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This research work critically examined on Challenges facing Nigeria Media Establishment, faced with different organs of the media such as the radio, television, newspaper, etc.  I narrowed down my research to television using NTA Abuja as my case study.  Below is a brief run-down of my research procedure and finding. The first chapter looked at the historical background of the study, stating the research problems and the aims and objectives of the study.  It also highlighted the significance of the study to the existing stock of knowledge in the field.  The research questions, definition of the key terms, assumptions and limitations of the study were also treated in the later part of this chapter. Chapter two is a critical review of related literature.  Here, works of other writers in the field of marketing and promotion were reviewed, relating their view to the research topic at hand. Chapter three clearly stated the research method to be used in carrying out the research.  This includes the research design, the sample, the method of data collection and analysis. Chapter four is devoted to the analysis of the data collected and the result of the research in relations to the research questions.  Percentage and tabulation were used in analyzing the results. Finally, chapter five is the summary of the entire research work and some recommendation for further studies.



COVER PAGE                                                                                I

TITLE PAGE                                                                                             II

APPROVAL PAGE                                                                                   III

DEDICATION                                                                                  IV

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                                                          V

ABSTRACT                                                                                              VI

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                           VII


INTRODUCTION                                                                             1

  • BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY                    2
  • STATEMENT OF RESEARCH PROBLEM                              3
  • OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY                    4
  • SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY                    4
  • RESEARCH QUESTIONS                    5
  • RESEARCH HYPOTHESES                    6
  • ASSUMPTIONS                    8
  • LIMITATIONS                    9




LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                  13

2.1    SOURCES OF LITERATURE REVIEW                               13

2.2       THE  REVIEW

2.3    SUMMARY  OF RELATED  LITREATURE                          29


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                                      31

  • RESEARCH METHOD           31
  • RESEARCH DESIGN           32
  • RESEARCH SAMPLE           32
  • DATA COLLECTION                                                   34
  • DATA ANALYSIS           34
  • EXPECTED RESULT                                                  35


DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS                                     36

  • DATA ANALYSIS           36
  • DISCUSSION           42
  • RESULTS           47





  • SUMMARY 49

BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                                    54






Media are those channels of information, radio, TV Newspaper, magazine and journals, which can make the same message available to a cross section of people   spite their distance from the source of the message

Just as the nervous system receives, processes and interprets stimuli reaching the body, in order to achieve the needs, organize and correlate the activities of the body, the broadcast industry today collects information from a wide diversity of sources and places in the globe, processes and reports back to people located in an equally wide diversity of places in the Diaspora in an effort to bind parts of society together in their interactions and interdependency moves.  McLuhan’s postulations attracted widespread reactions, though.  One such reaction says the theory is at the very least technological over-determinism.  Thus critics believe the concentration on the differences between media could undermine class examination of various types of messages in the same medium or similar messages, across media.

Nevertheless, the extent to which the broadcast media have gone in making the work smaller and more interactive is obviously lucid.  The effects of these media are becoming so pervasive that people in the communication field are today talking of global neighborhood family.  Therefore, regardless of whatever the radio and television say, their very form (broadcast simultaneity in reaching a heterogeneous audience) facilitates relationship in the world to an unspeakable degree.  During world soccer and Olympic event, at least half the world is focused on one topic – a sports encounter between nations.  The media thus set agenda, interests and pursuits.

Accordingly ,it entails a system comprising nations in the Diasporal where people live and work in unison regarding given social, economic and political objectives regardless of religious learnings, ethnic nationalities, languages, race, geography, etc. and where also communication is used to give expression to the interactions.


Despite the excitement and noise about international relations, the international news and information media can hardly assume any meaningful international unity, consciousness and responsibility.  This is simply and squarely because each medium is interested in the welfare of its home country.  The same thing applies to the news agencies.  And treating news and information to suit a country’s interest means emphasizing individual peculiarities, which alienate other interests, introduce differences and complaints, and eventually become the problems and bane of true international co-operation through communication.

At present, international communication is an information battleground where countries showcase prowess in wielding linguistic energy solely to advance their interests.  All efforts to realize genuine international inter-relationship based on equity, equality, justice and honesty are given cosmetic touches and approached with ideologies that are subtle screens for media imperialism – the gateway to other domination types.


The objectives of this study are to find out the extent if the global challenges facing the Nigerian media establishments in dissemination of information, in doing so, the work will examine the NTA Abuja’s quest to these challenges as it affects Nigeria as the third world nation.

It will further focus on the advantages and disadvantages, which these challenges posed for the Nigerian media establishment.



This study is no doubt very unique in the sense that it focuses on the global challenge facing the Nigeria’s media establishment.  This obviously makes this project quite understanding since the research is concentrated on NTA, Abuja.

However, the study in its simplistic approach or analysis would make it possible for the researcher and more importantly those that are at the helms of affairs know the power of television and the challenges they face in the course of news dissemination.

It is therefore necessary to highlight the unique role, which the NTA Abuja is playing to wage challenges.  By the time of this work, it must certainly be borne in mind that what it entails to face the l challenges is self-sacrifice and dedication by the government and media men.


  • Has the NTA Abuja through its focus on Africa Programme been able to checkmate the activities of Western television against the third world media?
  • Has the NTA Abuja been able to mobilize the support of Nigeria through the focus on Africa to wipe out all social vices and global challenges facing our local media?
  • How far has the NTA Abuja via focus on Africa to mastermind other institutions in Nigeria to eliminate these global challenges?
  • Has the NTA Abuja been able to employ adequate manpower resources to meet with the trend of its focus on Africa programme to the nation?

For the effective study of this research work, two hypotheses would be tested.  Hypothesis is an idea put forward as a starting point for further investigation, and when formulated would either be supported or disapproved.

H1:    The NTA Abuja has through its focus on Africa progamme been able to checkmate the activities of the Western television against the third world media.

H0:    The NTA Abuja has not through its focus on Africa programme been able to checkmate its activities of the Western television against the third world media.

H2:    The NTA Abuja has contributed immensely in projecting the Nigeria media to face the global challenges in news dissemination.

H0:    The NTA Abuja has not contributed immensely in projecting the Nigeria media to face the global challenges in news dissemination.


(a)     Conceptual Definition:

  • Challenges: Tasks that must be fulfilled. Ability to meet with the actions.
  • Facing: Expectations of the work to be done.
  • Nigerian: Refers to the society in a nation. It could be one person or more.
  • Media: this is the means communication as radio, TV, Newspapers and magazines
  • Establishments: To start off a building or house. The foundation base where project could stand
  • Dissemination: Sending messages to one another. Ability to reach out to heterogeneous audience.
  • Information: As informed. The information could be oral or written.  Be inform or informed

(b)     Operational Definitions

  • Challenges: The result obtained after some actions.
  • Facing: The achievements of an experience encountered.
  • Nigerian: The people to whom the message were focused.
  • Media: The ability of the television and other media of communication to create awareness.
  • Establishment: The perceived message to the audience.
  • Information: Well informed citizen.

The Nigerian Television Authority Abuja, like all other television station in the country, should in line with the enabling decrees. Establishing the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), ensure that services which it provides reflect the unity of Nigeria and the general development and its zone, and the country generally.  The assumption is that NTA, Abuja like all other television stations in the country is expected to fulfill these expectations in the discharging of its responsibilities.

It is assumed that NTA Abuja is in position to meet these expectations especially the question of creating awareness and the mobilization of public support towards government programmes, since the enabling decree establishing its protects it to fulfill these expectations.


My limitations on this study were Iddu and Karmo in Abuja, which I know Abuja is having over one million of people in this community.  I made a sample; reason was to cut the time I have for this project.  I have to use a sample of one hundred ad forty people (140); because of the very short time.  I could not reach all the millions of people because of financial constraint also.   Then, when I came to staff of NTA Abuja, I could not interview as many of the staffs due to the nature of their jobs, and myself interviewing many people in different locations of my research, which I picked some of them for my study.

I could not source for all the materials I needed for the project, because there were no work done on this project in NTA Abuja, on the Global Challenges facings it.

I was among the first pioneer picked for the case study on NTA Abuja.

There are many other sources of information like the website and the Internet, but due to lack of fund, I was unable to print out all the information.  In spite of it all I was able to achieve the goal of this project from the number of staff.

The other would have been without the administration and collection of questionnaires made my job less excruciating and larger study could have involved a lot of traveling



The theory that reflects this work trace its root from the selective attention perspective.  In this aspect, theorists tell us that although the eye can handle about five million bits of data per second, the brain is able to compute the information at a much lower rate.  Obviously, at any given time, a person must select the information, which he or she will give active attention, or else nothing will make sense.

When one doe draw fro it, the person may either respond to the data immediately or transfer the information to a more permanent memory bank (Egeth 1967).

One of the problems associated with their global challenges is based on the audience selective perception, perhaps the most workable definition of perception is that it is the process of making sense out of experience (Haney 1967).

However, the process of perception is not as simple as this definition may at first seem.  To begin with different people do not experience the same stimuli in exactly the same way.  Differences in environment, differences in sense on reception or receptors etc. contribute to difference in the way a person perceives reality.

No two people invest a particular work with exactly the same meaning to one person; the word happy may mean not being depressed to another person.  This brings to mind again of the individual differences theory, which stipulates that no two persons are alike, even twin brothers.  The level of our perception on media exposure differ from one another and the global challenges facing the Nigeria media establishment depend on the way the people of Nigeria were exposed to the media both internationally.



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