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This research work tired to evaluate the extent of devilment in Entrepreneur Skill Acquisition and Youth empowerment in a depressed economy like Nigeria. a closer and pragmatic approach was used by using Nigeria Association of Small scale Industrialist (NASSI) Anambra Sate Chapter. Nassi has been seen as one of the nation’s governmental agency involved in manpower development and training and financing small- scale industrialists. a lot of literatures by different authors were consulted in reviewing the related literatures based on these subheadings. a. Meaning and history of Entrepreneurship Development in Nigeria. b. Meaning and Functions of an entrepreneurship. c. Qualities of an entrepreneur. d. Activities of NASSI. e. Problems of NASSI. Nevertheless Nigerian association of small scale industrialists (NASSI) is faced by some problems such as: i. Poor Funding. ii. Poor Means of transportation and communication. iii. No accommodation. iv. Bad road network in Anambra. v. Poor Business activities etc. looking at this the following is being recommended for improving this developmental objective. a. Government commitment in developing the sector, this giving the much desired self-reliance a priority by investing creative thus being involved in creation of opportunities for self-reliance rather than relying on government and other big companies for their jobs. The provision of an organized loan revolving scheme, thus making it mandatory for benefactors to repay in time. d. NASSI should as well trained organize their curricular towards giving trainings that are practical and not theory so as to feel the impact soonest. And finally the need to inculcate into our psych and schema the need to be technologically self-reliant. However therefore, the research is suggesting that further studies could be done on this by evaluation the impact of small scale enterprises in the economy. And prospects of the Nigeria Entrepreneur in a depressed economy. Consequently, the research solicits for NASSI to be more pragmatic in their operation of the decree of which they were established and then government in its own effort to try and create an enabling environment for Entrepreneurship Development. In these words Abraham Maslow (a psychologist known for his theories regarding human needs) indicated that the most valuable 100 people to bring into deteriorating society would not be economists or politicians or engineer rather 100 entrepreneurs.






Cover Page                                                                                                               i

Title Page                                                                                                                 ii

Declaration                                                                                                              iii

Certification                                                                                                            iv

Approval page                                                                                                         v

Dedication                                                                                                                vi

Acknowledgements                                                                                                vii

Table of Contents                                                                                             viii-ix

Abstract                                                                                                                    x




INTRODUCTION                                                                                                   1

1.1       Background of the Study                                                                             1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                            3

1.3       Research Questions                                                                                     3

1.4       Purpose of the Study                                                                                    4

1.5       Significance of the Study                                                                            4

1.6       Scope of the Study                                                                                       5

1.7       Limitations of the Study                                                                              5

1.8       Definition of Terms                                                                                      6

1.9       Organizations of the Study                                                                         6



Literature Review and Theoretical Framework

2.1       Literature Review                                                                                         7

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                               27





Research Design and Methodology

3.1       Research Design                                                                                           34

3.2       Area of the Study                                                                                         35

3.3       Population of the Study                                                                               35

3.4       Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                             35

3.5       Method of Data Collection                                                                         36

3.6       Instruments for Data Collection                                                                 37

3.7       Reliability of the Instrument                                                                       38

3.8       Validity of the Instrument                                                                           38

3.9       Distribution and Retrieval of Instruments                                                39

3.10    Method of Data Analysis                                                                            39



Data Presentation and Analysis

4.1       Data Presentation                                                                                         40

4.2       Analysis of Research Question                                                                  42

4.3       Interpretation of Results                                                                              49




5.1       Summary                                                                                                       52

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                    54

5.3       Recommendation                                                                                         54

References                                                                                                    56

Appendix A                                                                                                  58

Appendix B                                                                                                  59







1.1       Background of the Study

The need to incorporate in our system the need to be technologically self-reliant cannot be over-emphasized. The first step is to develop our human and natural resources, thus increasing our per capital income. In the past seven years, or more, especially during the administration of Ibrahim Babangide, Nigeria has constantly pursued an economic policy that is geared towards self-reliance for the individual as shown  by such programmes as the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) which is a graduate assistance scheme aimed at helping young school leavers to acquire necessary skills and funds that will help them to start their own business, other programmes with such mission include the people bank, family economic advancement programme (FEAP) and Nigerian Association of Small Scale Industrialists (NASSI).

The entrepreneur and his activities forms an integral part in the development of our economy. At this point, it becomes pertinent to define who is an entrepreneur and why we are having an insight into this plight to actualize the aim aims and objectives of its existence.

Ike J.O (2014: 32) defined an entrepreneur as an individual who is willing and able to take business risks for gainful purpose”. Despite the aspirations of many, only a few people in this country and indeed Anambra our place of centralization has carried out their intention of having business established by them. Studies have been shown that 90% of these who seriously decided to incorporate a company five or more years ago have not yet done so. In Anambra State our emphasis will concentrate on the Nigerian Association of Small-Scale Industrialists (NASSI) Anambra State Chapter, formed in 1978 owing to the creation of Anambra State in 1991, the Anambra office was established in the state, thus tries to uplift the status of this sector. The NASSI has its chapter in all the seventeen (17) Local Government Area of the State aimed at inculcating into our society, the spirit of owing and controlling business at the grass root level, to facilitate the much desired self-reliance on our locally made goods and services, self-reliance on the national economy as shown in the policies of banning the importation of certain goods into this country, the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) which among other things aims at sourcing of our own raw materials for the industries locally, though many see it as our attempt to self-reliance. Based on the indigenization policy that brought into existence, The Nigerian Enterprise Promotion Decree of 1992, which aims at encouraging and giving Nigerian the Skill and knowledge to own and  control their own business. Although all the aims and objectives of this dream has not come to fruition, since about 75% of Nigerians and indeed in Anambra has not realized their dreams of owing and controlling a business of their choice (Ogbuefi, 2015).

1.2       Statement of the Problem

Entrepreneur skills acquisition is aimed at providing self employment opportunities for millions of unemployed Nigerians. However, this has not been effectively achieved in Nigeria because of the following: The statement of this research work include the following:

  1. What effect does entrepreneurship skill acquisitions has on the overall empowerments of youths in Anambra state?
  2. How has the various entrepreneurship skill acquisitions helped in youth empowerment in Anambra State?
  3. What are the various problems militating against entrepreneurship development in Anambra State, and what are the possible solutions to the problem?



1.3       Research Questions

In the course of this research, the following questions was generated for analysis.

  1. To what extent does entrepreneurship skill acquisition lead to youth empowerment in Anambra State?
  2. To what extent has the various entrepreneurship skill acquisition programs in Anambra State helped in youth empowerment?
  3. What are the problems militating against entrepreneurship skill acquisition in Anambra?


1.4       Purpose of t he Study

The need to develop entrepreneurship in the Nigerian economy cannot be over-emphasized, because of this research includes the following:

  1. To find out the effect of entrepreneurship skill on the overall empowerment of youths in Anambra State.
  2. To find out the various entrepreneurship skill acquisition programs and policies in Anambra State.
  3. To identify the problems that militates against the development of entrepreneurship in Anambra and proper solutions.

1.5       Significance of the Study

All aspects of this research work will be relevant or important to members of the society.

It will be beneficial to public sector organizations, individuals, corporate bodies in the state. Also it will be of vital importance to government, academically potential and future researcher on the issue of entrepreneurship and youth empowerment.

This empirical is also germane to the researcher since it is partial requirement for the award of higher national diploma in Public Administration and Management.


1.6       Scope of the Study

This work centers on entrepreneurship skill acquisition and youth empowerment in Anambra State, using Anambra State.






1.7       Limitation  of the Study

The major limitations of this research study is

  1. Financial Constraints: Inability to raise some enough money posed a major threat to the success of this project to carry out this work as there are those imminent problems asking for serious attention.
  2. Lack of Initial Co-Operation for Respondents: A particular limitation of this work came as a result of the respondents refusal to offer their cooperation at the initial time they were contracted. This contribute in making the success of this research study difficult.
  • Lack of Organized and Easily Accessible Materials: Materials used in the making of this research work were not easily accessible as few books are on the topic under study.
  1. Inability to Control Response of Respondents with Respect to Trueness or Falseness: Many of the staff was not willing to respond to the interviews and questionnaire. While some did not show the willingness to respond, other who did very reluctant thereby making it difficult to ascertain the trueness or falseness of their responses.



1.8       Operationalization /Definition of Terms

  1. Depressed Economy: This is an economy where mostly economic and social activities are made to be less active, or sad without enthusiasm.
  2. Scholar: Scholar is a person who studies an academic subject and knows a lot about it.
  3. Poised: These means when an individual is ready or set to take action or strike something any moment in time.


1.9       Organization of the Study

This study is organized into five chapters: Chapter one talks about the introduction of the research problem as well as the state of the problem etc. chapter Two reviews the related literature on the research work. Chapter three examines the methodology used in carrying out the research work. Chapter four presents and analyzes  the data collected from the secondary source through questionnaire, chapter five summarizes the findings from the examined data.


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