Research skills and academic literacy are essential components of any university-level education. The ability to gather and evaluate information, analyze data, and communicate findings in a clear and concise manner are skills that will serve students well throughout their academic and professional careers. In order to develop these skills, students are often given assignments that require them to engage in independent research and critical thinking. In this article, we will explore the process of completing a sample assignment for research skills and academic literacy.

Step 1: Understanding the Assignment

The first step in completing any assignment is to thoroughly read and understand the instructions. The assignment may be in the form of a written prompt or a set of guidelines provided by the instructor. It is important to pay close attention to the requirements, such as the length of the assignment, the number of sources required, and the format in which the assignment should be submitted. It is also important to understand the objective of the assignment, which may include developing research skills, demonstrating critical thinking abilities, or communicating ideas effectively.

Step 2: Choosing a Topic

Once the assignment has been thoroughly understood, the next step is to choose a topic. This may be done in consultation with the instructor or may be left up to the student’s discretion. When choosing a topic, it is important to select something that is of interest to the student and that is relevant to the assignment. The topic should also be narrow enough to be manageable within the constraints of the assignment. For example, if the assignment is a 1,000-word essay, it may not be feasible to write about the entire history of a particular subject. Instead, the student may choose to focus on a particular aspect of the subject, such as a specific event or a particular individual.

Step 3: Conducting Research

Once a topic has been chosen, the next step is to conduct research. This may involve searching for articles in academic databases, consulting books and other reference materials, or conducting interviews with experts in the field. It is important to keep track of all sources consulted, as this information will be needed when it comes time to cite sources in the assignment.

When conducting research, it is important to evaluate the credibility of sources. This can be done by looking at the author’s credentials, the publication in which the article appears, and the sources cited within the article. It is also important to consider the date of publication, as research in some fields can become outdated quickly.

Step 4: Organizing the Information

Once research has been conducted, the next step is to organize the information. This may involve creating an outline, charting key ideas, or developing a mind map. The objective of this step is to identify the most important information and to begin to develop an overall structure for the assignment.

Step 5: Writing the Assignment

With the research organized, the next step is to begin writing the assignment. This may involve drafting multiple versions of the assignment before arriving at a final version. It is important to keep the assignment focused on the topic, and to avoid straying off-topic. The assignment should be written in a clear and concise manner, with proper grammar and spelling.

When citing sources within the assignment, it is important to follow the citation guidelines provided by the instructor. This may involve using footnotes, endnotes, or in-text citations. It is important to give credit to the sources consulted, as this demonstrates academic integrity and helps to avoid plagiarism.

Step 6: Reviewing and Editing

Once the assignment has been completed, it is important to review and edit the work. This may involve reading through the assignment multiple times, making changes to improve clarity, and correcting any errors in grammar or spelling. It can be helpful to have someone else read through the assignment as well, as they may be able to identify areas that could be improved.

Step 7: Submitting the Assignment

The final step in completing the assignment is to submit it. This may involve submitting a hard copy of the assignment or submitting it electronically through a learning management system. It is important to ensure that the assignment is submitted before the deadline specified by the instructor.

Tips for Success

Completing an assignment for research skills and academic literacy requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here are some tips for success:

1. Start early: It is important to begin the assignment early to ensure that there is enough time to conduct research, write, review, and edit the work.

2. Stay organized: Keep track of all sources consulted and organize the information to develop a clear structure for the assignment.

3. Be critical: Evaluate the credibility of sources and be critical of the information presented. This will help to develop a well-supported argument.

4. Be concise: Write in a clear and concise manner, avoiding overly complicated language or excessive use of jargon.

5. Review and edit: Take the time to review and edit the assignment to ensure that it is free of errors and clearly communicates the intended message.


Completing an assignment for research skills and academic literacy requires a combination of critical thinking, research, and effective communication skills. By following the steps outlined in this article and adhering to the tips for success, students can develop the skills needed to succeed academically and professionally. With careful planning and attention to detail, completing an assignment can be a rewarding experience that helps to develop important skills for the future.

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