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The research topic “ the impact of division of labour in provision of good and services tend to point out all the nooks and carry that can be used to achieve industrial growth in any industry.

The research also tend to point out advantages and disadvantages involved the poor application that will not yield fruit result.

The research study also point out the solution to the area of problem and suggest critical ideas that would guid any management to achieve his industrial goal.







The research study conducted on the topic the impact of division of labour in production of goods and services in the hospitality industry is aimed at ascerhaining the impact of division of labour in the production of goods and service in the hospitality industry. The research study was carried out based on  personal observation, interview and questionnaires. It also made use of several data collection such as annual report, textbook, magazines, journal, application of the theory of division of labour may not yield fruitful result such as lack of motivation of employees, Irregular promotion, low salaries and may lead to inefficiency. Therefore, this work has been properly done to provide solutions to the area of problems associated with division of labour in hospitality industry and suggest the ideals that would guide the management to achieve its goal. From the findings in this research work, there are other areas the researcher feel the management needs some amendment for fully development in the use of labour resources, such areas include motivation of staff, increase  their wages rate, should result in labour inefficiency. Therefore the division of labour is important in the  hospitality industry.










Title Page

Approval Page





Table Of Content



  • Background of the study
    • Historical background of the study area
    • Statement of problem
    • 3 Objective
    • 4 Purpose of the study
    • 5 Scope of study
    • Significance of study
    • Limitation
    • Definition of terms


    • Meaning of division of labour
    • Advantages and Disadvantages of division of labour
    • Relation between division of labour growth and development
    • The economy
    • Specialization in hospitality industry
    • Growth and development in hospitality industries




  • Description of respondent and sample size used
    • Source of data
    • Validity and reliability of measuring instrument


4.1  Conclusion

4.2  Recommendation
















To enhance the better understanding of the project topic “the impact of labour in production of goods and services in the hospitality industry”. It is proper to start this origin and consequently the modern approach.

Division of labour has been with the creation of human being by God, God created man and a woman was also changed with child bearing. Division of labour can also be formed among insects and ants.

In ants the soldier ants are meant to secure the ants. The workers are meant to look around for food while the queen and king are charged for child bearing. All this are form of division of labour similarly specialization has taken place in this primitive form of division of labour.

From the study of history, it is known that in the most primitive community everybody tried to be self sufficient each person provided with what he needed.

But as the population grew, life became a little more difficult, nature was not able to provide for every individual wanted in a particular geographical region. It then became necessary for each individual wanted in a particular geographical region.

It then became necessary for each individual wanted in particular geography activities in which he can undertake with much case. Since he could not provide or be in access of everything he needed, it becomes necessary for him to produce more of what he could, so as to exchange the extra quality for what he needed but which he was unable to produce. This is the form of division of labour in the rural community.

In the modern world the origin of division of labour dates back to the period of industrial revolution with the change in the production methods. Operation in industries were



In modern world the origin of division of labour dates back to the period of industrial revolution with the change in the production methods. Operation in industries were split up to different aspect of the production process. With this specialization the product of a simple commodity necessified. The co-operation of many individual who specialized in different aspect of production process.

The production brought about increase in output adam smith identified this as early 1776 in the book which he published at the time which he called “Enging into the wealth of nation” by his visit to pin m,aking industry he discovered that as a result of labour the outfit of the industry increased by more than 200%.

Finally           the modern approach of division of labour is about the effectiveness of employers of labour to harness all available economic resources at their disposal to the attainment of qualitative and quantization provision of goods and services.


Peharbs over the year the most prominent reason for industries undergoing poor industrial development is due to adequate attension give to division of labour.

This country is blessed with natural resources both human and aterial yet we remain underdeveloped. Now it is time to ask impact of division of labour can’t we practice them in our various homwe, industries, communities etc. through this techniques? My own opinion is started below since the concept of division of labour dates back to 1776 when Adam smith visits to a pin making industry.

There was an increase in their production by over 200%. Similarly hospitality industry an organization that practice division of labour and specializes in rendering accommodation in Nigeria, in the year 2003 segregaries duties. The company which first opened in india in 1933, now having over billions of hospitality industries in the whole world. From the foreign discussion one can equally agree with me that these economic tools can be used to attain industrial development in our industries as whole. But the article issue as how can this positive plan or change occur.



Omega luxury soit is a hospitality industries, known for food and beverages services and accommodation. It is located at number 12 umobi street federal housing estate transekulu enugu.

Omega luxury suit came into existence on june 2012 Its an extension of omega Annex which set  formally as a police resident.

It is owen by mr ugomouh Charles. A native of mba- ise in imo State, it’s one of the most comfortable  suite that has one upstairs building with 11 comfortable and classic rooms that offer full hospitality business such as food service and accommodating guest, it started with the omega suite that has nine rooms with (2) two staff but when he employed many staff selts increases. Till date when he now extend omega luxury suit located at wokemba stared federal housing Enugu. The organization is well decorated with steady power supply and  well secured for the visitor or client that will like to patronize.


  1. The importance of division of labour is not properly understood in the hospitability industry.
  2. The hospitality industry did not employ enough staff.

iii. Lack of skilled labour in the hospitality industry.

  1. Individual performing multi task in hospitality industry.
  2. Insufficient fund to pay labourers in the hospitality industry.

vii. Availability of power supply in the hospitality industry.


To study the activities of hospitality industries to understand the different product manufactured by the industry both main product and by product.

To know why hospitality industry is said to be the best industry with high quality of goods and services.

To know the extent of changes in personnel management  as it affect division of labour. In the hospitality industry.

To know the extent of turnover as it affect the demand of product.

To point or give recommendation in area, where the company has shortfall in its use of labour services.


The apparent reason for this is to recommend to top managers be it government owned establishment or individual owned, the head to emback and encourage division of labour in such establishment because division of  labour in the hospitality industry contribute immensely to industrial development and growth, it will equally increaseb output, save time avoid duplication of tools, enable specialization and less fatigue at work.


Specially the scope of this work is limited to division and specialization as it affect hospitality industry.

This include labour utilization, skilled and unskilled labour especially production aspect, the reference where  made from omega luxury suite federal housing enugu.

Though the industry has many hospitable but i limited my study


The apparent reason why this topic was chosed is to recommend to the top managers be it government owned establishment or individually owned, the need to embark and encourage division of labour in such organization. As we all know division of labour contribute immensely to industrial development and growth.

Since we all know that increase output saves time avoid duplication of fools enable specialization and less fatigue at work it becomes clearly that every manager should master it use and application for fully developed and efficient management.


Specially the scope of this work is limited to division of labour and specialization as it affect hospitality industry. This include labour utilization skilled and unskilled labour especially production aspect, the reference was made to Omega Luxury Suites federal housing Enugu. Though there are many hospitality industries but I limited my study.


Division of labour

Breaking down of production process into different stage, so as to enable each person practice in the production line to perform and specialize on work he know best.


When an individual firms or government concentrate on production related commodities and exchange for others in which it do not produce.

Industrial development

Overall or ends or process in which output transformation are achieved with little references to or significant degree or industrial growth.


An arm of industry engage in production


A group of firm producing similar product formulation of hypothesis.

Series of questionnaires prepared to enable or form an opinion.

Scope of limitation

The extent and sample size used in the study

Objective of study

The reason why the researcher undertake such project work.

Literature review

Making references to other material where related problem of study has been treated.

Company profile

Mean brief story about history, growth, development and prospect of the organization.

Report of directors

Statement enclosed in the annual report pointing out the area weakness or otherwise satisfaction of board of directors.

Report of the auditors

Statement enclosed in the annual report stating whether in their opinion the assets and liabilities show true and fair view of income statement.

Five years financial summary

As the name implies show in brief with comparative figures and five years financial statement.

Cash flow statement

Indicate the sources and application of sound.

Statement  of value added

The  extra wealth created by a business enlity in case of its effort provide good and services.

Accounting policy

It means accounting rule for concept bern adopted by the company in dealing with its record and accounts.

Share holder information

Means such vital information relating to liquidility of the company profitability, dividends and return on capital employ as world enable them make future forecast.


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