You have come to the right site if you’ve been looking for the most recent information on the dollar to naira black market conversion rate. Get the current exchange rate for the dollar against the naira on the black market by reading this article.

Here is today’s Dollar to Naira exchange rate:
Currency dealers in Nigeria’s Abuja Zone 4 market claimed that today, as opposed to yesterday, a dollar was bought at 753 and sold at 747.
Moreover, the Euro/Naira traded on the illegal market at 795 buy and 775 sell for the second most traded currency.
Incidentally, at the same moment, the Pound To Naira Exchange Rate is 930 buy, while the black market rate is 910 sell.
1 Dollar(USD) to Naira(N) Exchange Rate Today In Black Market
Buying => 1 Dollar to Naira = N753
Selling => 1 Dollar to Naira =N747
As previously stated, the black market dollar-to-naira exchange rate is not pegged to the CBN rate and thus fluctuates on a daily basis.