The Impact of the Strike on Nigerian Students


Nigeria has been facing various strikes from different unions in the country, with the most prominent being the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) and the Non-Academic Staff Union of Universities (NASU). The ASUU strike has become an annual event, with the union demanding better funding for universities and improved working conditions for lecturers. The NASU strike, on the other hand, is centered around the welfare of non-academic staff in universities. These strikes have a significant impact on Nigerian students, and this article aims to explore the effects of the strikes on Nigerian students.

Disruption of Academic Calendar

The most immediate effect of the strike on Nigerian students is the disruption of the academic calendar. When strikes occur, universities are closed down, and students are forced to stay at home. This can have a severe impact on the academic progress of students, as the time lost during the strike cannot be regained. For some students, the disruption of the academic calendar can lead to an extended period of study, as they have to make up for the time lost during the strike.

Mental and Emotional Stress

Another impact of the strike on Nigerian students is the mental and emotional stress that comes with it. Students are uncertain about when the strike will end, which makes planning difficult. They are also worried about the impact of the strike on their academic progress and their future prospects. The uncertainty and worry can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. This stress can also affect the students’ performance in their studies, as they are unable to focus on their studies due to the worry and uncertainty surrounding the strike.

Financial Hardship

Strikes also have a financial impact on Nigerian students. When universities are closed down, students are forced to return home, and they may not have access to the funds they need to survive. For some students, this means they cannot afford to pay their rent, buy food, or cover other essential expenses. This financial hardship can be even more severe for students who are not receiving financial support from their families. They may be forced to take on part-time jobs or engage in other activities to earn money, which can take away from their studies and lead to a decline in academic performance.

Inadequate Preparation for Examinations

When strikes occur, it can affect the preparation of Nigerian students for examinations. When universities are closed down, students do not have access to the resources they need to prepare for exams. This can include access to library materials, lectures, and other study materials. It can also be challenging to maintain the motivation needed to prepare for exams when there is so much uncertainty surrounding the strike. This inadequate preparation can lead to poor performance in exams and, ultimately, a decline in academic performance.

Delayed Graduation

The strike can also lead to a delay in the graduation of Nigerian students. When universities are closed down, the academic calendar is disrupted, and students are unable to complete their studies on time. This can lead to a delay in graduation, which can have a significant impact on the students’ future prospects. Delayed graduation can also lead to financial hardship, as students may have to spend more money on tuition fees and other expenses.

Reduced Quality of Education

The strike can also have a long-term impact on the quality of education in Nigeria. When universities are closed down, students are not receiving the education they need to succeed in their chosen careers. This can lead to a decline in the quality of education in Nigeria, as students are not receiving the knowledge and skills they need to contribute to the country’s development. This, in turn, can have an impact on the country’s economic development, as the quality of education is a critical factor in the country’s progress.


The strikes in Nigeria have a significant impact on Nigerian students. The disruption of the academic calendar leads to a delay in graduation, financial hardship, inadequate preparation for exams, and mental and emotional stress. The strikes can also have a long-term impact on the quality of education in Nigeria, which can affect the country’s economic development. It is essential for the government and the unions involved to find a way to resolve their differences and ensure that strikes do not become a regular occurrence in the country. This will help to ensure that Nigerian students can receive the education they need to succeed and contribute to the development of the country.

One way to address the issue of strikes is for the government to increase funding for universities. This will help to address some of the issues that the unions are raising, such as poor working conditions for lecturers and inadequate resources for students. The government can also work with the unions to find a way to resolve their differences and ensure that strikes do not become a regular occurrence in the country. This can include the use of mediation and other conflict resolution techniques.

In conclusion, the impact of the strike on Nigerian students cannot be overemphasized. The strikes have a significant impact on the academic progress, mental and emotional health, financial wellbeing, and future prospects of Nigerian students. It is essential for all stakeholders involved to find a way to resolve their differences and ensure that strikes do not become a regular occurrence in the country. This will help to ensure that Nigerian students can receive the education they need to succeed and contribute to the development of the country.

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