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Attempt has been made in this study to examine the effects of motivation on the performance of teachers, a case study of some selected secondary schools in Eso-Odo Local Government Area, Ondo State. The hypothesis gotten from this research work shows that there are many causes of low performance of teachers but motivation serve as the main factor. The questionnaires were administered and collected immediately. The population for the study is some selected secondary schools in Ese-Odo Local Government Area Igbekebo, Ondo State. The data collected were analyzed with the percentages method. 


Chapter One


Background of the problem

Purpose of the study

Significance of the study

Research questions

Scope of the study

Limitations of the study

Definition of terms

Chapter Two

Literature review

A brief introduction of this chapter comprising the sub-heading to be treated

Discussion of these relevant sub-headings by reviewing recent related works of other authors.

Chapter Three

Methodology and procedure of study

Research design

Population of study

Sample of the study

Sampling techniques adopted


Validation of instrument

Method of data collection

Method of data analysis

Chapter Four

Presentation of data and discussion of results

Use of relevant table or statistics to present and analysis the data

A discussion of the results derived from the data

Chapter Five      

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation







The teaching profession previously was accorded with respect, honor and dignity. This enviable profession was a sort of motivation to many teachers. Also not only afford life career and permanent membership but also renders services to the public. It has code of ethics; the code of ethics for teachers is contained in the handbooks of the Nigeria union of teachers. They were revealed and give pride of place in the study. But recently, the government and all its organs neglect teachers and the educational sector, while motivation can be brought about by adequate remuneration, fringe benefits and recognition. They can also be made to occupy high social status in the society.

However, in spite of the facts that this motivation was not really there, teachers still did their work conscientiously producing desired result. There is no doubt before 1980 teachers started to recognize their own worth and demand for their right when these was not forth coming their attitude to their work began to change and this was the beginning of the down word side in education in the country. It was also the beginning of industrial actions by teacher’s nation wide. From 11980 till date, the country had witnessed countless number of strikes and counters strikes as the many other establishments, strikes is a common action embarked upon by workers over the years. There have been wide spread concern on what teachers can do effectively and how this condition of services could be achieved, the resultant effect was a further determination of students performance. This has been the major concern of the researcher who has decided to find out.

According to Nwanchukwu (1990) it is a fact that frown both the lay man and expert point of view the level of performance in way organization are remunerated and other monetary incentives. There is no other saying that the primary motive of investing is to meet the organization goals therefore there are certain factors which need to be considered in order to attain the above is the realization of objectives. Moreover, it is important to note that motivation is important if the desired level of performance would be attained. Thus the employers they should be aware that old methods of persuading society to produce the desired result. Therefore, it is necessary for employers of labour to be fully equipped with all the motivational tools and their applications if the stated organizational objectives would be activated. It is the hope and the belief of the researcher that if employers wants their employee to perform effectively they should reciprocate by providing the necessary incentives for examples newspaper, daily times in expressing the light of teachers work that it is totally unjustifiable and well reasonable to notice bond treatment towards teachers.

Teachers arte the producers of the following bank manager, oil miners, judge, chief accountant, lawyers, senators, governors even the president. But it is the salary of the teachers that is always delayed and it is the arrears of salaries to teachers that are usually dumped in sides dustbins untouched at the school boards is in heaven. Thus they succeeded in maintaining and improving educational standard as by Ubjuke effective performance on the part of the employers is essential for the success of the organization. An understanding of what motivate individual is necessary to reveal and potential released.

In the light of this problem the study is designed to assist measure and explain the performance of teachers, in some selected secondary schools in Ese-Odo Local Government Area of Ondo State. This study is interested in teachers as they occupy a significant role in the development of any country. It focuses on secondary school teachers who will be called upon the shoulders the responsibilities of seeing to the successful take off of introduced six years course in secondary schools. The teacher therefore needs to be lightly motivated for successful take off this performance.


This research aimed at finding out the causes and proposing solution on the problem of motivation of teachers. The problem will investigate into the salary of teachers and how often their salaries are paid in companies with other workers in the public sectors whether there is adequate facilities, including laboratory equipment, textbooks, adequate finance and conducive environment for teacher to carry out their job. Whether the nature and structure of job can act as a motivating factor and also what are the attitudes of teachers as regard remaining in the profession.


Having stated the problem to be investigated in the study, it becomes imperative to state the purpose of this study. The purpose of the study is as follows:

  1. To find out the impact of the motivation on teachers performance
  2. To find out whether the proper use of motivation techniques have a positive or negative effects on the performance of teachers.
  3. To find out whether teachers in Ondo State are presently satisfied with the condition of service.
  4. To find out whether financial incentives improve workers performance more than non-financial incentives.
  5. To find out the extent to which motivational determinants are in teaching profession whether the teacher in Ondo State will quit teaching profession.
  6. To make recommendations to the government and appropriate authority concerned based on the findings of the study.


This research will enable those concerned know how to develop t4eaching profession in Nigeria and how to endure greater satisfaction in them.

It will provide for an opportunity for enhancing the performance by understanding motivation, as to improve performance.

  1. It will provide for an opportunity for enhancing job performance by understanding motivation determinant and actions involved in them so as to improve performance.
  2. As useful lesson to all that extensive control is not the best of b=obtaining effects and cooperation at work.
  • It will help to ascertain really motivate teachers apart from monetary rewards, such information will go along way to suggest how best to improve the performance of productivity of teachers in Ese-Odo Local Government Area of Ondo State at large.


  1. Are you satisfied with your present salary?
  2. Does increase in salaries motivate you?
  3. Is your salary the same with that of your counterpart in their profession?
  4. Is your salary paid regularly?
  5. Are you satisfied with the promotion of teachers in this local government?


These studies include teachers from (8) secondary schools and all these are mixed schools, because there is no any boys or girls school in this local government. The fact obtained will enable the researcher to see if some teachers are more motivated than others and the effect on the school concerned.

  1. Community Comprehensive High School, Sabomi.
  2. Apoi national High School, Igbotu.
  3. Ijaw National high School, Arogbo
  4. Comprehensive high School, Igbobini
  5. Comprehensive High School, Igbekebo
  6. Ojuala Community High School Ojuala
  7. Arogbo City Academy, Arogbo
  8. Arenibaro grammar School Amapere


This study is limited to some selected secondary in Eso-Odo Local Government Area of Ondo State. In view of the fact that a sizeable number cannot be taken due to time, the study is limited only to (8) secondary schools.


Motivation: The process of including or causing some one to behave in the most desired way in the aid of certain incentives.

Performance: This is the way in which something react under certain condition of fulfils the purpose for which it was intended.

Remuneration: This is the monetary compensation an employees receives of work done, condition of service, this is both the monetary and non-monetary compensation given to an employee.

Satisfaction: This is a feeling of happiness or pleasure because you have achieved something or get what you want.

Productivity: Is the rate at which goods are produce and the amount produce compared with the work, time and money needed to produce them.


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