination                       31
  • Validation of the  Instrument                      33
  • Reliability of the  Instrument                      34
  • Methods of  Data  Collection                       34




  • Presentation and  Analysis  Of Data             35





  • Summary of Findings 50
  • Recommendations 51
  • Conclusion 53










Marketing as a course of study is very young compared to other established courses of study, so also is planning and control in business. A marketing plan is a comprehensive blueprint which outlines an organization’s overall marketing efforts. A marketing process can be realized by the marketing mix. The last step in the process is the marketing control. The marketing plan can function from two points: strategy and tactics. In most organizations, “strategic planning” is an annual process, typically covering just the year ahead. Occasionally, a few organizations may look at a practical plan which stretches three or more years ahead.  The aim of any marketing operation (planning and control is to make the future happier, but this fact was not well recognized by most firms, initially the job that should be handled by experts in the field of marketing were given to less qualified personnel and in most cases this shortens life of most business.

As time went on there is competition among companies and they have to first to know what their customers want before they market it.  This idea bought about companies having well laid down plan before the market good and services for market needs.  In executing the plans the company or marketers in charge how feel that to be successful one must be able to control set down plans.

The process of marketing planning and control is to make the future happier.  It is mostly concerned with helping management identify marketing problems and alternative ways to solving them and easy decision making, marketing planning share with the other activities of the marketing mix, the distinction in commerce of being a dynamic element in operation of business.

In the view of planning is the process of anticipating the future and determining course of action for achieving organizational objectives.  Planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it and who is to do it.

Planning process creates blue prints that not only specify the means for achieving organizational objectives but provides loopholes at which performance can be compared with expectations to determine whether current and activities are moving the organization toward its objectives.

Adirika believes that he who fails to plan planes to fail. This include organization, he noted future that no organization can operate profitably by merely trying to react to situation development as they occur.  It is because of the important of planning that the researcher looks at the role of marketing planning in the achievement of an organizational objective of Emenite Company Nig Ltd

1.2 statement of the problem        

To survive in a dynamic and competitive environment like our marketing organization must understand and practice marketing planning.  Marketing planning up an organization to base its marketing program or marketing effort on the needs and want of consumers marketing planning leads to increased profitability survival and growth of the from.  Inspite of these and many more many company including computer services from plays Lip services to marketing planning these have cost a lot of failure of many organization including Emenite product.  This the researcher seeks to find white having company fail to plan their marketing products?

To what extent does lacks of marketing planning lead to fail of many companies these and many mane farms. The central task of these research works.

  1. To determine if the organization actually adopt effective marketing planning.
  2. To offer solution to the company for the need of effective marketing planning
  • To determine whether the company uses efficient plan in their operation
  1. To determines the role of profit planning in organization.
  2. To determine the role of marketing planning on companies satisfaction of its numerous customers.


  1. How can you determine if the organization actually adopt effective marketing planning.
  2. What solutions could be offered to improve effective marketing planning?
  • To determine whether the company uses efficient plan in their operation?
  1. What role would planning play in increasing the profit of an organization?
  2. What are the roles of marketing planning on companies satisfaction of its numerous customers?


This study is expected to draw the alternative of other researchers in the field of business especially marketers who may be interested to conduct more research in the area of the importance of efficient marketing planning in an organization.

Information produced will act as a frame work to direct marketing manager in formulating efficient marketing planning even foreign investors in Nigeria.

It is expected that, this will bring out the role of efficient marketing planning and control in increasing sales of a organization product it will help to provide an explanation of those facts that can ensure of the effectiveness of marketing planning. This research work will provide an insight into the operation of marketing planning and expected to serve potential marketers as history or reference materials during their own time of leaving. Fellow student who are carrying out research on this topic will equally find this material a relevant point.




This research was undertaken to examine the role of marketing planning in the achievement of an organization objective, using Emenite Company Nigeria limited, Enugu. This research was conducted within Enugu metropolis on Emenite Staffs and some prominent customers.


  1. Marketing planning A marketing planning is a written document that spells out the goals, strategies, and tactic that will be used to gain maintain the competition position and result that the company is seeking is situation, analysis, marketing objectives and goals marketing strategy action programme and budget.
  2. Marketing control: It concerns with establishing and maintaining appropriate procedures for monitoring and measuring the implementation of marketing plans and strategies set out to achieve and taking necessary correction “actions.
  3. Potential Customers: Those people that may buy the company’s products
  4. Market: Is the set of all actual and potential buyers of the company’s        Product
  5. Market Opportunity: Is an area of buyer need in which a company can perform profitably.
  6. Marketing plan: A marketing plan may be part of an overall business plan. Solid marketing strategy is the foundation of a well-written marketing plan. While a marketing plan contains a list of actions, a marketing plan without a sound strategic foundation is of little use.









Baker, Michael (2008), The Strategic Marketing Plan Audit 2

ISBN 1-902433-99-8  Quick MBA Marketing plan based on consumer and competitor analyses


Fayol H. O. (2006), Management, the Edition, New York,

McGraw Hill, Kogkwusha Ltd

Lipson A. (2003), Introduction to Marketing London,

Macmillan Press: Limited plan





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