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This study was undertaken to look into the problems affecting teaching and learning in business studies in junior secondary schools Nigeria. This investigation however, revealed amongst other following lack of teaching facilities and instructional materials, lack of guidance and counselling, lack of school library, lack of workshops in schools for typing and lack of qualified teachers handling business studies. The following recommendations were made based on the findings. the students should be encouraged and motivated to cultivate positive attitude and interest in the subject enough skilled manpower should be developed, school should endeavour to stock variety of typewriters and shorthand textbooks their libraries and other necessary teaching aids such as the chalk board and charts.


Title page





Table of content



Statement of problem

Purpose of the study

Research questions

Significance of study

Scope of study

Limitation of study


Literature review

Concept of television

Concept of home “video”

Effect of home “video”

Family as a factor affecting students exposure to home “video” programmes

Effect of students exposure to home “video” programmes and social implication



Data collection

Population of study

Sampling procedure

Method of data analysis


Presentations and analysis of data



Summary Concision and Recommendation




Suggestion for further research






        During the colonial era education was mostly in the hands of the missionaries who introduced a type of education known as the Latin grammar. The grammar schools offer very little subject based on the types of curriculum specified by colonial masters and by the agency establishing them, which is the introduction of their educational system and also incorporate into their ideas and opinions.

The main objectives of the missionaries were to train men and women for the church as a religions teacher, interpreters to the audience and government as well as to produce those who can read and write so that they can be employed as office clerk, the interpreting the build and the laws of the land and services as interpreter between the foreigners and the natives.

Generally, the content of the grammar schools curriculum consist of Latin, English, history, geography, mathematics. Literature, biology e.t.c with the development of their (colonial masters) economy, there came the need for introduction of commercial or business studies subjects, but instead of widening the scope of grammar school curriculum to include a wide range of business studies subject, the colonial government created two curriculums which are secondary grammar school and the secondary commercial schools.

The secondary grammar schools have no problem of organization because the colonial government financed them roam catholic mission Anglican and the Baptist each propagating their own ideas and the philosophies. The commercial secondary schools were left for the private hands and this did not anger well for the development of the school in Nigeria. However, the Nigerian government introduced the new national policy on education in 1981. A major provision of this policy was the teaching of business studies at the junior secondary school level with emphasis on the acquisition of practical skills, values and knowledge that would enable individuals to live a meaningful life in he society one the reasons for the emphasis laid on business studies is the fact that it is a skilled subjects with would equip its graduates with the needed skills for gainful employment


It is true that the teaching of business studies subjects in Nigeria secondary schools. However, the main aim of this researcher is to investigate the causes of poor performance in business studies and also to suggest reasonably answers to such problems as:

  1. How effective is the teaching method teaching facilities and instructional material.
  2. Are there well equipped laboratories for learning type writer and short hand?
  3. Are there qualified teachers handing the subject.
  4. In what way is the government contributing to the causes of poor performance studies in junior secondary certificate examination.
  5. Is there guidance/counseling aids for the students?

Even if they terminate their formal education at the junior secondary school level one basic instrument for the achievement of business studies is the total activity which is planned organized and the evaluated in order to prepare youths to meet the technical and economical of a complex society.




In this study, the purpose will be to examine the causes of poor performance in junior secondary school students in business students in business studies and to suggest solutions by using selected junior secondary schools in Benin City, Benin metropolis of Edo state the purpose will there includes.


This type of study is too significantly at this period of technological advancement, it will be very useful to the educational authorities in Benin metropolis in Nigeria in general.

The causes identified will be useful to the curriculum developers to know the areas in which emphasis should be laid in Benin to yield better result in future.

Infact, it will be equally helpful to the examiners who not only shall modify their style of questions but will also be careful of these factors.

Finally, it is helped that recommendation and suggestion and suggestions made in the study will be considered by the appropriate authority and will help in reducing poor performance in business studies subject.


  1. The study covers public secondary schools in Benin metropolis of Edo
  2. To provide orientation and basic skills which to start a life for those who not have the opportunities to undergo further training.
  3. To enable the students develop the basic skill in office work.
  4. To provide skills for personate use in future.
  5. To relate the knowledge and skills to the national economy.

The researcher aggress with the aims stated above for any education that prepare students for future training and basic skills with which to start up with reliant, with the near national policy on educational emphasis


Trained teachers: teachers that studies education as a part on whole of their course before they got their certificate e.g. N.C.E, T.C II, B.ED e.t.c.

Untrained teachers: teachers who did not study education as a part or whole of their course Benin getting the certificate they use in teaching e.g. B, sc, HND, OND e.t.c.

Qualified teachers: is a person or teachers that have been field of teaching for particular subject for same years.

Experienced teachers: is a person or teacher that has been in the field of teaching for a particular subject for some years.

Adequate facilities: adequate in this context is fully satisfactory, condition, which could be measured, in the quantitative terms, these facilities include libraries, classroom, and teacher aids (visual and audio visual).

Instructional materials: include equipments like the typewriter system and necessary textbooks for teaching of business studies.

Business studies: this will be used in their inter changeably with business education or business study throughout this study means commercial subject offered under groups seven of west African examination council (WAEC) syllabus 1985. It is defined as the total activity which is planned, organized for youths to meet the technical and commercial of act complex society.

Typing pool: a special room in the school was type writers are kept for day to day work for two or more typist

  1. To explain the values of business studies subjects to the country.
  2. To pin point some vital problems associated with the poor performance of students in business studies subjects.


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