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This study aimed at examining the strategic planning and organizatzional productivity in public organizations. A study of Anambra State ministry of works Awka, the objective of this study was to determine the extent to which effective co-operative image management as a strategy for enhancing profitability in reference o study of ministry of works. In this study. About 202 questionnaires were distributed to the respondents who were selected at random 198 questionnaires was retrieved and no error was discovered on them. Therefore, 198 questionnaires were used for the data analysis. This instrument for data collection were both primary and secondary after analysis of data, survey design was considered appropriately together with this was chosen so as to be able to generalize the result of the findings the whole population. Collected were analyzed using simple statistical techniques or frequencies and percentage, the researcher found out that strategic planning is a tool towards achieving organizational profitability and it helps improving organizational by analyzing the organizational environment, establishing objectives evaluating the firm to determine the key skill and resources that could be used in creating corporate policies, plan programs and task to successfully accomplish the established programmes. Based on the finding revealed through this research work, it can be concluded that strategic planning is imperative back bone as well as basic ingredient needed for organizational productivity in the ministry.

Table of Contents

Title page                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                           iii

Approval page                                                                        iv

Dedication                                                                              v

Acknowledgement                                                                  vi

Abstract                                                                                  vii

Table of contents                                                                     viii




1.1 Background to the study

1.2 Statement of the study

1.3 Research Questions

1.4 Purpose of the study

1.5 Significance of the study

1.6 Scope of the study

1.7 Limitations of the study

1.8 Definition of Terms

1.9 Organization of the study




2.1 Literature Review

2.2 Theoretical Framework




3.1 Research Design

3.2 Area of the study

3.3 Population of the study

3.4 Sample and Sampling  Techniques

3.5 Method of data collection

3.6 Instruments for Data Collection

3.7 Reliability of Instrument

3.8 Validity of the Instrument

3.9  Distribution and Retrieval of Instrument

3.10 Method of Data Analysis



4.1 Data Presentation

4.2 Analysis of Research Question

4.3  Interpretation of Results



Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Summary

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Recommendation











Every organization sees strategies planning as one of the most challenging and existing exercise organization can undertake. Strategic planning allows an organization to make fundamental decision or choices taking a long range view of what it hopes to accomplish and how it will do so. A strategic plan is built on the analysis of the organization’s existing structure, governance, staff, program or service-mix, collaborations and resources (financial, human technical and material). This analysis is vital because it allows an organization to perceive which of its above aspect it must change in order to achieve its goals. A well developed strategic plan services as a blueprint for making these changes because it describe the vision for the future, strength and weakness of organization the nature of the changes contemplated from future sustainable growth and development, the sequence of the changes, those who are responsible whether they currently exist within the organization or must be generated from external sources.

Koontz (1980: 129) opined that strategic planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to  it, whom to do it, and how result can be evaluated. Planning therefore tries to bridge the gap between where we are and where we are going to. Adequate planning enables the management to assess the future goals and to discover alternative courses of action to realize the goals. However making a budget is clear planning He (2001:31). It is the fundamental planning instrument in many ministries. Most of the policies procedure and technical practices that we associate with modern budgeting were developed during the nineteenth centu’1” Budgets have now grown beyond a financial tool. It is above all managerial tool; in essence, it is the best tool is sure that key resources especially performance resources are assigned to priorities and to results. It enables the ministries to know when 10 review and revise plans, either because results are different expectation a or due to environmental, economic conditions market conditions or technologies range, Budget as a short term financial plan is an action plan to guide ministers in achieving the objectives of the ministry.

Pandy (2008:105)  since  organizations do not operate in a vacuum  but rather operates in a dynamic environment and the future cannot be foreseen with certainty, adequate planning will help the management of 1 ministry in anticipating future situation and their likely consequences and this will enable them know how to reduces the risk inherent in business operation.



The present situation in the both private and public sector are alarming where inefficiency and ineffectiveness alarming where inefficiency and ineffectiveness abound and absence of proper strategic planning processes. Despite various planning strategies adopted by organizations, most organizations score-card has remained poor performance and inefficiency.

Misappropriation of fund, inadequate training and development of staff, selfishness, non implementation policy and programmes of organization and corruption has been identifying as the major factor hindering the effect, strategic planning of most ministries or organizational in Nigeria. Mismanagement has continued to spike fertile rages and criticisms from the citizens. Ministers lack of commitment and discipline and foresight pose problems. The conceptual skill and inexperience for performance render some ministers helpless there-by leading to improper delegation of authorities by ministers to their subordinates.

It is against this back drop that the researcher carries out this study to analyze the implication of in effect strategic planning and delay in the presentation of plan in any organization affects the organization thereby make, it impossible to attain to its goal; thus guiding an organization to remain stagnant.


1.3      RESEARCH  QUESTIONS      

The following research questions were formulated based on the purpose of the study;

  1. To what extent does strategic planning helps to achieve organizational objectives in the ministry?
  2. To what extent does strategic planning improve organizational profitability?
  3. What are the problems militating against strategic planning for achieving organizational goal in the ministry


The broad purpose for the study is to determine the extent to which effective cooperate image management

a strategy for enhancing profitability in reference to study of ministry of works. The specific purpose of the study are:

  1. To examine strategic planning as a tool for achieving organizational objectives in the ministry.
  2. To ascertain the relationship between strategic planning and organizational profitability.
  3. To access the problems militating against strategic planning for achieving organizational goal in the ministry



Empirical: This study shall be found useful by all citizens of the countries as well as policy makers and managers  organizations affected by the scourge of effective planning. This project aims at improving the knowledge of planning system in an organization. It will help the government to formulate policies that will help promote local government and help the workers benefit in organization system.

Theoretical:  The study will assess the effective aspect, it serves as reference to future researchers or student. it also educate in enhancing  the profitability, it serves as communication between the government and organization in terms of policy formulation and prepared the researchers on field to implement plan.



Scope of the study is the limits or boundary lines of the study. It focuses on effective cooperate image management as a strategy for enhancing profitability. But because of some limit factors, the scope of the study  be limited to only the facts on the strategic planning and organizational productivity in public organization in general  and with special reference to study of ministry of works.



In the course of this research, the researcher encountered so many difficulties among which are:

Fund Inadequacy: Inadequate fund have limits this work beyond assessment, lack of fund may affect not only period of the research but also its quality. The researcher needed enough money to travel as far as Anambra to collect the necessary data from, the ministry under the study. Money was also required to visit secondary data sources such as internet, libraries, professional bodies and so on.
Lack of Cooperation: The uncooperative attitude of many employees and management of the organization under study were not encouraging. Some of them were so biased and prejudiced that did not case to understand the purpose of the research. This resulted to their failure to provide sufficient information required for proper completion of the study.

Time Pressure: Time allowed was not enough for thorough completion of the research, in consideration of the fact that we were also facing other academic studies during the semester.



In this research study, the following words or terms or concepts are used either in a broad or restricted sent

  1. Planning: It is an organized process of preparing a set of decision in view of a projected course of action geared towards an end.
  2. Organization: This is a group of people working together in a coordinated manner in order to attain a
  3. Management: This is a group of people controlling and directing the affairs of an organization efficiently order to achieve organizational objective. It is also the persons that have control of a business or organization
  4. Decision making: A mental process by which an individual or group of individuals gather data and make choice between two or more alternative course action.
  5. Efficiency: This simply means the accomplishment of desired objective with minimum resources or lost.
  6. Effectiveness: This term is defined as the degree of success with which a give objective is accomplished.
  7. Productivity: Efficiency in ministries measured by comparing the amount produced with the time taken the resources used to produce it.
  8. Strategy: A plan designed for a particular purpose or it can also be seen as the process of planning something: or carrying out plan or the act of planning and directing activities in the ministries.



This study will be presented in five (5) chapters. The first chapter serves as the introductory part which contain the back ground of the study, statement of the problems, research questions, purpose of the study, significance the study, scope and limitations of the study. It also has operationalization or definitions of terms.

The second (2) chapter presents the related literature used. This is where the views and contributions of the scholars and authors are extensively explored which helps to discover the gap which the researcher intends to fill

The third (3) chapter presents the methodology adopted by the researcher which is survey design since f study required practical field work.

Yaro Yamane will be used to determine the sample size. In addition, the method of data collection questionnaire.

Chapter four (4) is where all the data collected in the course of the study are presented and analyzed. Chapter five (5) contains the summarizing, conclusions and recommendations.

Here, the researcher gives a brief summary and conclusion of his/her work and make some use, recommendations.


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