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Title page                                                                                i

Certification                                                                           ii

Dedication                                                                              iii

Acknowledgment                                                                   iv

Table .of contents                                                                   v

Abstract                                                                                  vi

Chapter One


  • Teaching/ Leaning Aids
  • Prospects of Teaching Aids
  • Selecting Teaching/Learning
  • Criteria for Selection Learning Aids
  • Statement of Problem
  • Research Hypothesis

1.7     Definition of Term

Chapter Two

2.1 Literature Review

2.2 Kinds and Categories of Teaching Aids

2.3 Principles and Requirement for Selecting of Teaching Aids

2.4 Guidelines and Requirement for the use  of teaching Aids

2.5 Problems Associated with use of Teaching Aids.

2.6 Prospects of Teaching Aids.

Chapter Three

3.1 Methodology

Chapter Four

4.1 Data analysis

Chapter Five

5.1 Conclusion and Recommendation


Appendix I

Appendix II







The topic “The Place of Teaching Aids in Effective Teaching and Learning Processes in Etsako Central Local Government Area of Edo State”, has been chosen to known the relevance of technical Aids in teaching and learning. Before  this project was carried out, many hypothesis were drawn in order to known the  place of teaching aids in effective teaching and learning processes in Estako Central Local government of Edo State. In order to verify the hypothesis a diligent work was carried out on the topic various methods and techniques were used min collecting information (data), through not without problems. It is  hoped that by the time one puts finishing touches to the project, one will see the place of teaching Aids in effective teaching and learning processes in Estako Central of Edo State. From hypothesis I which states that “There is no significant difference between  pupils’ cognitive achievement in a  lesson supported with teaching Aids and the one supported with teaching Aids” The place of  teaching Aids in effective teaching and learning processes is 7% over non-use of teaching Aids. This shows that the use of teaching Aids are of significant importance in effective teaching and learning processes in Edo State. Hypothesis 2. States that there is no significant difference between ease off in presentation of lesson in teaching aids and the other not aids. From oral interview, observation and the phenomenal and manipulative study, the  place of teaching aids stands out to be eighty one point seven percent (81.7%) while other criteria stands at eighteen point three percent (18.3%). This equally shows the place of Teaching Aids very high amongst other criteria.









The place of teaching /learning aid in effective teaching and learning processes in Estako Central Local Government Area of Edo State.

The use and effectiveness of teaching aids enhances teaching for desired social and behavioral change. More specifically, it was emphasized that the use of instructional material is clearly and convincingly, affecting behavior of learners in every field ie a prerequisite, requirement or an essential condition. It is necessary important catalyst of social re-engineering and change in learner. It is obvious that effective accomplished without the use of instruction material or teaching aids. The reason is not farfetched. Advance in technology have brought instructional and electronic materials to the forefront as the most radical tools of globalization and social development which have affected the classroom teaching/learning situation positively. Instructional materials process some inherent advantages that make them unique in teaching. Technological breakthroughs as networked and non- next worked. Projected and non projected, visual, auditory audio-visual, electronic materials are important hand marks in knowledge transfer. Teaching Aids provide the teacher with interesting and compelling plate form for conveying information since they motivate learner to want to learn more and more. The teacher is assisted in overcoming physical difficulties presentation of a given  topic. They generally make teaching learning processes easier and less stressful. They are equally indispensable catalyst of social and intellectual development of the learners.


The importance of Teaching Aids lies on the fact that abstract ideas data or information expresses in printed pages become tangible and concreted when they are used and applied appropriately.

They can be used to explain our points, reduce abstraction, create reality and simplify event use of sense organs of sight hearing touch, feeling and test.

Encourage active participation their use can lead to the beginning of learner’s development of exploratory and inquisitive nature of the child.

Saves the teacher’s time, reinforce what you are saying, ensure that your point is understood, and signal what important and essential.

Enable pupils to visualize or experience something that impractical to see or do in real life

  • Stimulate different learning styles.
  • Concretize abstract issues or topics in learning.
  • Creates effective communication between teacher and learners.
  • Providing meaning and useful sources of information to teachers and learners.
  • It helps in developing continuity of reasoning and coherence of thought.
  • They save time and reduce verbalism or repetition of words


Choosing and using learning aids are important skill in effecting teaching of matter. A poor lesson can result due to wrong choice of teaching Aids and wrong application of an appropriate learning aids


          The successes of selecting and using teaching, aids in a lesson depend largely on the following factors

RELEVANCE OF THE TOPIC: The teaching Aids that is relevant to topic for which it is prepared for will help to achieve the objective of the lesson. That is why we have to choose teaching aids that has bearing with the lesson.

ABILITY O F THE PUPILS: Before choosing a teaching aid for a planed lesson, the intellectual ability of the class is taken into consideration if the aid is too advance for the class, it may fail to achieve the objective of the lesson. Likewise, if it is too simple, pupils may not see the necessity of such teaching Aid

TEACHER ABILITY TO USE THE AIDS: Some teaching aids may be relevant to a topic in a lesson, but the teacher may not be able to operate it, or explain the application. This will prevent the pupil from acquiring the right knowledge from the lesson.

AVALABILITY TO MATERIAL: Some teaching can be obtained either by buying from the market or buy constructing the locally. Some may not be available even if the money is available.

COST OF TEACHING AIDS: In choosing teaching aid for a lesson, the cost of material should be considered. Some schools may not be able to buy some at a very high price even if they are available and particularly when the number required is large.

COMPLEXITY: Some teaching Aids are very complex to explain even when the teacher known how to operate them, such teaching Aids cannot be followed easily and comprehended by pupils, care must been taken to avoid these complex teaching aids.

STORAGE FACILITY: Some teaching Aids that are made from certain materials need constant maintenance or re pair. A storage facility is need to make them last longer, this may be a drawer, a closes cupboard or a room with wall shelves.

ACCURACY: Accuracy of information is another factors to be consider in selecting aids. Date of production should be checked. You should make sure that the message contained in the teaching Aids is not out dated due to changes in school programs.


          The Place of Teaching Aids in Effective  Teaching and Learning Processes in Estako Central Local Government Area of Edo State

The importance of teaching Aids lies in the face that abstract ideas data or information expresses in printed pages become tangible and concrete. When they are translated or reflected  in torn  of instructional materials and resources can the place of teaching Aids in effective teaching and learning processes be used to explain points, reduce abstraction, create reality and simplify event.

  • Encourage active participation of the learner.
  • Save the teacher’s time reinforce what you are saying
  • Lead to visualizing something that is impracticable to see or do in real life.
  • Concretize abstract issue or  topic in learning
  • Stimulate learning interest
  • Allowing teachers used modern technologies and local materials such as video, specimen and audio visual in learning.
  • Allow teacher to upgrade their knowledge in the area of education technology in order to expose them to modern technological apparatus and how to manipulate their functions..



There are different opinions on the use of teaching Aids  in schools ranging from availability to cost of procurement, the following hypotheses were drawn.

  1. There is no significant difference between pupils cognitive achievement in a lesson aided with teaching Aids and another lesson not aided with teaching Aids.
  2. There is no significant different between ease in presentation of a lesson in teaching/learning aided with teaching aids and another not aided with teaching aids.


LEARNING: Learning is any relative permanent change in behavior which occur as a result of practices or experience.

TEACHING/LEARNING AIDS: There are any form of material that can be aid or speed  up the process of learning with or  without any assistance  of a second person (the teacher).

BOOK: A collection of write ups stored for future referencing

PROJECTED AND ELECTRONIC MATERIALS: Projected and electronic materials are forms of media which could be visual, audio and audio visual in nature that requires projection and electricity in their using process for teaching and learning.

NON-PROJECTED MATERIALS: Non-projected materials are those materials that do not require any of any projection before they are utilized.

Phenomenal and manipulative materials: Teaching aids or instructional materials are mainly community based recourse that promote the teaching and learning of moral values and cultural activities of learners.

Computer: An electronic device capable of receiving/processing and analyzing date at an incredible high speed.


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