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          Until recently applied electricity technical education was meant for those who could not cope effectively with conventional academic pursuits.  In Nigeria today, applied electricity technical education had become a thing of National Interest because it has been realized that it has efficacy in producing the dreamed and desired manpower for the nation.  It was on this stand that the researcher looked at the factors militating against the performance of Applied Electricity in technical colleges in Bayelsa state.

Thirty Technical Teachers were randomly sampled; research questions guided the study.  Data were collected and analyzed.  Based on the finding, it was discovered that lack of funds, teaching and learning facilities and obsolete curriculum affect the performance of Applied Electricity students, conclusion were made and recommendations proffered there after.


Title page                                                                                i

Certificate                                                                                ii

Dedication                                                                               iii

Acknowledgement                                                                             iv

Abstract                                                                                  v

Table of contents                                                                     vi



Introduction                                                                                      1

1.1     Background of the Study                                                        1

1.2     Statement of the problem                                                        4

1.3     Purpose of the study                                                      5

1.4     Significance of the study                                                         6

1.5     Research question                                                          7

1.6     Delimitation                                                                            7

1.7     Assumption of the study                                                         8


Literature Review                                                                    9

2.1     Training Facilities and Equipment                                 10

2.2     Economy as it Affect Teaching

Applied Electricity Studies                                            11

2.3     Skilled Manpower Requirements for Industrial growth 13

2.4     Importance of the Current NBTE                                  15

2.5     Product of Technical Colleges                                        18

2.6     Summary of Literature Review                                               20


Chapter Three

Methodology                                                                           21

3.1     The Design                                                                     21

3.2     The Area of Study                                                                   21

3.3     Population                                                                     22

3.4     Sample of the Study                                                      22

3.5     Sample Technique                                                                   23

3.6     Instrument for Data Collection                                                24

3.7     Validity of the Instrument                                             24

3.8     Reliability of the Instrument                                          24

3.9     Method of Data Collection                                            25

3.10   Method of Data Analysis                                                        26

Chapter Four

Presentation and Analysis of Data                                 27

Chapter Five

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation                                   34

5.1     Summary                                                                       35

5.2     Implication of Study                                                      37

5.3     Conclusion                                                                     39

5.4     Recommendation                                                           42

References                                                                      44

Questionnaire                                                                48




          At the twentieth century Nigeria with her abundant human and Natural resources has not been able to achieve much technologically.  The inability to achieve much at this period is not unconnected with history since we attained independence; policies and strategies of the various levels government have not been far reaching enough to involve a sound technological foundation for the country.

Previous education policies have de-emphasized technical education in favour of the grammar school type of educational system.  Until recently the courses and curriculum of the technical college in Applied Electricity departments across the country are stereotyped and not comprehensive enough to meet the technological needs of the economy for a rapid and meaningful development as witnesses in the advanced countries of the world (Olukosi, 1987).  Since the advent of poor economy in Nigeria funding of education by three tiers of government (Federal, state and local government) has never been what it used to be in 70s particularly Applied Electricity in technical colleges which is capital intensive, consequently, the materials tools equipment and facilities required for training are sparingly provided.  In these circumstances,  it will be very difficult for Applied Electricity students to meet the maximum standard required for a meaningful Applied Electricity development.

With the introduction of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) in 1986 by President Ibrahim Babangida’s regime the already buttered economy further plunged to the point of no recovery, thereby forcing government and private sectors to tighten their belt move in all their operations without putting into consideration the great implication such irrational decision might have on private sectors.

Paramount among other sectors of the economy, we have technical education essential to technological breakthrough of the country if she has to meet up with present day development required of a country that survive the challenges of the new millennium.

The depreciation of Naira to affects technical students in Applied Electricity due to non-availability of the training equipment, tools and other facilities. Also, the abrupt stoppage of the foreign Applied Electricity studies are malfunctioning of the local alternative, Electrical Engineering (EE) offered in Nigeria, few universities, polytechnics and colleges of technology has fallen due to poor economy.

Furthermore, the withdrawal of external aid to Nigeria as a result of the political imbroglio between 1992 and 1998 did not help matters.  Among the foreign organization, which withdrew scholarship opportunities from Nigeria are the United Nations education scientific and cultural organization (UNESCO) United National Development Programme (UNDP) World Bank and common wealth.

The welfare and motivation aspect of Applied Electricity Technical Student services was adversely affected by the ever-escalating dual exchange rate.

With the present changes of emphasis on the part of government, policy wise, electrical technology has been accorded the priority and the deserved attention to its relevance to the technology development and needs of the society as enshrined in the current national policy on education.

The societal attitude which perceives technical education as an education for the under privileged who cannot cope with academic rigours in the secondary school, college or technology also looks at the technology students as early levers of their academic pursuits.



          Job satisfaction among Electrical Engineering Students after graduation from the technology school is very poor, also there is lack of tool and equipment to do their practical work in Electrical Engineering.  Without these things there will be poor performance in practical work.  The Electrical Students are also lacking of industrial training because of poor performance and poor standard workshop arrangement, curriculum arrangement on the performance of technological students.

In Applied Electricity is not well addressed.  This student address these problems:

  1. Due to lack of learning environment which contributed to the performance of students.
  2. The job satisfaction of the electrical engineering student has affect the performance of electrical technology student.
  3. Lack of competent Electrical engineering teaching has affected the performance of technical students.
  4. Lack of electrical engineering workshop has affected the performance of Applied Electricity students.
  5. Lack of insatiable curriculum has affected the performance of students in Applied Electricity.



This study intends to investigate the factors militating against the performance of Applied Electricity students in Technical Colleges in Bayelsa State.

Specifically the study tends to:-

  1. Identify the problems posed by performance of the Applied Electricity workshop in terms of practical.
  2. To assess the condition of learning environment.
  • To determine the working condition of Applied Electricity workshop in terms of practical.
  1. To asses the effectiveness and efficiency of the Electrical workshop teachers.



          The finding of the study will enable the government policy makers. Policy implementations, classroom teachers, industries and society at large becomes aware of certain problem in the programme which can man the march towards the country’s technological advancement.  The result of the study will also keep the students abreast of the success recorded so far and to find ways of improving in their study.

The result of the study will keep to improve the practical work and learning of introductory technology specifically practical work will benefit from the result of this study that they will use the instrument to evaluate the students rather than the practical made test. Finally the result of this study will be immense benefit to the Applied Electricity engineering experts.



  1. What are the effects of poor economy on provision of training facilities and equipment on Applied Electricity Students?
  2. What are the relevance of Applied Electricity students competence to the emergency of industrial growth of Nigeria.
  3. What are the effects of skilled manpower requirement for industrial growth?
  4. What are the important of (NBTE) National Business of Technical Education Syllabus to the manpower training need in Nigeria.

In the data analysis, the responses were scored to produce or like types of scale of summated rating and their mean were calculated.



The study was confirmed to four technical colleges randomly selected in Bayelsa State.  Out of the four technical colleges selected known one is own by federal government, four are state owned technical college.



          The researcher was handicapped by both time and finances.  The time was too short for a study of this magnitude.  Also the non-availability of finance to enable the researcher move around was another limitation.



          For the purpose this study, it was assured that:

  1. The information gathered from the respondents is authentic.
  2. The staff and students in this study are ideal respondents.
  • The population sample is large enough to be representative of total population considering the limited time.



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