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TITLE PAGE                                                                                    I

APPROVAL PAGE                                                                          II

CERTIFICATION                                                                                      III

DEDICATION                                                                                  IV

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                                                 V

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                           VI

LIST OF TABLES                                                                                      IX

ABSTRACT                                                                                     X



Background of the Study                                                                   1

Statement of the Problem                                                                   4

Purpose of the Study                                                                5

Significance of the Study                                                          5

Scope of the Study                                                                              6

Research Question                                                                    7



Conceptual frame work                                                         8

Assessment and Utilization in Education                               9

Theoretical Framework                                                        12

Teachers and Instructional Application of ICTS                             12


Theoretical study

Barriers to successful utilization of ICT in Teaching and Learning Environment                                                                            13

Teacher-Level Barriers                                                           15

School-Level- Barriers                                                           17

Empirical Studies                                                                  19

Summary of the Review of Related Literature                    24



Research Design                                                                      25
Area of the Study                                                                    26
Population of the study                                                           26
Sample and sampling techniques                                            27
Instrument for data collection                                                 27
Validation of Instrument                                                                   27
Method of Data Collection                                                      27
Method of Data Analysis                                                                  28







Summary of the Research Study                                             32


CHAPTER FIVE:DISCUSSION CONCLUSION AND                                                      RECOMMENDATION

Discussion of the Findings                                                      33

Educational implication of the study                                       36

Recommendations                                                                             36

Conclusion                                                                              37

Limitation of the study                                                            37

Suggestions for further studies                                                         37

REFERENCES                                           \                                     39

APPENDIX                                                                                                43



S/N Title Page
1 Teachers’ responses on the available ICT resources in technical college. 29
2 Teachers’ response on the extents of utilization of the available ICT resources in technical college 30
Table 3: the strategies of improving ICT resources






This study dealt with technical teachers’ assessment on availability and utilization of ICT resources in technical college. Three research questions where formulated to guide the study. A survey research design was used for the research. A total sample of one and fifty (150) respondents were selected using random sampling techniques. A 29 questionnaire item was used for teachers (QTT) were developed and standardized through validation before being administered to the respondents.Data collected was analyzed using mean standard deviation and t – test. The result showed that: majority of the teachers enjoy teaching with ICT resources and student finds it interesting if it is been used but also some of the basic ICT facilities are not available in colleges such as overheadprojectors. Teachers should participates in in-service trainings,workshops on ict and effects should be made by the government to give funds and grants to equip technical colleges to impact ICT skills to the students.






Background to the Study

The development in the ICT sector over the past two decades undoubtedly represents the greatest opportunities for and challenges to the formal education in Nigeria.Information technology is already at a state where it can.

The computer pioneer Alan Turing (1950) predicted that by the year 2000, the understanding concerning what it means to “think” would have subtly changed, in the sense that it would no longer be odd to refer to “thinking machines” this prediction has finally come to existence as it is now a statement of fact that the present day modern society is regarded as a “computer age” this assertion is supported by the fact that information technology has virtually permeated every aspect of human endeavor, especially in the field of education (Ajayi, 2006).

According to Stoddert (2002), using ICT to teach creates a wide range of interactive learning environment. From the conventional classroom environment in many disciplines and content methodology of the discipline.The changes in curriculum due to changes in ICT tools or the introduction of new ICT tools can be subtle. For example, it used to be that students in first and second year high school technical drawing course learned how to draw a flower verse using pencil and paper but due to the availability and utilization of ICT Resources by the technical teachers, quite a bit of this content has disappeared from the curriculum.

Information technology is a set of tools that helps one work with information and perform tasks related to the information processing (Hage and Keen, 2007). Ajiya (2008) defined information technology as a new way of sorting, processing and transmitting information through electronics. There are various forms of information and communication technology (ICT) in the society ranging from computer ,laptop ,internet ,digital calculator, teleconferencing electronic, notice board, auto-card among others (Davidson, 2002)

However, Kosakowski (2008) emphasized the positive effect of the availability and utilization of ICT in teaching technical educationcourse as follows:

  • They make learners to be more confident in learning process
  • Helps to increase students drawing skills
  • Helps to present drawing and technical information in many forms
  • Makes students to be independent learners
  • Gives rise to greater problem solving and critical thinking.

The term “ICT” encompasses the range of hardware (desktop and portable computers, project in technology) available in technical schools. Previous researches have shown that ICT can be used to support a variety of technical teachers teaching and learning approaches in technical colleges. In Anambra state so that technical teachers do not need to change their practice.

Rogers (2005)interviews and observation with some technical teachers who hard successfully incorporate technology into their practice indicated that using it allowed dramatic and relevant changes in the classroom teaching. The merits of the computer as a demonstrate helps users to interact freely with the computer system. Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) involves an action between a personal and software based course or unit of study. CAL provides remediation and extra and for helping certain class level of students such as physically and mentally handicapped, the passive and the underachieving student. The study therefore will investigate the availability and utilization of ICT resources by technical teachers in Anambra state.

Statement of the Problem

Despite the advert of microcomputers and encouragement from the board of technical education, the level of utilization of computers in schools and colleges are not yet very encouraging. A recent study of the technical schools in Anambra state with long exposure to ICT suggest that the use do not seem to be wide spread or consistent. One possible reason is that classroom teachers have historically had little say in designing and implementing development plans for using ICT within their schools and for defining the role within subject curriculum. The problem being that technical teachers are not allowed a say concerning inavailability and utilization of ICT resources in technical colleges in Anambra state in order to effectively utilize ICT for instructional delivery.




Purpose of Study

The main purpose of the study is to ascertain from technical teachers the available ICT resources and its utilization in technical college in Anambra state.

Specifically the study will investigate the following:

  1. To find out the available ICT resources in technical college.
  2. To find out the extent of utilization of the current available ICT resources in technical college.
  3. The strategies for improving ICT resources in technical college.


Significant of the Study

The integration of ICT in the teaching of various technical subjects is aimed at transforming or boosting learning activities and generally improving the quality of our educational products

The findings of this study will be beneficial to

  1. The technical students: Here they are the learners of the course of study
  2. The technical teachers: Here the availability and utilization of ICT resources will help the teacher enhance his or her pedagogical practice and techniques of research.
  3. Administration: Here the computer allows more independent exploration and more teamwork, hence the role of the teacher changes from information dispenser to information manager and from authoritative.

Source of information to a guide of self – propelled exploration (Smith 1989).

  1. The availability and utilization of ICT resources will enhance educational efficiency;
  2. The efficiency in teaching various technical subjects.


Scope of the Study

This study has been restricted to 12 technical schools found in Anambra state. The ICT competencies will be examined based on their expertise and boldness, teaching methods and techniques, educational qualifications and the number of years of experience.

Research Question

The following questions have been proposed to guide this research;

  1. What are the ICT resources available in technical
  2. What are the strategies for improving ICT resources in technical colleges?
  3. What are the extents of utilization of this current available ICT resource in technical college?


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